Maglets, where are you??? Yoooo Hoooo!

CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Just checking... I haven't seen a post of yours for awhile now. Did you go away for awhile, or are you still around home? And how's that snow of yours? Check in when you feel up to it!




  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    I'm here
    Hi Sweetie////No I am here Cheryl, thanks for asking and feeling quite well on round 2. I have been reading the forum every day and I started a little scrapebooking album of my cottage pictures this it is fun and time consuming.

    All well, just getting ready to go off to Hamilton for the weekend on a little break....cancer free??? I wish .....dragging my xeloda behind

    hugs to all
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    maglets said:

    I'm here
    Hi Sweetie////No I am here Cheryl, thanks for asking and feeling quite well on round 2. I have been reading the forum every day and I started a little scrapebooking album of my cottage pictures this it is fun and time consuming.

    All well, just getting ready to go off to Hamilton for the weekend on a little break....cancer free??? I wish .....dragging my xeloda behind

    hugs to all

    Ahhhhhhh!!! You hit a soft spot with me!! :D I'm not a scrapbooker (yet), but have great intentions of becoming one. A friend of mine is, and she has been doing it for years so knows all the ins and outs of supplies and equipment. Before my chemo started, I went about buying oodles and oodles of scrapbook materials. I could open my own store with the amount I've got... all fun stuff, fun papers, stickers, ribbons, nuts and bolts :D I thought for sure I would be apartment-bound during chemo treatment so I was bound and determined to have some hobbies besides the computer to keep me occupied so I wouldn't get bored and stuck with cabin fever ;)

    Hahahaha... little did I know, I was not going to be one of those who was home-bound! I was out every day and doing what I've always enjoyed doing... and have continued to since then. So my scrapbooking materials have not been touched... and I have soooo many pictures to organize and scrapbook :)

    Well, I'm glad to see you are doing great on Round 2... and going away for the weekend! Have fun!!! We'll see ya back here when you get back :)


  • butterfly23
    butterfly23 Member Posts: 256

    Ahhhhhhh!!! You hit a soft spot with me!! :D I'm not a scrapbooker (yet), but have great intentions of becoming one. A friend of mine is, and she has been doing it for years so knows all the ins and outs of supplies and equipment. Before my chemo started, I went about buying oodles and oodles of scrapbook materials. I could open my own store with the amount I've got... all fun stuff, fun papers, stickers, ribbons, nuts and bolts :D I thought for sure I would be apartment-bound during chemo treatment so I was bound and determined to have some hobbies besides the computer to keep me occupied so I wouldn't get bored and stuck with cabin fever ;)

    Hahahaha... little did I know, I was not going to be one of those who was home-bound! I was out every day and doing what I've always enjoyed doing... and have continued to since then. So my scrapbooking materials have not been touched... and I have soooo many pictures to organize and scrapbook :)

    Well, I'm glad to see you are doing great on Round 2... and going away for the weekend! Have fun!!! We'll see ya back here when you get back :)



    Hi! I read your comments to eachother and I too have taken up scrapbooking just last week! I love it!!! It totally puts my mind in a different place, plus you are always looking at some great memories while you are doing it! I had to put my dog of 13 yrs to sleep last week and that's what got me started with scrapbooking, instead of crying I am actually laughing at the funny things she did and funny faces she made!!! Of course, it can get expensive,but it keeps my chemo brain busy!!
  • trainer
    trainer Member Posts: 241
    IS that you in a new do?
    Great photo. The other was so dark. Did you trim off the golden locks?
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    trainer said:

    IS that you in a new do?
    Great photo. The other was so dark. Did you trim off the golden locks?

    You mean me??
    Hehehe... do you mean me, Trainer... or Maglets? Interesting how pictures come across, depending on the computer platform you are using. Mind you... is that your Apple in your picture? I beez an Apple girl myself and I love, love, LOVE my Macs :)

    Oh... if it was me you were meaning... yes, I decided to be daring and I had my hairdresser cut off about a foot or a bit more (in the back) of hair! I told him, if I ended up not liking it, he was going to have to figure out a way to glue every strand back LOL!!!

    But, lucky for him, I am quite enjoying having short hair... and REALLY enjoying the fact I literally don't have to do a thing to it! Just wash it, towel dry it, then run my fingers through it and voila.. I have a bouffant!! LOL!!

    (Good to see you posting again, trainer... I've missed your posts!)


  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    Checking in CAPTAIN HOP
    Hello everyone: Been a while since we've posted. You all have been in our thoughts and on our minds. Wondering how everyone is doing.
    Update on HOP: Doing very well and Dr. says NED. Praise God...Hop still has some pain but controlled w/ meds., and he wears out very quickly. Seems to be getting stronger every day though...especially when it's nice and he gets outside.....still problems sleeping and Ambien is taking care of that.
    He is encouraging his friends to get a Colonoscopy now, and since we came home from hospital, has had 2 friends pass away from this monster. I feel he is ministering in his own way about this journey we have taken and I'm thankful for that.
    I'm so thankful to all of you for all the support, caring, prayers, encouragement, etc., that you gave us.
    If we can give someone out there HOPE.....we're living proof that miracles do happen, so NEVER GIVE UP and KEEP PRAYING.
    Our love to all of you...we'll never forget you....trying to keep up with the posts also.
    Luv ya,