Lost my husband one week ago

DianNH Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
I want to thank you all for being a place of comfort while my husband of 35 years battled pancreatic cancer and the strokes caused by the cancer. He lost his courageous battle on January 28th, slipping away in his sleep with his family at his bedside. Our sons were amazing helping out where ever they were needed and easing my burden as major caretaker. I cannot say enough good things about hospice. They were terrific and continue to keep in contact to make sure that I am doing alright. I have been surrounded by family since then and will continue to have family members staying with me for another week and one half. Then it will just be me and dog.


  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    Dian: you, the dog, and us.

    We will be here.

    Take care,

  • MR_SAD
    MR_SAD Member Posts: 91
    My thoughts and Prayers are with you during this most Difficult time.To lose our World as we knew it is as hard as being a caregiver and watching your Love fade away. My days are very lonely. I am glad to hear you have a lot of support during this most trying time. We are here to lend all the support we can. Take care
    Your Friend
  • hunpot
    hunpot Member Posts: 90 Member
    Thoughts and prayers
    Thoughts and prayers are with you during your difficult time. It is great you have alot of support. Hospice was wonderful with me and my family i actually just started seeing the grief counselor after 5 months I lost my mom. If they offer any groups i would suggest you join after your family and support leaves that way you can talk to others who have been in your place and find ways to deal and cope with being alone now. It is worth it and very nice to have that extra comfort. Try to remember all the good times you shared with your husband and now its time to take care of yourself. YOu can be sad and cry and grieve as long as you need your days will bevery lonely, but remember we are hear anytime or night to listen and offur words of kindness as we have all been through this and know your feelings and worries and concerns. He is at peace now and no more pain, try to find comfort in knowing that, he would want you to be sad but not for long adn to go on and live life happy, healthy and for him. Vey easily said then done but just remember those few things will help you through your tuff days ahead.
    lots of prayers and hugs to you and your fmaily!!
  • amandaleegr
    amandaleegr Member Posts: 7
    my condolences
    hi dianNH

    Firstly i would just like to say that i am really and truly sorry for your loss i also lost my husband two months ago and it is a terrible thing to go through from being a care taker of a man that you love so much to having no one to take care of.
    i am truly sorry.
    if you ever want to talk then let me know
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312 Member

    my condolences
    hi dianNH

    Firstly i would just like to say that i am really and truly sorry for your loss i also lost my husband two months ago and it is a terrible thing to go through from being a care taker of a man that you love so much to having no one to take care of.
    i am truly sorry.
    if you ever want to talk then let me know

    Sorry for you loss
    I am so sorry for your loss. I too lost my husband with lung cancer 3 and years ago. Time helps but you will have those good days and maybe some not so good. I hope and pray your days will be good with good memories. I feel mine is still with me. I remember what he taught me and our laughter of almost 28 years of marriage.
    Prayers and Hugs