A Week After Having Exapander Put in I have a Question

RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello Everyone,

Well today was a week since my surgery and I went back for my check up. I did not see the surgeon, but did see his head nurse. She removed the bandages and said it all looked good. I however have a concern which I want to ask you who have had expander's put in about. You see I had been told I would have a drain put it for the excess fluid, I was even given a form to keep track of how much fluid drained per day. When I woke up from surgery there was no such drain. I did call the office and they said sometimes he does not put in a drain and that I should not worry about it. Now as the day's have gone by fluid has built up in the area of the surgery and to the side under my arm pit. The fact is it is rather uncomfortable and makes it difficult to sleep since it hurts. I did ask the nurse if they were going to drain the area that is swollen (which is what was done when I had my mastectomy). The nurse then stated that it was fine and that the excess fluid under my arm would be reabsorbed by my body. I reiterated that it was painful and made it difficult to sleep so she said she would tell the surgeon and if he had any concerns she would call and let me know. I guess my question is have any of you who have had expanders put in not had a drain, this just seems a bit odd to me.

My Best to you,



  • chriss26
    chriss26 Member Posts: 18
    Yes re I had two drains. One
    Yes re I had two drains. One was removed a few days after surgery and the other was in for about a week or until the fluid stopped building up. You should ask to speak directly with the doctor even if it is by phone. The nurse that discharged me did not empty mine properly and for 1 day I had no drainage and when this was corrected my doctor was a little upset and made me watch carefully for signs of infection.
    I also had my surgery 7 years ago and things may be different now but I would want to hear those words from my trusted surgeons mouth. Stay well, Chris
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Frankly, yes, RE, it sounds
    Frankly, yes, RE, it sounds strange. After my two surgeries (mas and exp) I, of course, wanted the dang drain out as soon as possible. My plastic surgeon did not take it out at my first week meeting saying he wants to keep that area nice and dry so it can heal. That fluid seems to be a good place for infections to breed. I would call or visit my surgeon and tell him that you are troubled by why you don't have a drain and ask that he explain it to you till you understand.
    Of course (!) I am not a doctor, but from my limited understanding, that is how it seems to me. I hope all else is well.
    I have been told that the surgery to put in the forms after they take the expander out is easier. So, by all counts, you are through the roughest part of the journey. Here is a gentle hug (the only kind we can take for a while). Later you can give hard hugs, your expanded breast will be like a barbie boob!
    take care, love, Joyce
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Frankly, yes, RE, it sounds
    Frankly, yes, RE, it sounds strange. After my two surgeries (mas and exp) I, of course, wanted the dang drain out as soon as possible. My plastic surgeon did not take it out at my first week meeting saying he wants to keep that area nice and dry so it can heal. That fluid seems to be a good place for infections to breed. I would call or visit my surgeon and tell him that you are troubled by why you don't have a drain and ask that he explain it to you till you understand.
    Of course (!) I am not a doctor, but from my limited understanding, that is how it seems to me. I hope all else is well.
    I have been told that the surgery to put in the forms after they take the expander out is easier. So, by all counts, you are through the roughest part of the journey. Here is a gentle hug (the only kind we can take for a while). Later you can give hard hugs, your expanded breast will be like a barbie boob!
    take care, love, Joyce

    I don't know about Drains, but I do know that
    Barbie's Boobs are 50 years old this week....maybe RE can change her screenname to PerkySet! :-)

  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I dunno
    I would definitely keep pestering the Doc until you get satisfactory answers. I believe the drains are to keep excessive fluid from building up because fluid is potential breeding ground for infection. The body produces fluid to try to replace tissue that is lost (as in a mastectomy), so I suppose the body would produce less if you have already had the mastectomy and are now having expanders in. I know a substantial amount of fluid can be reabsorbed by the body, given enough time, but if you are having swelling and pain????? I guess just watch for redness and itching. I got a skin infection after surgery and it was VERY itchy. I had expanders in at the same time as mastectomy, and I did have 4 drains. Everything healed up like clockwork, except for the infection, and antibiotics cleard thad up.

    Sorry you are having to go through this extra trouble, hope they can get it cleared up soon. seof.
  • chwoodall
    chwoodall Member Posts: 10
    I did not have a drain after
    I did not have a drain after expander was put in on my left side. I had a double mascectomy with expanders in June 2008. I had four drains in that surgery. My left side got an infection and I ended up having to get it removed during my chemo treatment in August....
    I just had an expander put back in on the left side in December and the dr. did not put in a drain for this surgery. If it's uncomfortable, then definitely call the dr/nurse to let them know... especially if you are feeling the extra fluid collecting... but I'm almost 3 months post surgery to have the new expander.... didn't have any problems with infection or fluid retention...
    good luck,
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    chwoodall said:

    I did not have a drain after
    I did not have a drain after expander was put in on my left side. I had a double mascectomy with expanders in June 2008. I had four drains in that surgery. My left side got an infection and I ended up having to get it removed during my chemo treatment in August....
    I just had an expander put back in on the left side in December and the dr. did not put in a drain for this surgery. If it's uncomfortable, then definitely call the dr/nurse to let them know... especially if you are feeling the extra fluid collecting... but I'm almost 3 months post surgery to have the new expander.... didn't have any problems with infection or fluid retention...
    good luck,

    Drainage issues
    I had a drainage tube in after the expander surgery. I would keep pestering the doctor for a direct answer. Also, did you ever see a physical therapist at any point of your treatment? I had a wonderful woman pt who showed me how to massage fluid to my lymph system-which is located in the center of your chest and your groin area (not just under our arms) and that was a great source of helping the body remove excess fluid from the surgery area. Massaging gently the fluid towards the lymph system was very helpful--and you just pee it out! Wow, arent' we wonderfully made?
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Drainage issues
    I had a drainage tube in after the expander surgery. I would keep pestering the doctor for a direct answer. Also, did you ever see a physical therapist at any point of your treatment? I had a wonderful woman pt who showed me how to massage fluid to my lymph system-which is located in the center of your chest and your groin area (not just under our arms) and that was a great source of helping the body remove excess fluid from the surgery area. Massaging gently the fluid towards the lymph system was very helpful--and you just pee it out! Wow, arent' we wonderfully made?

    Thank you all for you comments, I plan to call my surgeons office on Monday and I am scheduled to see him again on Thursday. What you said Melanie makes sense and may explain why I am in the bathroom more than usual this week. I am fine except for the pain under my arm and a bit of nausea. I will keep you all posted and thanks again for all your wonderful support!
