Understanding a pathology report

nycgirl Member Posts: 18
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Ladies,

I recently had a excisional biopsy done and my report came back fibroadenoma, moderate usual ductal hyperplasia with microcalcifications present within duct. My surgeon tells me that it means it was benign and that was it. I am seeing a gyncological oncologist for another issue and she asked for my report, once she read it she asked me if I had gotten any treatments. She said even though the tumor was an fibroadenoma, because I had moderate hyperplasia at my age(33 at the time) I should have had something. She requested my slides so her pathologist could see them and make his own determination, but in the meantime she was going to talk to some of her colleagues and see what they think, but not to worry. When the other doctors contacted me they both told me she said I have DCIS. I guess they thought she told me because when I asked them if they thought that too and they both told me I had to come in to see them and discuss it. So now it is a waiting game again, I should hear from her this week.

My question is when your pathology reports came did it SAY cancer or was it worded different like mine?

Thanks for listening, GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!!!!


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  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Pathology report
    I would say that it never hurts to have a second opinion, and neither does it hurt to be cautious and go with your own gut feelings. Ask many questions and i wish you all the luck in the world!
    I did not even have to wait for the pathology report as the radiologist told me even before the biopsy that it was 99% cancer. He could tell this by the ultra-sound that i insisted on after they had done a mamogram..another friend of mine with bc had told me not to just trust the mamograms. So i was in for no big surprise when the report came back. It is not an easy word to hear and my prayers for you is that they don't have to say the C word!
    God bless, Jackie
  • mrmauld
    mrmauld Member Posts: 44
    mine had a lot of words I
    mine had a lot of words I didn't understand too. Mine said Malignent Carcinoma , I knew it was cancer then because my dad had cancer when I was 15 and it was Carcinoma. I didn't get my pathology report until after I saw the surgeon and requested it. I did lots of research on every single word that I did not understand Online. That helped me more than anything. Wish you the best mrmauld GOD BLESS YOU
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    It wouldn't hurt to get
    It wouldn't hurt to get another opinion either. Do you live in NYC? Because if you do, I would get another opinion from Memorial Sloan. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, and that is what my pathology report said, so for me it was very black & white. Please let us know how you make out. Hugs, Lili
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    path report
    nuygirl, I am very glad your gynocological oncologist was on the ball with this. Sometimes doctors are overly eager to pronounce younger patients with a benign diagnosis (I am 34 and it was very difficult for anyone to agree to give me a mammogram in the first place, even after I found a huge lump). My report said "invasive ductal carcinoma" so it was pretty clear cut. Fibroademona and hyperplasia are both benign conditions, but microcalcifications can be an indication of early breast cancer and should be followed up on in most cases. It could be that the different pathologists came to different conclusions. It is possible and happened with me, too. If there is a difference of opinion you could send your pathology slides for another opinion. The good news is that if you have DCIS, it was caught very early and that is wonderful. Please let us know.



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