OK I did it

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi again, After taking ALL of your advice I DID keep todays appointment with Dr Charisma-Bypass. And I fessed up that I didn't go for the mammo because I was in too much pain and ...........You'll never guess, he didn't give me a rollicking, he just smiled (well it might have been wind)and said it was fine by him and if I felt I could do it before our next 3 month meeting, great, if not, no problem. I nearly fainted! Add to that, the man was on time for the first occasion since I have associated with him... I think I'll just die of shock! "Be still, my beating Heart".LOL.

Hugs to all Jxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    There you go Tasha, life is
    There you go Tasha, life is always full of the unexpected. Sometimes it's even GOOD stuff :)
    Glad it all worked out well for you.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    See and here you were
    See and here you were condemning the man. LOL. Maybe he finally turned human? Well, I'm glad it went well and just remember life is always full of surprises. I'm glad this one was a pleasant one. Love ya, Lili
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    It occurs to me that just maybe some of our Docs sneak a peak or two on these boards. If so, they know just how fear-inspiring we are when the need arises, and perhaps he didn't want to have to deal with the likes of us if he didn't treat you kindly!

    So glad things worked out well for you! HOORAY!!!!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Ahhh Tasha thank you for the update, I am pleased as punch that it has all worked out. Isn't it just amazing how things can do a 180 when we least expect it.

    My best to you and even a few hugs!!!!

  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Dr. Charisma Bypass...hee
    Dr. Charisma Bypass...hee hee. Thanks for having such a great sense of humor. Don't forget to cop yourself a good feel - for now, at home mammograms may be enough. Till you are ready to take the plunge again. You know how they have dirty mags at the sperm banks, they should have whisky shots at the mammo. office. Or maybe just candlelight and soft music.
    love, Joyce
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Good for you
    Tasha, I am glad you kept the appointment, and I am proud of you. I know you didn't want to go and dreaded it. And your reward: Mr. Charisma-Bypass smiled! Plus, you made all of us smile, too.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    I love it
    Dr. Charisma-by-pass sounds like alot of people i have met on this journey. My last go-around with Physical therapy after 3 screwed up apts. (their fault) and i was surprised by a 50 dollar gas card and free lunch for me and hubbie in the cafeteria. The food sucked but it was the thought that counted.
    I am glad Mr. by-pass has a little bit of humanity! but do keep a close watch as Joyce-Louise said.
    I've been thinkin medical marijuana sounds tempting but guess by my weight gain i don'tneed the munchies. but the other effects would be welcome!!lol
  • Derbygirl
    Derbygirl Member Posts: 198
    Glad to hear that you kept
    Glad to hear that you kept your appointment and the mammogram might be done on another day. Did your Onc advise you to watch for breast changes like lumps or skin changes? That's what my Onc recommended after surgery in August 2008. No poking and probing of the breast at this time. Onc has done breast exams in the meantime, but I was told to look in the mirror, hands on hips and hands in the air to check for changes until advised otherwise. You might give this a try until your mammogram. My first mammogram is scheduled for 6 months post radiation (June).
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Well, well
    I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and told him that you were in PAIN! At least that man has some humanity. In the meantime, feel yourself up like the other ladies suggested.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    mimivac said:

    Well, well
    I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and told him that you were in PAIN! At least that man has some humanity. In the meantime, feel yourself up like the other ladies suggested.

    So glad that it went well
    So glad that it went well and that they are not pushing you because sometimes that's makes us retreat and not go to the follow ups. I can't add more to the good advice you have from the others.
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    fauxma said:

    So glad that it went well
    So glad that it went well and that they are not pushing you because sometimes that's makes us retreat and not go to the follow ups. I can't add more to the good advice you have from the others.

    Well Said and thank you
    I would NOT have gone to the appointment if it hadn't been for all of your support and advice to not "Run Away". I am now glad I did.... no further appointment until mid July!!!!!! Thank you all for your understanding and not calling me a Wuss. Luv Ya Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    tasha_111 said:

    Well Said and thank you
    I would NOT have gone to the appointment if it hadn't been for all of your support and advice to not "Run Away". I am now glad I did.... no further appointment until mid July!!!!!! Thank you all for your understanding and not calling me a Wuss. Luv Ya Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Never a wuss Julia. Love
    Never a wuss Julia. Love ya, Lili
  • Ltalcott
    Ltalcott Member Posts: 119
    fauxma said:

    So glad that it went well
    So glad that it went well and that they are not pushing you because sometimes that's makes us retreat and not go to the follow ups. I can't add more to the good advice you have from the others.

    BSA instead of BSE
    Somewhere I read about a recommendation that women do/have Breast Self Awareness rather than doing Brest Self Examinations.

    Make so much sense to me. How many of us have found lumps in the shower, while turning over in bed--while making love? (that last really put a stop to that particular love-making session, but that's another story!)

    I hated doing the BSE--was I doing it right? But if I feel them, chances are really good that a new "pea" or "marble" would stand out.


    Two mastecotmies and reconstruction--I'll never have another mammogram!! yippie!
