First scan results are in..

polarprincess Member Posts: 202 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
And it's an all clear!! Liver, lungs, abdomen, pelvis etc..Even the radiated colon area looked picture perfect although it showed i was full of stool which surprised me as i take miralax and have 3 bm's a day...(too bad we haven't been able to figure out why i still have excruciating pain when i have a bm...) I thought i was going to puke i was so scared when she pulled out the report. I know it is only going to get scarier each time, and i am not sure how i am going to handle it..even the mammograms, paps etc.. are going to freak me out now. Of course i know i am not out of the woods, but i am 7 months NED now, and at least i can breathe for a little while... My First cea taken when i started chemo was 0.3, and now it is 0.5 so that freaked me out a little, but my doc did not seem concerned at all.. i do not have a pre surgery cea to compare to. My liver enzymes were slightly elevated, and she told me that was normal during chemo... so i went for cycle 8 today which is the standard for those who get radiation, but since i am handling the chemo so well with just the 5fu we are going to go for the whole 12 rounds and if i start showing toxicity then we will stop, so April 20 will be my last day!! the end is in sight!


  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    good news!
    Sounds like you got some really good news! Enjoy and let yourself relax a little!
  • colon2
    colon2 Member Posts: 183
    Enjoy the good news
    That sounds great and I hope it brings you some joy and peace of mind. We can all use some good news, and I am discovering that it is great to hear it for any of us. We are all in this together and with God's Grace we will survive. Relax and enjoy.
  • PamPam2
    PamPam2 Member Posts: 370 Member
    That is great news! You are
    That is great news! You are right, every time it is time for tests we all have that anxiety. I just got back from my doctor and getting test PET CT Mamm results, I've had myself a wreck for 2 weeks having them all done and waiting. And been Ned for 4 years, but just thankful everything looks pretty good. I have to ask you, do you get stuff on e-bay? I just sold something to someone polariceprincess, from Alaska, it would be wild if that were you! But I suppose that may be a more common Id than I think. Best wishes, and read the posts about how other cancer survivors cope with the old test anxiety, It looks to me like some of them do a lot better job at it than I do. Pam
  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797
    Great news! I'm so happy for you. You have a light at the end of that long tunnel! Celebrate! Go have some FUN!

  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    kimby said:

    Great news! I'm so happy for you. You have a light at the end of that long tunnel! Celebrate! Go have some FUN!


    I am so happy for you, I'm even scared to start taking the tests, nevermind the results, another story of hope for me, and others, I hope you go out and at least celebrate abit!

    Hugsss to you!
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Great, great news! I'm so happy for you!

  • polarprincess
    polarprincess Member Posts: 202 Member
    tootsie1 said:

    Great, great news! I'm so happy for you!


    thanks for the comments! I actually AM on ebay but my user ID is missingamanda17.. i will have to check out that polarprincess person though. thanks!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    That is fantastic, PP!! I totally understand you being anxious prior to getting the test results, but now you can relax. And relax you must... because anxiety and stress is the worst thing you can give your body when it is trying to heal and fight off the chemo affects. Now that you know the results are good, don't go working yourself up to the "what if's" for the next scan. All that does is brings down your immune system and you need that to remain strong for the remaining chemo treatments ;)

    As for the CEA... a change from .03 to .05 is nothing to worry about. CEA fluctuates, constantly! Fluctuations are totally normal and, in fact, if your CEA did NOT fluctuate, then you'd have reason to worry that it was then not a good indicator for you. And by fluctuating, it would not be unrealistic to have it fluctuate a couple of points. IE: you say you were at .03 when you started chemo... for all you know, that was a fluctuation on the low side and your "normal" reading is around 1.5... so if your CEA were to rise to 1.5 here you would be freaking out when it really has just gone back to normal ;) So don't sweat the small differences... if all of a sudden it jumped from .05 to 6.0 or 7.0, then I would be a little concerned, but only a little until they have done another CEA test in a couple of weeks.

