Something i think everyone should know about...

polarprincess Member Posts: 202 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
If you are currently going through chemo or have a loved one that is and you love support and kindness, there is a great organization called chemo angels at and they hook you up with people who out of the goodness of their heart support you during chemo and send you thoughtful little cards and gifts through the mail weekly. It is all free of course, and i think would be a wonderful thing for many of you who are having an especially tough time of it. There are a couple resrictions/limitations which can be found on the application form, but they do also make exceptions for those people at times it sounds like. I actually found a post on our own forum here from 2000 from the wonderful person who started the organization, and i copied and pasted it here:

Hi! My name is Laura. I lost my father to cancer 11 years ago, and ever since then I've felt a need to reach out to cancer patients. Last year I started Chemo Angels, and I would like to tell you a bit about it.
We are a volunteer group dedicated to adding a
ray of sunshine to the lives of those undergoing treatment for cancer. We believe that men, women and children who are going
through the physical, emotional and mental rigors of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy deserve some pampering and special treatment!

There are three ways to participate in Chemo Angels.

* As a diagnosed cancer patient who is about to begin, or has begun
treatment. We will send you a questionaire to fill
out, which will give us an idea as to what sort of
surprises would brighten your day and lighten your
heart. You will be "adopted" by a Chemo Angel who,
through small gifts, cards, encouraging notes, etc... will be your angel for the duration of your course of treatment.

* As a Chemo Angel. We are always looking for
volunteers to undertake this intensely satisfying and rewarding commitment. Whether you volunteer once, or sign on for life, you are welcome and needed! This is a commitment of time and money, however, and we ask that you only sign up if you are able to follow through. Each chemo angel is responsible for buying and mailing the cards and small gifts for his/her patient.

* As a Messenger Angel. Help us spread the word! If you know anyone who would benefit from our service, please tell them about us or send us their email address and we will send them an invitation!

Money is never solicited from either Chemo Angels or cancer patients, nor are financial gifts accepted from either. This is strictly a labor of love.

Please feel free to contact me with any
questions you may have.


Laura Armstrong
Founder, Chemo Angels

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  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    sounds good
    hey thats sounds like something i need. this sight has helped me so much,i am getting my port tomorrow and then starting chemo shortly after,and i am so scared of this stuff running thru my body.i got really sick with radiation and chemo pills[xeloda]and i know this other is alot more powerful.think im going to check these little angels out,thanks and God bless......johnnybegood
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Wow this is such a neat idea. I sure could use some little angel right now. My husband and kids just seem to be so overwhelmed by all that has gone on and I would love to be able to maybe communicate with that angel.

    Thanks for the post.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Wow this is such a neat idea. I sure could use some little angel right now. My husband and kids just seem to be so overwhelmed by all that has gone on and I would love to be able to maybe communicate with that angel.

    Thanks for the post.


    Guess I don't count now as I just finished up on chemo and radiation and waiting for surgery and more chemo, but I will definitely sign up after my surgery. I love all the cards I get from people and my CaringBridge Journal entries. So this is just another plus.

    Great Site!
  • Julie 44
    Julie 44 Member Posts: 476 Member
    Need this
    Thanks for posting about I can really use some help right now..Having a Very hard time dealing with this..I am down and out and feel like I just want to give up and not have to deal with all of this anymore..My daughter is the only thing that keeps me going...Hopefully chemoangels will help me Thanks
  • irene77
    irene77 Member Posts: 28
    thanks for the tip
    Can use the Angels going through Chemo have 10 more treatments to go.
  • polarprincess
    polarprincess Member Posts: 202 Member
    Julie 44 said:

    Need this
    Thanks for posting about I can really use some help right now..Having a Very hard time dealing with this..I am down and out and feel like I just want to give up and not have to deal with all of this anymore..My daughter is the only thing that keeps me going...Hopefully chemoangels will help me Thanks

    Julie, thought i would
    Julie, thought i would mention, there is also an organization called where they pair you up with someone who has survived your type of cancer..maybe that would interest you as well. hope you are doing ok.. i know this is a very difficult thing to go through..we are definitely here for you as well!!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    irene77 said:

    thanks for the tip
    Can use the Angels going through Chemo have 10 more treatments to go.

    That is a lovely picture of you... you have a gorgeous and very infectious smile :)


  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    That is a lovely picture of you... you have a gorgeous and very infectious smile :)



    I agree!
    It's so nice to put the faces with the typing.. You're beautiful Irene :)
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Shayenne said:

    I agree!
    It's so nice to put the faces with the typing.. You're beautiful Irene :)

    Chemo Angel...
    You know, I'd like to be a Chemo Angel for someone who is going through a hard time, rather then be a recipient, and it stinks, because people going through treatments themselves, can't be chemo angels :(
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Shayenne said:

    Chemo Angel...
    You know, I'd like to be a Chemo Angel for someone who is going through a hard time, rather then be a recipient, and it stinks, because people going through treatments themselves, can't be chemo angels :(

    ........anyone here or anywhere else be it a chemo patient, or surgery patient is an Angel to someone in here. When I joined in here it was like a group of Angels surrounded me with love and all upbeat emotion. Isn't that what Angels do ? I have Angels all around me in here and thats why im in here everyday, to get that uplifting spirit that comes naturally as soon as this page pops up.........I love all my Angels.........God Bless you all.. :-)
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    You are right
    So right about that, Buzzard, but I wish I could do more for someone, I wouldn't mind sending things to people who are having a harder time then me, I like giving, and this is a really nice opportunity to brighten someone's spirit, I just feel like, I want to do more. Oh well, maybe there's more out there for me to be involved in, I feel like I need to do something with myself for others, you know what I mean?

    Huggss and Blessings,
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    Shayenne said:

    You are right
    So right about that, Buzzard, but I wish I could do more for someone, I wouldn't mind sending things to people who are having a harder time then me, I like giving, and this is a really nice opportunity to brighten someone's spirit, I just feel like, I want to do more. Oh well, maybe there's more out there for me to be involved in, I feel like I need to do something with myself for others, you know what I mean?

    Huggss and Blessings,

    helping others
    ask at your onc's office; they might be able to hook you up with others that could use a life. Your nurse's would be a good place to start!
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Buzzard said:

    ........anyone here or anywhere else be it a chemo patient, or surgery patient is an Angel to someone in here. When I joined in here it was like a group of Angels surrounded me with love and all upbeat emotion. Isn't that what Angels do ? I have Angels all around me in here and thats why im in here everyday, to get that uplifting spirit that comes naturally as soon as this page pops up.........I love all my Angels.........God Bless you all.. :-)

    Buzzard and Donna
    You are right Buzzard in the Angels that we have surrounding us on this message board. There is so much positive feedback on these boards.

    Donna I wish too that I could be an Angel to someone too. I would love to give personal gifts and comfort to someone too. But I look at it as being on the boards we can do that too. So we can actually be Angels to lots of people.

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    msccolon said:

    helping others
    ask at your onc's office; they might be able to hook you up with others that could use a life. Your nurse's would be a good place to start!

    Funny you should say that Mary............
    you had talked about something like that before and the other day when I was talking with the nurse practioner I asked if there were anyone there that needed to be talked to or would want to talk with someone about the disease and she said yes there was. I told her that I would like to talk with anyone that asked for it but not to barge in on anyone making them uncomfortable. She told me about this one young man that was a little more progressed along than I was and he was wanting to quit chemo. She would really like for me to talk with him but she couldn't set it up to where I would be there when he was and he doesn't need to know that she set it up. I told her to set up my last chemo time when he was taking his and I would bring it up in conversation and just try to convince him like me to finish treatment. She said she would talk with the DR and see about getting it done. That is what I want to do. Be a helping hand at the Oncologists office and when people come in scared to death sit and make them comfortable and as relaxed as they can be. Most just want to talk to feel better. I want to be there to listen.......In doing something like this all you have to do is ask and there is soooo much need for aid in this type of disease. Most of it just being there to hold someones hand through it........God Bless