Back in the Saddle

Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi All..You can't keep a good man down.......Power went out at 8 Tuesday and we got it back last night at 2 am...No phone..No computer...I missed all of ya'll and Thanks to all for the concern. I have a 300' driveway and it was completely covered in fallen trees. We are fine though. I live next door to my mom and sis and brother and we all piled up at my sis' home with heat (propane) wood stoves and generators so we had it pretty good. We have been trying to accommodate 23 people at this home from 1-80 years old and everything so far so good. I got home finally this evening at 12 noon and have been going non stop since 2 am last night when the lights came back on trying to get 4 houses ready for our families to try to settle back into..We are fortunate, there will be people out of electric for 2-3 more weeks. We are through faith raising spirits by visiting homes , taking gas and generators and food and water to the elderly. and just simply doing Gods work as we should and it is so sad to see some of this. People were just not prepared for this . It woke a lot of people up. Especially myself.....I am going to kind of skim through here and then try and get some much needed sleep. I will though be back on tomorrow and catch up with everyone. I hope everyone is doing great and in hopes that my God has blessed each one of you as He did us ..........Love to all.............God Bless ......Night...


  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    welcome back!
    So good to hear you are doing well and going about God's business. Keep it up and we will look forward to more of your insightful posts when things settle down.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    msccolon said:

    welcome back!
    So good to hear you are doing well and going about God's business. Keep it up and we will look forward to more of your insightful posts when things settle down.

    Hi Buzzard!
    So good to hear you're A-OK! you are doing wonderful things helping all those people, I can't believe my power didn't get knocked out this time. I'll be looking forward to more of your words of wisdom to others soon :)

  • MoonDragon
    MoonDragon Member Posts: 183
    Glad to hear you're ok! God
    Glad to hear you're ok! God bless you for being his hands on earth!

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    Glad to hear you're ok! God
    Glad to hear you're ok! God bless you for being his hands on earth!


    Oh buzz so glad you are glad you back and safe....what a trial
    sleep well
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    So glad to see you again!
    Glad you are all OK. We have missed your wisdom and humor.

  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    VickiCO said:

    So glad to see you again!
    Glad you are all OK. We have missed your wisdom and humor.


    So happy to hear from you again. Mother Nature has really been nasty with
    us these last few months; I went through three days with no power when
    the hurricane winds swept through here last September....that was enough....
    don't know what I would have done if the power had gone this time.....don't
    have generator, everything is electric.......guess I would have curled up
    with my the song "Two Dog Night"......welcome back!
  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    So, so glad you're back and all of you are safe and managed to stay warm. I'm so proud of you all for doing so much of God's work and helping others. You're our kind of people. I'm sure God is smiling upon you and saying, "Well done, Buzzard, Well Done ! ! !"

    Have missed your words and humor,

    Luv ya,
    Hop and Marygale
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Welcome back Buzzard! I'm
    Welcome back Buzzard! I'm glad to hear you're okay and are able to help others out at the same time. I hope you've gotten your much needed sleep now!
    I feel almost guilty with the weather we've been having here in San Diego. Sometimes I wish we had more real winter. We're all in lala land here in Calif about "real" weather. Everyone here freaks out and talks about "the storm" when we just get rain, even though it's so needed here. (it's dry and sunny here- the forecasters say we might get rain later this week- we're all hoping) News here is that California will be having water rationing this summer. It's been so dry here. Why can't our country's weather even out- one place will be unseasonably warm and way too dry and could be soon facing fires again due to the dry weather, while the other end of the country's getting socked in with snow and ice storms- doesn't make sense!
    I guess that's life- it certainly doesn't always make sense. Anyhow, I'm glad you're okay now. My kids and I have been praying for the people who were facing the cold without power- you're the only person I've actually "known" who was dealing with it.

    Take care and keep that wonderful, positive spirit we see so much of here from you-
  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member
    Glad you're back online
    It sounds like you had quite an adventure at your sister's home during the power outage. I can't imagine 23 people crowded into one house. God blessed you with the opportunity to serve him while others were so in need and you took advantage of the opportunity. Hope you get your driveway cleared soon. I know that ice storms and power outages are no fun. Here in Kansas City we have them frequently. They're still talking about the 2002 ice storm that we had. My husband and I went to work to get warm. Our power was out only three days (one coworker was without power for two weeks), but it sure makes you realize how much we rely on electricity. Hope you got some rest last night.
  • amcp
    amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
    Buzzard's back
    So glad to hear from you. I missed you and your encouragement and words of wisdom! You have been and are a blessing to me and I know to others. I am so thankful to you for your caring heart and your love for your fellowman. Your service and sacrifice to help other in need is fantastic. Praise GOD for you... HIS love shines through you. I am and will continue to keep you in prayer and thought that each day brings you closer to NED. GOD be with you and your family.