After the second treatment?

mrmauld Member Posts: 44
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
How is everyone that had a treatment yesterday? I have been up and wide open since 2am. I wish the roids didn't work so well. I feel a little nausea now but have been good all day and yesterday. How is everyone else doing?
dearest pink sisters


  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    Glad you are doing so
    Glad you are doing so well.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
  • mrmauld
    mrmauld Member Posts: 44
    ladybug22 said:

    Glad you are doing so
    Glad you are doing so well.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

    Thank You.......

    Thank You.......
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Second Day
    Hi, Michelle, the steriods affected me badly last time,too. In fact, I did not sleep much at all for 3 days. It was hell. This time, I got Atavan for nausea and for sedation (it is in the same family as xanaz and valium but lasts longer than xanaz). Am taking Atavan every 4-6 hours and am sleepy. That is much better than raiding all night and day. You might consider asking your dr for Atavan, or take Xanax if you have it. The only drawback to Xanax is that it does not last long. Another option is Benadryl, if it makes you drowsy.

    Hope you get some rest tonight.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Aww Michelle, was hoping you
    Aww Michelle, was hoping you would be able to rest. Hope you're better tonight. Hugs, Lili
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I hope you are able to rest
    I hope you are able to rest tonight, it does keep you up sometimes. Just remember it is only temporary and it is what will bring you back to good health. Be kind to yourself, drink lots of fluids and rest when you can.

    My Best to You,

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    a littlre bit wiser
    Hi mrmauld..
    Today is day 5 after 2nd infusion.And i am a little wiser..on what to take when i can't sleep. I also skipped the compazine which seemed ineffective, and took the ativan which lead to a good nights sleep. The chemo NR. told me (after 1st infusion) to try NOT TO TAKE the ativan unless i really really had to and i am wondering WHY???? It seems that is what is working for all of you special ladies so this time i took it and it WORKED just wondering do they think it is addictive or are there other side effects of it?
    The second day i did not take it i was boucing around like a chicken w/O a head! i did get a few things done though. The 3rd day i took the ativan and had a long afternoon snooze and slept wonderful that night. Then yesterday day 4 i also took it before bed but i think i should have took it sooner, as i was a emotional basket-case..i have not had to many bad days but i was angry (at the cancer) and crying the next minute. I am on Celexa now for depression but think i need to find something more effective. Although i know all of these emotions can't be fixed with pills..i am willing to do anything to help.
    I am so happy that you, Moopy and Mimi are doing well and that you are here to compare notes. I feel with the support I am going to make it,, If God is for us who can be against us!!
    God bless
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    rjjj said:

    a littlre bit wiser
    Hi mrmauld..
    Today is day 5 after 2nd infusion.And i am a little wiser..on what to take when i can't sleep. I also skipped the compazine which seemed ineffective, and took the ativan which lead to a good nights sleep. The chemo NR. told me (after 1st infusion) to try NOT TO TAKE the ativan unless i really really had to and i am wondering WHY???? It seems that is what is working for all of you special ladies so this time i took it and it WORKED just wondering do they think it is addictive or are there other side effects of it?
    The second day i did not take it i was boucing around like a chicken w/O a head! i did get a few things done though. The 3rd day i took the ativan and had a long afternoon snooze and slept wonderful that night. Then yesterday day 4 i also took it before bed but i think i should have took it sooner, as i was a emotional basket-case..i have not had to many bad days but i was angry (at the cancer) and crying the next minute. I am on Celexa now for depression but think i need to find something more effective. Although i know all of these emotions can't be fixed with pills..i am willing to do anything to help.
    I am so happy that you, Moopy and Mimi are doing well and that you are here to compare notes. I feel with the support I am going to make it,, If God is for us who can be against us!!
    God bless

    Ativan, Celexa, steroids, Oh My!
    Jackie, It does seem like we learn as we go. Glad the Ativan is working. I remember that I mostly slept through the worst parts of the chemo week. It's good to angry at the cancer and let yourself feel the grief now. I didn't and I fell apart after my treatment ended. Gotta deal sometime. I am taking an antidepressant now...same reason, anything to help. My doc says it is not uncommon for cancer patients to feel depressed and take antidepressants. She told me since I am over 50, that I probably should take them for the rest of my life! That shocked me. Has anyone else ever heard of that rule?
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    rjjj said:

    a littlre bit wiser
    Hi mrmauld..
    Today is day 5 after 2nd infusion.And i am a little wiser..on what to take when i can't sleep. I also skipped the compazine which seemed ineffective, and took the ativan which lead to a good nights sleep. The chemo NR. told me (after 1st infusion) to try NOT TO TAKE the ativan unless i really really had to and i am wondering WHY???? It seems that is what is working for all of you special ladies so this time i took it and it WORKED just wondering do they think it is addictive or are there other side effects of it?
    The second day i did not take it i was boucing around like a chicken w/O a head! i did get a few things done though. The 3rd day i took the ativan and had a long afternoon snooze and slept wonderful that night. Then yesterday day 4 i also took it before bed but i think i should have took it sooner, as i was a emotional basket-case..i have not had to many bad days but i was angry (at the cancer) and crying the next minute. I am on Celexa now for depression but think i need to find something more effective. Although i know all of these emotions can't be fixed with pills..i am willing to do anything to help.
    I am so happy that you, Moopy and Mimi are doing well and that you are here to compare notes. I feel with the support I am going to make it,, If God is for us who can be against us!!
    God bless

    No Warnings on Ativan
    Jackie, the nurse practicioner at my chemo center said nothing about limiting use of Ativan. Also, my sister is an RN who works one day a week in Chemo. She said nothing about taking Ativan rarely. She pointed out that it should not be taken at exactly the same time as Zanax because they are both sedatives: if I need both, she said, I should alternate or take one at mid-way point of taking the other. Just to avoid excess sedation. Ativan is in the Valium family, she said, meaning it is good for anxiety and nausea. She had only good things to say about it and did not mention any other warnings, besides not taking at same time as Xanax.
    Hope that helps. I am taking Ativan and am getting plenty of rest, no nausea. Much better than last time, when I did not sleep for 3 days due to steriods. Hated Compazine, which locked my jaws up and caused me to have to take Benadryl, further drying up my mouth.

    Hope Mimi and Michelle are doing well today, too. And Jackie who had her infusion day before.