Pain 19 days after surgery??

amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My husband was diag. with colorectal cancer 10 8/06; had surgery 9/06 and had a colostomy done. Cancer met to liver and had over 2 yrs of chemo. Sent to Vandy for clinical trial and then referred to liver surgeon who said he could do liver surgery but needed lung surgery first. Lung surgery was done on 2/10 at Vandy where they removed the met in the lung and 4% of his lung. Had pain and was in Vandy 4 days. Came home after 4 days home had to admitted to local hospital for uncontrolled pain. Was in local hospital 6 plus days and released with strong pain medication that he takes every 12 hours and then has a break through pain medication that he can take 1 to 2 5mg pills every 4 hours as needed. His CEA was 1630 before surgery. He is still having alot of pain...feels exhausted..sleeps alot..not eating much..Can anyone tell me if this is normal....When should I see improvement...The doctor locally oncologist said he was going to have pain and he might as well hurt at home. He hurts to move most of the time. Only getting up to go to bathroom and to weigh and be monitored each morning. Can anyone give me some idea I expecting too much. It is so hard to see the one you love with every breath you have be in so much pain and feeling so bad.
thanks for any help


  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Pain post-surgery
    Hi Anna... I feel for you and your hubby. I haven't had actual surgery on my lung, so I can't speak from experience. But from what I was told when we thought that might be one option I'd have ... it is an invasive, painful surgery. I'm surprised he had been sent home after 4 days. My understanding was that when they remove a chunk of the lung, that you would be in the hospital for 6-7 days and then home for a 6-8 week recovery. That recovery period can be quite painful and it's a matter of time and trying to get the lung to function properly again (IE: deep breathing exercises, etc. which are very hard to do because of the pain level).

    So, I'm not surprised that he is still feeling pain just under 3 weeks since surgery... on the other hand, if he is not eating, not getting out of bed, etc. and is too tired from the pain, then I really think his surgeon should be notified. At least you should talk to him so you get some peace of mind that what he is experiencing is normal and not uncommon. Perhaps his pain meds need adjusting. Then again, if he is on strong pain meds, that could be what is causing the fatigue and sleep.


  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797
    It takes longer for some to get over the pain than others. We are all different. For me, I HAVE to do a lot of walkiing to get past the pain. I'm the one trying to get up in ICU to walk because I know I can't get past the pain until I'm up. GETTING up hurts like h$ll, but once I'm up it gets better. By 19 days out, he should be walking quite a distance.

    Sorry I'm really no help. I hope the pain gets better soon.


  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    So sorry
    Dear Anna,

    I'm so sorry your husband is experiencing this level of pain, and I'm so sorry you have to watch it. What did the docs at Vandy say regarding this extended time and level of pain? Did you go back there to see them, or did you consult on the phone? I can't believe that his pain is going on this long and at this level. You are both in my prayers. May God give you relief.

    Hugs and prayers,
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I'm sorry to hear all he is going through. My last surgery on my lungs was in July of 08 and I am still dealing with some pain issues. I'm on a Fentenol patch and have weened myself off the dilaudid that I was taking up to 4 times a day. When I first got home the pain was very intense, especially where the drainage tubes were. It still felt like they were in there.

    I would guess that in the next few weeks it should start feeling better. Another thing, the pain meds just want to make you sleep and I found that walking around did help a lot, the rough part was getting moving but once I did I felt better for it.