New scan report

saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I saw the gyn/onc/surgeon today and we high fived. The scan showed no change, still clear since Oct.
The Femara is holding the cancer cells back. The CA125 is stable at 50 and does not concern him. He did not even do a pelvic, since there was no change. He was not concerned with the cold that I am fighting. Aren't doctors compartmentilized? :-( No other appointments until the middle of April. The longest I have gone without test or treatment.

I do have the bone density test on the 26th that will see if the Femara is destroying my bones. Otherwise I am stable for now.


♡ Saundra


  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    High Five Is Right
    Alright Saundra- More good news. I hope this good news keeps on going. Is femara a drip drup or pill? I have done about all the chemos but not sure on that one. OH I pray this keeps on going well. I do Etopiside drip next week. Hopefully it will do well again. I am so happy for you and with Bonnie's being stable this is a good month.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    God Bless and all keep the good news coming
    Prayers and Hugs
  • marcy
    marcy Member Posts: 58
    green50 said:

    High Five Is Right
    Alright Saundra- More good news. I hope this good news keeps on going. Is femara a drip drup or pill? I have done about all the chemos but not sure on that one. OH I pray this keeps on going well. I do Etopiside drip next week. Hopefully it will do well again. I am so happy for you and with Bonnie's being stable this is a good month.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    God Bless and all keep the good news coming
    Prayers and Hugs

    That's wonderful news!!! God Bless. :)
  • Lauracec
    Lauracec Member Posts: 101
    marcy said:

    That's wonderful news!!! God Bless. :)

    what great news!
    I'm so glad to hear of your positive report. I'm praying that is stays that way for the next several years. teal hugs and prayers to you. Laura
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    High Five
    Hey Saundra, that is wonderful news and to have a clear ct-scan and ca125 of 50 WOW and Double WOW!! I can't even imagine hearing them words. Keep on doing whatever you are doing, still keeping you in prayer but right now a prayer of Thanksgiving for your fantastic news.

    Teal Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    Woo! Woo! Wonderful news!
    We UPSC Sisters call that "dancing with N.E.D." (No Evidence of Disease).

    That's such good news, the news we all hold our breath to hear! And it's still thrilling to hear it for someone else as sweet as you are.

    Dance on, Saundra!
  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    New scan wonderful !!
    WOW That is such good news...I go tomorrow to hear what my CA 125 & CT scan are....had scan on Monday and CA125 last week.....this will be my 3 month check up.Trying to stay positive......helps to know yours was so good.
    Teal ((hugs)),Joan
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    Double High Five!

    Excellent news for you. Praying that your bones are not being destroyed. And Praising God you are stable. Ever use Zicam for your colds? That is what I use and seems to keep it from progressing.


    In His Love,
  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    LPack said:

    Double High Five!

    Excellent news for you. Praying that your bones are not being destroyed. And Praising God you are stable. Ever use Zicam for your colds? That is what I use and seems to keep it from progressing.


    In His Love,

    On your wonderful report. God's best!
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Hi Saundra, That such awesome news!! High five on your ca-125 and ct scan. I will have my last treatment of Doxil on the 23rd of this month.I will have my ct scan on march 4th.If everything is clear they will give me a break.
    Sending you Buckets of Teal Hugs and Prayers,
  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163

    Hi Saundra, That such awesome news!! High five on your ca-125 and ct scan. I will have my last treatment of Doxil on the 23rd of this month.I will have my ct scan on march 4th.If everything is clear they will give me a break.
    Sending you Buckets of Teal Hugs and Prayers,

    More Congratulations!!!!
    Hi Saundra,

    Oh, what wonderful news!!! I'm so very happy for you! Keep up the good work. MichaelaMarie
  • JanQ
    JanQ Member Posts: 236
    great news
    Saundra, That is the best news I have heard in awhile! Praise God and enjoy!
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    green50 said:

    High Five Is Right
    Alright Saundra- More good news. I hope this good news keeps on going. Is femara a drip drup or pill? I have done about all the chemos but not sure on that one. OH I pray this keeps on going well. I do Etopiside drip next week. Hopefully it will do well again. I am so happy for you and with Bonnie's being stable this is a good month.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    God Bless and all keep the good news coming
    Prayers and Hugs

    Thanks, Sandy
    Femara is an anti estrogen pill like tamoxifen for breast cancer and works on about 1/3 of ovarian my doctor says. Since it is working on me, I think my cells must be estrogen driven tho i was never told.
    I was on HRT until diagnosis. The side effects are hot flashes galore and bone degeneration. I am having my bones tested this month to see what 4 months of the pill has done. ☺ Saundra
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    LPack said:

    Double High Five!

    Excellent news for you. Praying that your bones are not being destroyed. And Praising God you are stable. Ever use Zicam for your colds? That is what I use and seems to keep it from progressing.


    In His Love,

    Salt Water for me
    I just sniff and gargle salt water... Saundra
  • curlyq1971
    curlyq1971 Member Posts: 56

    That is awesome news:) Congratulations and God Bless.

    Sending a huge hug your way:)

  • rasunshine
    rasunshine Member Posts: 28 Member


    That is awesome news:) Congratulations and God Bless.

    Sending a huge hug your way:)


    Top of the mornin' to you
    Saundra, Bet you are dancing on cloud 9...wonderful news..Hug that beautiful body of yours.
    Zicam does work, try it will like it..HAVE A GREAT DAY..filled with sunshine and Love.

  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Great News
    Hi Saundra,

    This is such good news! I don't know if I am estrogen-positive, either, but my CA-125 has continued its downward trend all of these months. I'm going to ask my oncologist if I should be concerned about bone loss, also.

    The hot flashes are something else, and they seem to be getting worse! I'm also losing a big toenail, which I've read can be a side effect. More to ask the doc about...

    Hugs, Sue
  • ColleenN
    ColleenN Member Posts: 73
    Great news
    Hi Saundra,

    Great news for a Happy Valentine's Day!
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Doing the 'dance' with you, Saundra! Have a wonderful weekend, and weeks to come, NED!
    God's Blessings!
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  • softD
    softD Member Posts: 69
    unknown said:

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    More great news....luv it!!! Makes a good day great :-)
    Keep the good news coming,it gives us all hope
    Take care...luv Carolyn x