starting chemo monday

glinka65 Member Posts: 132
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
i am starting chemo monday got my port all is in place to get started, i was just wondering if anyone looked into any of the alternative treatments out there??? this whole chemo thing scares the crap out of me! my doc says with my age and health i should handle it fine, should being the kicker! i have searched and searched for info spoken to 3 different onc. doctors, maybe cause it is now getting close im feeling mervous i dont know but in my situation looks like options are limited!!! stage 4 sucks!!!!!!! thanks Tommy


  • irene77
    irene77 Member Posts: 28
    new to chemo
    Hi Tommy
    just went through my second treatment, I also was scared and looked all over for a different treatment, Chemo was the only answer hated the idea of the drug going through my body. I had to believe that chemo was my best friend. Kept a positive approch and it was going to cure the big C, cried and gave the chemo up to God and belived that the doctors and God new what they were doing.
    praying for you
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    irene77 said:

    new to chemo
    Hi Tommy
    just went through my second treatment, I also was scared and looked all over for a different treatment, Chemo was the only answer hated the idea of the drug going through my body. I had to believe that chemo was my best friend. Kept a positive approch and it was going to cure the big C, cried and gave the chemo up to God and belived that the doctors and God new what they were doing.
    praying for you

    You'll be FIne :)
    ....Hey Tommy, I too was scared of my first treatment, but it turned out that it wasn't as bad as it seemed..which chemo are you getting? I get the FOLFIRI, but make sure you have good anti-nausea meds handy, the first time I had treatment, I couldn't eat or drink for 4 days, because the anti-nausea meds weren't working for me, now that I just finished my 2nd treatment, they gave me Emend and Dexamethasone which worked like a charm. If you can, get some numbing cream from the doctor, a prescription cream which you put on an hour before you go, so that when they access they port, you won't feel the stick so bad. You'll do great, I'm the biggest wuss, and if I can get through this, so can you! But those anti-nausea meds make all the difference in the world, and the chemo itself doesn't hurt, you'll be fine, my doctor said the same thing..with your age and health, you'll do fine.. yeah, yeah, it's still scary, but once you have the first one down and know what to expect, you'll be fine. You can even ask the nurses for something to calm your nerves before they even start, if it helps, they gave me some Ativan which helped me calm down. Good Luck with it, I go again the 11th for my 3rd.

    I didn't look for alternatives, this chemo is to kill the cancer, and hopefully it works, I doubt anything out there would work otherwise..but, I'll do anything if it helps.

    You'll feel very worn down for a few days after they disconnect you from the pump, don't push yourself and nap often..when I get disconnected on Friday, it takes me till Tuesday to actually stop feeling like a zombie, and wiped out.. so give it time to work, and rest after it. I know you'll be just great!

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Shayenne said:

    You'll be FIne :)
    ....Hey Tommy, I too was scared of my first treatment, but it turned out that it wasn't as bad as it seemed..which chemo are you getting? I get the FOLFIRI, but make sure you have good anti-nausea meds handy, the first time I had treatment, I couldn't eat or drink for 4 days, because the anti-nausea meds weren't working for me, now that I just finished my 2nd treatment, they gave me Emend and Dexamethasone which worked like a charm. If you can, get some numbing cream from the doctor, a prescription cream which you put on an hour before you go, so that when they access they port, you won't feel the stick so bad. You'll do great, I'm the biggest wuss, and if I can get through this, so can you! But those anti-nausea meds make all the difference in the world, and the chemo itself doesn't hurt, you'll be fine, my doctor said the same thing..with your age and health, you'll do fine.. yeah, yeah, it's still scary, but once you have the first one down and know what to expect, you'll be fine. You can even ask the nurses for something to calm your nerves before they even start, if it helps, they gave me some Ativan which helped me calm down. Good Luck with it, I go again the 11th for my 3rd.

    I didn't look for alternatives, this chemo is to kill the cancer, and hopefully it works, I doubt anything out there would work otherwise..but, I'll do anything if it helps.

    You'll feel very worn down for a few days after they disconnect you from the pump, don't push yourself and nap often..when I get disconnected on Friday, it takes me till Tuesday to actually stop feeling like a zombie, and wiped out.. so give it time to work, and rest after it. I know you'll be just great!


    See girl, after 2 treatments and now your talking like an old pro....sounds like a nurse talking chemo lingo......If nothing else at least the jargin allows you to know what the Dr is telling you. Makes me feel good to actually know what is going on.....Keep up the good work, all 3 of ya, you'll all be fine...God Bless ya
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Buzzard said:

    See girl, after 2 treatments and now your talking like an old pro....sounds like a nurse talking chemo lingo......If nothing else at least the jargin allows you to know what the Dr is telling you. Makes me feel good to actually know what is going on.....Keep up the good work, all 3 of ya, you'll all be fine...God Bless ya

    ...Isn't it?? I'm still new to this though, and expecting more to come from the chemo, more side effects and all that, but you'll all be the first I question when I still have no answers, and things are going wrong with me! lol...

    Hugss to ya Buzz!
  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797

    Yep, stage IV sucks the big one! I did check out alternative treatments but I use them in addition to the chemo, surgeries and now liver radiation. I incorporate Eastern medicine: Reiki, Reflexology, massage, touch therapy, facials and yoga. I don't know if any of it helps the canzer but I do know that I enjoy it. I feel better and more relaxed after each treatment, so if that is the only benefit I'm way ahead!

    My biggest 'secret' is laughter therapy. It is unoffial at this point, but I do everything I can to have fun and laugh: funny movies, books, fun music/dancing, jokes, funny/fun clothes or earrings...whatever! Laughing makes me feel the best and keeps the willies away.

    My opinion is to go to chemo. The first cycle is scary. It does get better and we're here for you. You are not alone.

  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    kimby said:


    Yep, stage IV sucks the big one! I did check out alternative treatments but I use them in addition to the chemo, surgeries and now liver radiation. I incorporate Eastern medicine: Reiki, Reflexology, massage, touch therapy, facials and yoga. I don't know if any of it helps the canzer but I do know that I enjoy it. I feel better and more relaxed after each treatment, so if that is the only benefit I'm way ahead!

    My biggest 'secret' is laughter therapy. It is unoffial at this point, but I do everything I can to have fun and laugh: funny movies, books, fun music/dancing, jokes, funny/fun clothes or earrings...whatever! Laughing makes me feel the best and keeps the willies away.

    My opinion is to go to chemo. The first cycle is scary. It does get better and we're here for you. You are not alone.


    right behind ya
    hey tommy,got my port in yesterday still hurts like you know first treatment will be tuesday[oxaliplatin and then 2 days of 5fu on pump at home]i am scared to death what this stuff is going to do to me.i had a rough time with chemo pills[xeloda] and radiation. i had 5 weeks of that and it put me in the hospital,got down to 94 lbs i was a mess.i pray that this doesnt get me down i got to do 6 months,12 treatments in all.what about you?keep me posted. donna im so glad you are doing well with your journey....God bless...johnnybegood
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Cancer sucks hard in soft places...
    Hey Tommy,
    Sorry you had to join the club. While chemo is no fun it sounds like you will handle it well. It's a roller coaster of emotions and side effects but don't be afraid to ask doctors about any side meds for anxiety (xanax) or something for depression. I'm not saying you will experience it but it's not uncommon and I go with take what you need when you need it. I've been living with stage IV for 5 years and doing OK. Still in treatment but staying ahead of the cancer. It's just a spot here and there. I'm sure there are plenty of alternatives but I believe in modern medicine, it's kept me going this far. I won't rule it out if I get to a different point and chemo isn't working. It's amazing what they can do with modern medicine. Oh, one more wary of what you read on the internet, it can scare the crap out of you. Much of it is old data and remember, you are unique, just like everyone else.
    Hang tough and you'll do fine
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Cancer sucks hard in soft places...
    Hey Tommy,
    Sorry you had to join the club. While chemo is no fun it sounds like you will handle it well. It's a roller coaster of emotions and side effects but don't be afraid to ask doctors about any side meds for anxiety (xanax) or something for depression. I'm not saying you will experience it but it's not uncommon and I go with take what you need when you need it. I've been living with stage IV for 5 years and doing OK. Still in treatment but staying ahead of the cancer. It's just a spot here and there. I'm sure there are plenty of alternatives but I believe in modern medicine, it's kept me going this far. I won't rule it out if I get to a different point and chemo isn't working. It's amazing what they can do with modern medicine. Oh, one more wary of what you read on the internet, it can scare the crap out of you. Much of it is old data and remember, you are unique, just like everyone else.
    Hang tough and you'll do fine

    you crack me up
    you are unique, just like everyone else ...
  • paulette S
    paulette S Member Posts: 42
    my port is going in on thursday. i start chemo on monday- and then take my fanny bag home till friday and have radiation for 28 treatments. now im nervous that i will never feel good since i will have 5 days of chemo and radiation on top. im still nervous about getting my port but i am asking for a prescription for the creme.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    msccolon said:

    you crack me up
    you are unique, just like everyone else ...

    That saying always


    That saying always cracked me up
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    my port is going in on thursday. i start chemo on monday- and then take my fanny bag home till friday and have radiation for 28 treatments. now im nervous that i will never feel good since i will have 5 days of chemo and radiation on top. im still nervous about getting my port but i am asking for a prescription for the creme.

    Fanny pack?
    Good luck with the port. It's a pretty simple procedure for the most part. Many people have soreness from anywhere from 1-2 weeks to 4-6 weeks afterward. I never had radiation so I don't know what to expect but I've had very many chemo treatments. Go for the creme too, I don't remember that being around 5 years ago and if it was I wasn't aware of it. I still remember getting the fanny pack though and bringing it home for the first time. It was huge, you could fit a loaf of wonder bread in there. I quickly went out and got a normal sized fanny pack and was all set. I would even place the unit in a ziploc baggie and go kayaking. Ah, those were the days.
    The time will go quickly Paulette. Hang in there
  • sheri22
    sheri22 Member Posts: 273
    listen to the pros
    The port went fine right just read your post and the ones after it I agree with every thing they say I am on no 4 this coming Mon yep I have my 2 days on the couch too, some queasy stomache, but then its gone for 2 weeks and I live my life, I have a rule with it and it works for me this is my body and the ca is just an unwelcome visitor until the chemo kills it it does not exist except on chemo days and when I have to see my DR once a month in other words you have until Mon until you get the chemo enjoy your family dont let this ca rule your life I also get to have the fanny pack for 2 days and yeah I do some b---about chemo on the day befor and the prayers help too
  • glinka65
    glinka65 Member Posts: 132
    kimby said:


    Yep, stage IV sucks the big one! I did check out alternative treatments but I use them in addition to the chemo, surgeries and now liver radiation. I incorporate Eastern medicine: Reiki, Reflexology, massage, touch therapy, facials and yoga. I don't know if any of it helps the canzer but I do know that I enjoy it. I feel better and more relaxed after each treatment, so if that is the only benefit I'm way ahead!

    My biggest 'secret' is laughter therapy. It is unoffial at this point, but I do everything I can to have fun and laugh: funny movies, books, fun music/dancing, jokes, funny/fun clothes or earrings...whatever! Laughing makes me feel the best and keeps the willies away.

    My opinion is to go to chemo. The first cycle is scary. It does get better and we're here for you. You are not alone.


    thanks kimby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all info helps!!!!!!!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member

    my port is going in on thursday. i start chemo on monday- and then take my fanny bag home till friday and have radiation for 28 treatments. now im nervous that i will never feel good since i will have 5 days of chemo and radiation on top. im still nervous about getting my port but i am asking for a prescription for the creme.

    Don't even think about it in terms of you are having chemo AND radiation so you think you are going to be sick non-stop. It doesn't work that way ;)

    When I was having 6 weeks of radiation, I was also on chemo... and other than taking something "in case" I got nausea, the only other thing was I did have to take naps here and there. Sometimes in the afternoon, other times after dinner. But other than having naps and taking anti-nausea meds, I was out doing all the things I enjoy doing... working in the theatre world, a great social life with friends, and at that time, still walking all over the place with my little diva schnauzer, Bridget.

    Of course, one can literally worry themselves sick... and that's almost a guarantee that it will make you sick. Remember, the mind is a very very powerful tool and the cliche "You are what you think" is soooo true! Think positive, wonderful thoughts and it's amazing how they can come true. Think miserable, scary thoughts... and they too can come true.

    Me... I'd rather not risk it and I go with the "I can do this!! I have places to go and people to see, so I am NOT going to get sick" thoughts. It worked for me. Your mileage may vary :)


  • paulette S
    paulette S Member Posts: 42
    My goodness. thanks for all the words. i just live a very energetic life now being a fitness instructor and marathon runner and i feel like my life is changing so much. i still want to work and run. i just know this is going to bring me so down. that chemo, i mean i will be getting it for 5 days yikes and radiation for 5 days. i hope my body holds up. i have a hubby and 2 kids that need me and a very special mom so i am gonna be strong. thanks you guys
  • glinka65
    glinka65 Member Posts: 132
    PhillieG said:

    Cancer sucks hard in soft places...
    Hey Tommy,
    Sorry you had to join the club. While chemo is no fun it sounds like you will handle it well. It's a roller coaster of emotions and side effects but don't be afraid to ask doctors about any side meds for anxiety (xanax) or something for depression. I'm not saying you will experience it but it's not uncommon and I go with take what you need when you need it. I've been living with stage IV for 5 years and doing OK. Still in treatment but staying ahead of the cancer. It's just a spot here and there. I'm sure there are plenty of alternatives but I believe in modern medicine, it's kept me going this far. I won't rule it out if I get to a different point and chemo isn't working. It's amazing what they can do with modern medicine. Oh, one more wary of what you read on the internet, it can scare the crap out of you. Much of it is old data and remember, you are unique, just like everyone else.
    Hang tough and you'll do fine

  • glinka65
    glinka65 Member Posts: 132
    Shayenne said:

    You'll be FIne :)
    ....Hey Tommy, I too was scared of my first treatment, but it turned out that it wasn't as bad as it seemed..which chemo are you getting? I get the FOLFIRI, but make sure you have good anti-nausea meds handy, the first time I had treatment, I couldn't eat or drink for 4 days, because the anti-nausea meds weren't working for me, now that I just finished my 2nd treatment, they gave me Emend and Dexamethasone which worked like a charm. If you can, get some numbing cream from the doctor, a prescription cream which you put on an hour before you go, so that when they access they port, you won't feel the stick so bad. You'll do great, I'm the biggest wuss, and if I can get through this, so can you! But those anti-nausea meds make all the difference in the world, and the chemo itself doesn't hurt, you'll be fine, my doctor said the same thing..with your age and health, you'll do fine.. yeah, yeah, it's still scary, but once you have the first one down and know what to expect, you'll be fine. You can even ask the nurses for something to calm your nerves before they even start, if it helps, they gave me some Ativan which helped me calm down. Good Luck with it, I go again the 11th for my 3rd.

    I didn't look for alternatives, this chemo is to kill the cancer, and hopefully it works, I doubt anything out there would work otherwise..but, I'll do anything if it helps.

    You'll feel very worn down for a few days after they disconnect you from the pump, don't push yourself and nap often..when I get disconnected on Friday, it takes me till Tuesday to actually stop feeling like a zombie, and wiped out.. so give it time to work, and rest after it. I know you'll be just great!


  • colon2
    colon2 Member Posts: 183

    Don't even think about it in terms of you are having chemo AND radiation so you think you are going to be sick non-stop. It doesn't work that way ;)

    When I was having 6 weeks of radiation, I was also on chemo... and other than taking something "in case" I got nausea, the only other thing was I did have to take naps here and there. Sometimes in the afternoon, other times after dinner. But other than having naps and taking anti-nausea meds, I was out doing all the things I enjoy doing... working in the theatre world, a great social life with friends, and at that time, still walking all over the place with my little diva schnauzer, Bridget.

    Of course, one can literally worry themselves sick... and that's almost a guarantee that it will make you sick. Remember, the mind is a very very powerful tool and the cliche "You are what you think" is soooo true! Think positive, wonderful thoughts and it's amazing how they can come true. Think miserable, scary thoughts... and they too can come true.

    Me... I'd rather not risk it and I go with the "I can do this!! I have places to go and people to see, so I am NOT going to get sick" thoughts. It worked for me. Your mileage may vary :)



    So Right
    Cheryl, I totally agree with the theory, places to go and people to see. I'm the type of person who always wants to go and do . Doesn't matter what or where. I have always complained when my hubby would want to take a nap. i would tell him, We can rest when we die. Well, I am discovering that a nap can be a good thing. Funny how that happens, but I still am gonna give it my best shot to keep going and doing, as much as I can, for as long as I can. I start my second treatment on Monday, and I am hoping that it goes just like the first one. I was blessed enough to have no side effects (other than needing a nap or two). Although I am sure that as the medicine accumulates in my system, it will let me know, one way or another. That's okay though, because i have a strong faith in God, and He will go thru this with me.