New here

qwe Member Posts: 124
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I found out I had rectal cancer on 12-17-08
just started treatment 1-20-09 the tumor is
2.6 cm and stage 2 cancer close to stage 3
having chemo and radiation treatment for 6
weeks then heal fore 5 weeks then the DR's
will take out the tumor then another 5 weeks
healing by shrinking the tumor I have a 50/50
chance of not having a bag.Then another 4
months of chemo and radiation maybe just couple
time a week they have not told me that yet.


  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Sorry you had to find us, but glad you are here. I am just ahead of you - stage 3 (maybe) DX'd 10/22/08, chemo and radiation for 6 1/2 weeks, now I will have surgery in a few days - 90% chance of an ostomy - then mop-up chemo for 6 months.

    This is the place for you. everyone is helpful, encouraging and honest about what is going on. If I can offer any advice, it would be to stay OFF the internet...the info is outdated and downright scary. Come here with your questions and observations.

    Many hugs, Vicki
  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124
    VickiCO said:

    Sorry you had to find us, but glad you are here. I am just ahead of you - stage 3 (maybe) DX'd 10/22/08, chemo and radiation for 6 1/2 weeks, now I will have surgery in a few days - 90% chance of an ostomy - then mop-up chemo for 6 months.

    This is the place for you. everyone is helpful, encouraging and honest about what is going on. If I can offer any advice, it would be to stay OFF the internet...the info is outdated and downright scary. Come here with your questions and observations.

    Many hugs, Vicki

    Thank you fore your support I took off work with out pay till Sept that's
    what the DR said it would take that long to get better.So much has happened
    to me in the last 1 1/2 years major surgery hospital stay in Sept 2007 Feb 2008
    head on collision not my fault out of work 6 months and 3 surgery's now Dec 17 cancer things
    happen in 3's hope this is it can't take to much more.I'm just letting you
    know a little about me.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm sorry you've had so much to deal with. I hope your treatments go well, and that you'll be feeling much stronger and healthier soon. Welcome to the group. If you have to have cancer, this is a wonderful support group to be part of.

  • MoonDragon
    MoonDragon Member Posts: 183
    Hi QWE!
    Your dx sounds a lot

    Hi QWE!
    Your dx sounds a lot like mine. I call myself Stage II and a half. My cancer went completely through the colon but did not involve lymph nodes so I'm more than a II but not quite a III. I'm sorry you've had to go through so much in the past. Just goes to show how strong you are! Keep hanging in there!!!


  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    It sounds like you have been through a lot, I will pray that you are strong for the upcoming battle. Come here often and know that many of us are in the same battle as you.
  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124
    msccolon said:

    It sounds like you have been through a lot, I will pray that you are strong for the upcoming battle. Come here often and know that many of us are in the same battle as you.

    Thank you all so much I just
    Thank you all so much I just had my 10th treatment today and not feeling a lot
    of side affects yet the DR Said I will in about a week and 1/2 I Have to wear
    a chemo pump and do radiation 5 days a week have 15 more treatments.
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    qwe said:

    Thank you all so much I just
    Thank you all so much I just had my 10th treatment today and not feeling a lot
    of side affects yet the DR Said I will in about a week and 1/2 I Have to wear
    a chemo pump and do radiation 5 days a week have 15 more treatments.

    Hang in There
    I had a similar path as you - wore a pump for 6 1/2 weeks, had radiation Mon-Fri during that time also. The last couple of weeks were the hardest for me, but everyone is different. Just watch out for the exhaustion - take breaks or naps when you need them.

    We are here when you have questions or just want to vent.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    qwe said:

    Thank you all so much I just
    Thank you all so much I just had my 10th treatment today and not feeling a lot
    of side affects yet the DR Said I will in about a week and 1/2 I Have to wear
    a chemo pump and do radiation 5 days a week have 15 more treatments.

    take it easy
    Remember to take it easy and rest when needed. You will definitely feel the need to sleep a lot soon, if it hasn't already hit you. That lasted for me about a month or two after I finished radiation/chemo, then I started getting more energy again.
    I know it's a tough time, but you'll get through it.
    If you have a belief in the Lord, remember to lean on Him. While I was getting each radiation treatment, I would use that time (the short few minutes) to "talk" to God and also pray to Him each session for "maximum effect with minimum side effects". My tumor shrunk away completely from the radiation. That would be WONDERFUL if that happened to you, too! I do know of two other people that it also happened to. Even if that doesn't happen, it will help soften and somewhat shrink the tumor, making surgery easier and hopefully killing off any other microscopic cancer cells in the area. Best wishes to you!!!!
