nubis Member Posts: 98 Member
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
I don't want to loose my faith. My husband was doing well, but he is getting quimo rigth now and his lymph node in the neck is getting bigger and is very painful. But this just happen 2 days ago. Before that we had the cancer under control and we were happy. Why is getting bigger??????????????????? why??????????
Now he will receive radiation, but first he needs to finish this quimo, today tuesday 03/03 we have an appoint at 3:00p.m , wednesday, 10:00a.m., thursday, 10:00 a.m. friday 3:00 p.m. and saturday a vaccine to help his white cell. Very long week for me.

Just when he is on pain, I just feel very sad, Is time to get clinical trial?, the disease is growing even with quimo? any advice.

thank you!!!!


  • hansie
    hansie Member Posts: 37
    only your drs can tell you
    only your drs can tell you whats next,Nubis.If you remember my wife got dx ed with small cell around the same time ur husband did We too have had ups and downs.Right now were on a good week but need to go to see a heart specialist as she has heart problems too,and a new tumor grew very close to her heart.You need to keep your faith.Every time the cancer grew with us they changed chemo to something diffrent,and it worked, and they will probably do the same for you.Youre in my prayers...
  • nubis
    nubis Member Posts: 98 Member
    hansie said:

    only your drs can tell you
    only your drs can tell you whats next,Nubis.If you remember my wife got dx ed with small cell around the same time ur husband did We too have had ups and downs.Right now were on a good week but need to go to see a heart specialist as she has heart problems too,and a new tumor grew very close to her heart.You need to keep your faith.Every time the cancer grew with us they changed chemo to something diffrent,and it worked, and they will probably do the same for you.Youre in my prayers...

    Thank you
    Thank you Hansie!
    We have the appointment for radiation. He starts this monday, I hope the preparation for radiation don't take any longer.

    I just hope this radiation doesn't have a side effect. His arm is very weak because the radiation on the neck (back) damaged some nerves. He will take some therapy it can heal but it takes time.
  • Karenfufy
    Karenfufy Member Posts: 5
    Don't lose
    Don't lose hope..................TRY NOT TO get too discouraged. My boyfriend is about to start his second round of Chemo on 3-23-different drugs than last time. It was originally diagnosed in May of 2008 (Small Cell Lung Cancer). By the time they found it it was ALREADY in his liver too. The four months of Chemo got rid of it in his liver, but there was still some in his lung. He was very weak also. White blood cell count was low, no appetite, etc. He was okay after that until Christmas night when I had to bring him to the E.R. He had been having EXCRUCIATING pain in his head for at least a week prior. Turns out, he had a brain tumor! He had 15 Radiation treatments-five days a week for three weeks straight! We just found out last week that there was MORE THAN ONE tumor in his brain too! Thankfully the Radiation got rid of ALL OF the tumors in his brain! But, UNFORTUNATELY, it has RETURNED in the liver and the one in the lung is apparently getting bigger again.................they say the next round of Chemo will be a LOT MORE HARSH as far as nausea, fatigue, and diarrhea. We hope not-he had hardly any side effects from the first round of Chemo. But you HAVE TO TRY TO keep going, I guess.......................I'm EXTREMELY stressed out and worried. Recently lost my job, etc. I'm glad these message boards are out there.....................
  • nubis
    nubis Member Posts: 98 Member
    Karenfufy said:

    Don't lose
    Don't lose hope..................TRY NOT TO get too discouraged. My boyfriend is about to start his second round of Chemo on 3-23-different drugs than last time. It was originally diagnosed in May of 2008 (Small Cell Lung Cancer). By the time they found it it was ALREADY in his liver too. The four months of Chemo got rid of it in his liver, but there was still some in his lung. He was very weak also. White blood cell count was low, no appetite, etc. He was okay after that until Christmas night when I had to bring him to the E.R. He had been having EXCRUCIATING pain in his head for at least a week prior. Turns out, he had a brain tumor! He had 15 Radiation treatments-five days a week for three weeks straight! We just found out last week that there was MORE THAN ONE tumor in his brain too! Thankfully the Radiation got rid of ALL OF the tumors in his brain! But, UNFORTUNATELY, it has RETURNED in the liver and the one in the lung is apparently getting bigger again.................they say the next round of Chemo will be a LOT MORE HARSH as far as nausea, fatigue, and diarrhea. We hope not-he had hardly any side effects from the first round of Chemo. But you HAVE TO TRY TO keep going, I guess.......................I'm EXTREMELY stressed out and worried. Recently lost my job, etc. I'm glad these message boards are out there.....................

    Dear Karenfufy:
    I don't know what to say. I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend story. My husband will get a Clinical Trial. Fortunately is a trial given in the same hospital so we don't need to travel to other city. I have a lot of questions but I'm doing what I need to do. It is just that when my husband is on pain I loose everything. I accept I'm far of my family, I accept I cannot be a mother, I accept I'm not working in my profession, I accept to put on hold my plans, but I don't accept the PAIN OF CANCER. It is not enough with all the changes on your life. it is not fair. When we will a have an absolute cure????? WHEN????? In our lives???

    I don't accept it.

    I will pray for your boyfriend.
