My visit with the plastic surgeon

RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well everyone I went to see the surgeon regarding possible reconstruction and I must say it was actually PAINLESS!!! The only photo that was taken was of a clothed me. :-) Because of the lymphedema I have in my left arm he has suggested I do the most simple of the recon. to ensure that there is no damage to my right arm which is in good shape. He gave me two options the back flap or inserting the extender. I am going to opt for what he felt was best which is the use of the extender to stretch the skin to allow the inplant to be placed inside at a later date. If all goes well it should be totally completed by June. I will keep you all posted.

Thank you all for your loving support!



  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    Hey Re,
    I had reconstruction both with them using muscle from my back and extenders. I must say, I had my last tatooing done and I look fantastic. I am shocked with how great they look and feel. I was surprised at how great the nipples look in addition. I might post a picture if I get the courage. They are greatttttt. Angela
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Good luck to you Re, this
    Good luck to you Re, this has got to be exciting! A new boob! Time to celebrate. Are they going to use saline or silcone? I hear the silicone feels more natural. Good luck to you and keep us posted.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Hey Re,
    I had reconstruction both with them using muscle from my back and extenders. I must say, I had my last tatooing done and I look fantastic. I am shocked with how great they look and feel. I was surprised at how great the nipples look in addition. I might post a picture if I get the courage. They are greatttttt. Angela


    Thanks for the update I am so happy for you. I was a mess worrying about this the other day but after seeing the surgeon I feel so much better and am truly looking forward to it!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Good luck to you Re, this
    Good luck to you Re, this has got to be exciting! A new boob! Time to celebrate. Are they going to use saline or silcone? I hear the silicone feels more natural. Good luck to you and keep us posted.

    Now that i have made the decision to go ahead with it, it is very exciting! I am still in the first stage of it so I am not sure if it is saline or silicon. I will keep you all posted.

  • mrmauld
    mrmauld Member Posts: 44
    RE said:

    Now that i have made the decision to go ahead with it, it is very exciting! I am still in the first stage of it so I am not sure if it is saline or silicon. I will keep you all posted.


    I started recon at the time of surgery ,which was on dec. 3, 2008 I chose to do the tissue expanders at the time of surgery he only put in 100 ccs in each side due to my chest being so tight. He also had to put in muscle expanders due to my chest muscles not giving enough room for him to work, which he said will never come out. At first it is very uncomfortable because it is like it doesn't belong there. But he keeps telling me everything looks good and is healing well. I know you will too. Good luck and GOD BLESS ... mrmauld
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I am glad that the visit when much better than you anticipated. I always feel better after seeing my doctors. I'm so happy for you on this next phase of your healing. You sound really excited!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    mimivac said:

    I am glad that the visit when much better than you anticipated. I always feel better after seeing my doctors. I'm so happy for you on this next phase of your healing. You sound really excited!


    Glad the visit went well
    I too am glad the visit went well.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hey Re; I am so glad the
    Hey Re; I am so glad the visit went well. One of the most important things is to feel comfortable with your surgeon. I went to 5 different ones until I found the one the I felt comfortable with. You will do great and feel even better once this is all over and done with. I have to say my self esteem went up considerably once I had my breast. Now whether you decide to do saline or silicone, I was told that the silicone is much more natural feeling. Your doctor should have samples of both in his office which you can play with to see how they would feel. I wish you the best of luck Re, and am very glad you decided to go through with it. Hugs, Lili
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077

    Hey Re; I am so glad the
    Hey Re; I am so glad the visit went well. One of the most important things is to feel comfortable with your surgeon. I went to 5 different ones until I found the one the I felt comfortable with. You will do great and feel even better once this is all over and done with. I have to say my self esteem went up considerably once I had my breast. Now whether you decide to do saline or silicone, I was told that the silicone is much more natural feeling. Your doctor should have samples of both in his office which you can play with to see how they would feel. I wish you the best of luck Re, and am very glad you decided to go through with it. Hugs, Lili

    Good Good Good
    Glad that is behind you, now you can rest your mind a bit. The uncertainties take alot out of us. It always feels better when it is over, and we can move to the next level.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Hi Re

    I'm glad you decided to go ahead with the surgery. You will not regret it. I had a lumpectomy so I had reconstruction/reduction. I love it.

    But one warning. Get used to the pictures being taken. I had before, during and after. Every appointment that I had they took a picture. As everyone else said from neck to the first spare tire.

    Good luck with everything
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Jadie said:

    Hi Re

    I'm glad you decided to go ahead with the surgery. You will not regret it. I had a lumpectomy so I had reconstruction/reduction. I love it.

    But one warning. Get used to the pictures being taken. I had before, during and after. Every appointment that I had they took a picture. As everyone else said from neck to the first spare tire.

    Good luck with everything

    naked naked naked
    Darn it's like we are on display. I feel much better about it now, even though the idea bugs me. I added to the disclaimer that i had to sign that no photos were to include my face in any form, sidewayes etc. I also added they were not to be put online for other surgeons to review. I know I am such a brat!!!!! Trust me its not like I have much to show but what I do have is mine!

    I know by now you are shaking you head, me too. :-D

    Thanks for your support!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Good Good Good
    Glad that is behind you, now you can rest your mind a bit. The uncertainties take alot out of us. It always feels better when it is over, and we can move to the next level.

    You are so right, the uncertainties are a stinker....on to the next level I go!!!!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Hey Re; I am so glad the
    Hey Re; I am so glad the visit went well. One of the most important things is to feel comfortable with your surgeon. I went to 5 different ones until I found the one the I felt comfortable with. You will do great and feel even better once this is all over and done with. I have to say my self esteem went up considerably once I had my breast. Now whether you decide to do saline or silicone, I was told that the silicone is much more natural feeling. Your doctor should have samples of both in his office which you can play with to see how they would feel. I wish you the best of luck Re, and am very glad you decided to go through with it. Hugs, Lili

    Thank you
    Thank you so much Lili, I truly appreciate the support! I called the office today to schedule the surgery they will get back to me with a date.

    Hugs to you,

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    RE said:

    naked naked naked
    Darn it's like we are on display. I feel much better about it now, even though the idea bugs me. I added to the disclaimer that i had to sign that no photos were to include my face in any form, sidewayes etc. I also added they were not to be put online for other surgeons to review. I know I am such a brat!!!!! Trust me its not like I have much to show but what I do have is mine!

    I know by now you are shaking you head, me too. :-D

    Thanks for your support!

    We are all different
    It is good to have your privacy protected and I'm glad you signed the papers so you can be more comfortable with the whole process. Me, I start undressing before the doctor asks and don't bother with the gowns. :)
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    mimivac said:

    We are all different
    It is good to have your privacy protected and I'm glad you signed the papers so you can be more comfortable with the whole process. Me, I start undressing before the doctor asks and don't bother with the gowns. :)

    It would be easier if I had more of that in me, sigh I do not! Good for you Mimi, by the way I love the photo with you and your little friend.

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    RE said:

    naked naked naked
    Darn it's like we are on display. I feel much better about it now, even though the idea bugs me. I added to the disclaimer that i had to sign that no photos were to include my face in any form, sidewayes etc. I also added they were not to be put online for other surgeons to review. I know I am such a brat!!!!! Trust me its not like I have much to show but what I do have is mine!

    I know by now you are shaking you head, me too. :-D

    Thanks for your support!

    Lol I felt the same way. I
    Lol I felt the same way. I was such a prude when it came to undressing, and somehow I felt even more subconscious at the plastic surgeons office. LOL. I got over that one quick. I've been seen, photographed, put on display too many times to count now so I've learned to take it in stride. Hugs, Lili

    PS/ Last time I went after the surgery I had the little paper gown on and you have to understand he is young and not bashful at all, so he says to me : "Ok, Lil, flash me!" I started cracking up.