Hair Loss

deanna14 Member Posts: 732
I tried the baby oil for the scalp tenderness and it really seems to be helping.


  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291
    It helped for me. Also, when my hair was so thin and it looked awful, I had my husband shave it all off. It felt better, looked better too.

    Have a great day.


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    It helped for me. Also, when my hair was so thin and it looked awful, I had my husband shave it all off. It felt better, looked better too.

    Have a great day.



    I just used my regular face moisturizer for my bald head.
    When I moisturize my face I just keep going up and up and do my bald head too! I read somewhere that really short stubble could push down and hurt when you had on a hat or wig, so I left almost an inch of 'dandelion puff' on my head that I figured would lay down when I put a hat or wig on, instead of pushing down into my sore scalp. (You can see it in this photo.) Looks like hell, but my scalp never hurt since the initial hair fall-out time. But if you think you'll walk around bare-headed, a clean shave is the best look. In fact, with a young and pretty face, it can really be a striking look, least until your eyelashes and brows fall out!! HA!
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732

    I just used my regular face moisturizer for my bald head.
    When I moisturize my face I just keep going up and up and do my bald head too! I read somewhere that really short stubble could push down and hurt when you had on a hat or wig, so I left almost an inch of 'dandelion puff' on my head that I figured would lay down when I put a hat or wig on, instead of pushing down into my sore scalp. (You can see it in this photo.) Looks like hell, but my scalp never hurt since the initial hair fall-out time. But if you think you'll walk around bare-headed, a clean shave is the best look. In fact, with a young and pretty face, it can really be a striking look, least until your eyelashes and brows fall out!! HA!

    Good idea
    I still have a very very thin layer of hair. My husband doesn't want to shave my head. I will probably try to get my neice to shave it this weekend. I will try using my facial moisturizer. I have been just going bald around the house. I have a lot of hot flashes, so it feels good to just take the hat off. I'm trying to learn to draw eyebrows on, but they look pretty funny to me.
  • irishohiogirl
    irishohiogirl Member Posts: 10
    deanna14 said:

    Good idea
    I still have a very very thin layer of hair. My husband doesn't want to shave my head. I will probably try to get my neice to shave it this weekend. I will try using my facial moisturizer. I have been just going bald around the house. I have a lot of hot flashes, so it feels good to just take the hat off. I'm trying to learn to draw eyebrows on, but they look pretty funny to me.

    Hi Deanna and ladies! I am Kelly. diagnosed at age 39 with Satge3C grade 3 uterine cancer. I had 2 surgerys, 6 weeks of radiation and 6 months of chemo with carboplatin and taxol. I finished my last chemo june 08. Deanna I had difficulty at first as well drawing on eyebrows. Did you take the free looking good feeling great class by the American cancer society? I was given an eyebrow kit with stencils from Avon by a friend and it really seemed to help. I used both pencil and powder with wax to try and create a natural look. Don't worry you'll get the hang of it. And to be quite honest we always are more judgemental on ourselves, I always thought mine looked horrible but many people afterward said they never realized I had lost my eyebrows! Big Hugs to all of you!
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    Hi Deanna and ladies! I am Kelly. diagnosed at age 39 with Satge3C grade 3 uterine cancer. I had 2 surgerys, 6 weeks of radiation and 6 months of chemo with carboplatin and taxol. I finished my last chemo june 08. Deanna I had difficulty at first as well drawing on eyebrows. Did you take the free looking good feeling great class by the American cancer society? I was given an eyebrow kit with stencils from Avon by a friend and it really seemed to help. I used both pencil and powder with wax to try and create a natural look. Don't worry you'll get the hang of it. And to be quite honest we always are more judgemental on ourselves, I always thought mine looked horrible but many people afterward said they never realized I had lost my eyebrows! Big Hugs to all of you!

    Does the wax give dimension instead of the flat pencil look?
    Welcome! Welcome to our discussion board!

    I've never heard of the wax/power eyebrow recreation. Does the wax give a 3-D look instead of the 1-dimensional flat penciled-on brows? I have to see if I can find that, although it may be beyond my abilities anyway. I always wore mascara, but eyeliner and eyebrow pencil are both new products for me, and I haven't 'skills' with either yet. I went to the 'Look Good / Feel Better' workshop and the learned the little bit I know about liner and eyebrow pencil there.

    Is your cancer 'uterine cancer papillary serous'? I hope not. Although most of us posting here are UPSC (uterine papillary serous carcinoma) we would all much rather have one of the less aggressive and less recurrent types of uterine cancer.
  • irishohiogirl
    irishohiogirl Member Posts: 10

    Does the wax give dimension instead of the flat pencil look?
    Welcome! Welcome to our discussion board!

    I've never heard of the wax/power eyebrow recreation. Does the wax give a 3-D look instead of the 1-dimensional flat penciled-on brows? I have to see if I can find that, although it may be beyond my abilities anyway. I always wore mascara, but eyeliner and eyebrow pencil are both new products for me, and I haven't 'skills' with either yet. I went to the 'Look Good / Feel Better' workshop and the learned the little bit I know about liner and eyebrow pencil there.

    Is your cancer 'uterine cancer papillary serous'? I hope not. Although most of us posting here are UPSC (uterine papillary serous carcinoma) we would all much rather have one of the less aggressive and less recurrent types of uterine cancer.

    Yes the wax and powder really gives it a nice look. I would use the pencil first and make an arched curve, then i would take the powder and wax and make short stokes of hair through the line all the way down. I'm sorry i did not realize this was a UPSC board. I have a hard time fitting in anywhere because although I have the "regular" type mine was grade 3, which is aggressive and it spread to both my para aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. I'm looking at a 30% five year survival rate. Although in my mind it's a 100%! Is there a different board I should go to? Big Hugs!
  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291

    Yes the wax and powder really gives it a nice look. I would use the pencil first and make an arched curve, then i would take the powder and wax and make short stokes of hair through the line all the way down. I'm sorry i did not realize this was a UPSC board. I have a hard time fitting in anywhere because although I have the "regular" type mine was grade 3, which is aggressive and it spread to both my para aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. I'm looking at a 30% five year survival rate. Although in my mind it's a 100%! Is there a different board I should go to? Big Hugs!

    You Stay Right Here
    We are very glad you are here with us.

    Big hugs!!!!
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    Yes the wax and powder really gives it a nice look. I would use the pencil first and make an arched curve, then i would take the powder and wax and make short stokes of hair through the line all the way down. I'm sorry i did not realize this was a UPSC board. I have a hard time fitting in anywhere because although I have the "regular" type mine was grade 3, which is aggressive and it spread to both my para aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. I'm looking at a 30% five year survival rate. Although in my mind it's a 100%! Is there a different board I should go to? Big Hugs!

    This board is for ALL uterine cancers, not just UPSC!
    You're in the right place, Irish Ohio Girl! There was never a Discussion Board just for Uterine Cancer until last week when we UPSC Sisters lobbied the webmaster here to give us our own place. We deliberately made this a place for all uterine and edometrial cancer survivors. Right now the UPSC Sisters dominate this Board because we all 'moved' here from the 'Gynecologic Cancers' Board last week. But since UPSC represents something like 5% of all uterine cancers, we expect to have a much bigger community once the rest of the uterine cancer survivors realize they have their own Board now. WELCOME!!!
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member

    Yes the wax and powder really gives it a nice look. I would use the pencil first and make an arched curve, then i would take the powder and wax and make short stokes of hair through the line all the way down. I'm sorry i did not realize this was a UPSC board. I have a hard time fitting in anywhere because although I have the "regular" type mine was grade 3, which is aggressive and it spread to both my para aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. I'm looking at a 30% five year survival rate. Although in my mind it's a 100%! Is there a different board I should go to? Big Hugs!

    Welcome IrishOhiogirl
    Kelly sorry you have joined our discussion board, as no one really wants to be part of it. We will be so glad to have you share your experience with everything. Sorry to hear about your 3C staging. I too have Stage 3C and had positive lymph nodes, 4 on the left and 1 on the right, plus there were metastatic cells in the abdominal washing. I am so happy to hear people who have completed the treatment program and are still surviving, especially with stage 3C. You mentioned two surgeries. What two surgies did you have? Most of us had the hysterectomy, with removal of tubes and ovaries plus lymph node removals. I appreciate your input on putting on eyebrows. I am signed up for the Look Good Feel Good program in March. The other programs in my area were a few days after chemo, and I did not think I would be up to it that soon. I hope they cover eyeborws in the program. I appreciate your input on the Resources discussion also. Any other resources you know of would also be appreciated. How often are you check-ups scheduled, and what do they do for check-ups? HUGS.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732
    Ro10 said:

    Welcome IrishOhiogirl
    Kelly sorry you have joined our discussion board, as no one really wants to be part of it. We will be so glad to have you share your experience with everything. Sorry to hear about your 3C staging. I too have Stage 3C and had positive lymph nodes, 4 on the left and 1 on the right, plus there were metastatic cells in the abdominal washing. I am so happy to hear people who have completed the treatment program and are still surviving, especially with stage 3C. You mentioned two surgeries. What two surgies did you have? Most of us had the hysterectomy, with removal of tubes and ovaries plus lymph node removals. I appreciate your input on putting on eyebrows. I am signed up for the Look Good Feel Good program in March. The other programs in my area were a few days after chemo, and I did not think I would be up to it that soon. I hope they cover eyeborws in the program. I appreciate your input on the Resources discussion also. Any other resources you know of would also be appreciated. How often are you check-ups scheduled, and what do they do for check-ups? HUGS.

    Glad to have you here Kelly!
    You stay right here with us. The more experience with uterine/endometrial cancer we have here, the better for all of us. Knowledge is power, right Linda?
    Sorry to hear that you had to go through of this, but happy that you found us here. Having these wonderful ladies to talk to has been such a blessing.
    Thanks for the eyebrow tips. I did go to the Look Good Feel Better and go lots of great tips and free makeup. They showed the use of stencils and brow powder to create eyebrow, but I think they look a little silly right now. I still have my own eyebrow, so I am just trying to fill them in right now and make them look more like the stencils. That way maybe it won't be such a change when mine do fall out. I'm not really crazy about the shapes that came with the kit I got. I may have to check out the Avon website.
    Again, thanks for the encouragement and tips. I am adding you to my prayers. God willing we will all stay NED!! Then we can be the NED sisters. LOL.
    I had chemo today and lots of steriods, so I'm a little goofy..........
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    deanna14 said:

    Glad to have you here Kelly!
    You stay right here with us. The more experience with uterine/endometrial cancer we have here, the better for all of us. Knowledge is power, right Linda?
    Sorry to hear that you had to go through of this, but happy that you found us here. Having these wonderful ladies to talk to has been such a blessing.
    Thanks for the eyebrow tips. I did go to the Look Good Feel Better and go lots of great tips and free makeup. They showed the use of stencils and brow powder to create eyebrow, but I think they look a little silly right now. I still have my own eyebrow, so I am just trying to fill them in right now and make them look more like the stencils. That way maybe it won't be such a change when mine do fall out. I'm not really crazy about the shapes that came with the kit I got. I may have to check out the Avon website.
    Again, thanks for the encouragement and tips. I am adding you to my prayers. God willing we will all stay NED!! Then we can be the NED sisters. LOL.
    I had chemo today and lots of steriods, so I'm a little goofy..........

    Most of my hair is gone
    My hair started coming out on Tuesday just 12 days after my first chemo treatment. Friday I started wearing hats to keep the hair from falling all over. I would comb my hair several times a day and put the hat back on, and that helped the hair from getting all over everything. This evening it is so thin, I started wearing my wig. I tried to post a new picture, but the old one keeps coming up. (Linda how did you get your new picture updated?) Have had a little itching, but that is all. I have quite a variety of hats to wear also. Pretty soon I will be a member of the "Bald is Beautiful" Group.
  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291
    Ro10 said:

    Most of my hair is gone
    My hair started coming out on Tuesday just 12 days after my first chemo treatment. Friday I started wearing hats to keep the hair from falling all over. I would comb my hair several times a day and put the hat back on, and that helped the hair from getting all over everything. This evening it is so thin, I started wearing my wig. I tried to post a new picture, but the old one keeps coming up. (Linda how did you get your new picture updated?) Have had a little itching, but that is all. I have quite a variety of hats to wear also. Pretty soon I will be a member of the "Bald is Beautiful" Group.

    Bald is Beautiful!!!
    BALD IS BEAUTIFUL.... When I lost all my hair I had to call my parents up and thank them for such a nice round head, LOL and I never wore a wig, just bandanas and hats.

    I'm starting to join the fuzzy is beautiful group. Four weeks from finishing my chemo my hair is about 1/4". So hang in there, it's fun to watch grow back, I just wish that my eyebrows would hurry up and grow back!


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    Bald is Beautiful!!!
    BALD IS BEAUTIFUL.... When I lost all my hair I had to call my parents up and thank them for such a nice round head, LOL and I never wore a wig, just bandanas and hats.

    I'm starting to join the fuzzy is beautiful group. Four weeks from finishing my chemo my hair is about 1/4". So hang in there, it's fun to watch grow back, I just wish that my eyebrows would hurry up and grow back!



    Marge's fuzzy head
    I was happy to see my best chemo buddy yesterday at the cancer center. She was saving me a seat near her that I, unfortunately, didn't get to use since my chemo was delayed a week. But she is now off taxol and getting a different chemo drug (she has breast cancer) and she was sporting a little 'crewcut,' as her hair started coming back in. She looked so cute with her new super-short hairdo and I'll bet she ends up keeping her hair fairly short. You may like the look, too! She wasn't even wearing a hat, giving her new hair every chance to stay put and grow. She is also fretting about her brows and lashes not coming back yet, but she REALLY got good at drawing on the brows and eyeliner, MUCH better than I am. MARGE: You'll need to post a new photo so we 'baldies' can all be jealous! (and happy for you!)