heart transplant successful, praise God.

krystiesq Member Posts: 240 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
One less thing to stress about. My sister in laws father got the call early Sunday morning that a heart was ready for him. He has been on the top of the list for a bit now. For over a year he has had an 18 pound pump in his stomach that literally beats his heart for him. He made it through surgery and his color and blood work look great. My knees hurt from praying so much but it's a good hurt because they'll still be hurting for sure since my mom's surgery is quickly approaching. It is scheduled for next Monday. Total thyroidectomy. Please keep her in your prayers that her potassium levels and blood counts are strong enough for surgery and that her surgery goes off without a hitch. Your all in my prayers as usual! Such amazing people you all are.


  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    answer to prayer
    That is awesome news about your sil's father! I pray the surgery goes well and that God guides the doctors and nurses involved. Same for the thyroidectomy for your mother on Monday!
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Good news
    Terrific news about the heart transplant. And we'll be praying for your Mom as well. I go in on Wednesday (4th) for my surgery... tell Mom to leave me some of the good drugs!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Sending big healing vibes!
    For everyone!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    That's fabulous that the
    That's fabulous that the heart transplant went so well. I know that relieves you quite a bit. Is your mom getting potassium now to get ready for surgery? Mine was low before my surgery, and I had to have potassium through my IV. Made my arm hurt like crazy, but it got me to where I needed to be. Hope your mom's surgery goes beautifully.

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Wonderful News
    That is great about the heart transplant. How is your mom doing? I will continue to keep her in my prayers. SUre hope her spirits are up well at least as up as they can be. Sending hugs!
    God Bless
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    dorookie said:

    Wonderful News
    That is great about the heart transplant. How is your mom doing? I will continue to keep her in my prayers. SUre hope her spirits are up well at least as up as they can be. Sending hugs!
    God Bless

    I'll be praying for your mom. So glad to hear about the transplant. Keep us posted.
  • krystiesq
    krystiesq Member Posts: 240 Member
    SIL's Father & mom Update
    He is awake, doing well and says his chest hurts like h e l l. But he knew what to expect because he already had his chest cracked once to get the pump installed. It is amazing what advances have been made in this field. Now, when is the cure for colon cancer going to be headline news? The heart he received came from a 20 year old and I've been praying that their family finds peace and can appreciate that their loved one has provided life for another. The doc said that they put the heart in and it started beating immediately.

    As for my mom, her spirits are level. I want them to be high but she had a tough go with chemo last time and is recovering slower than usual but she is hanging in there. She is on a potassium supplement but it upsets her stomach. I know the surgeon will check the blood levels prior to surgery and hopefully if they aren't normal they will give her potassium chloride and move on with surgery. I know she is anxious to get the cancerous thyroid out and move on with her fight against the other beast.

    We sure are being hit with a storm here in Ohio. It is beautiful yet dangerous outside. I made my brother come and get me for work today as we work together, he has 4 wheel drive and I have a VW jetta so do that math. Every county around us has level 2 or 3 snow emergencies. Be careful if you are traveling fellow midwesterners.
  • lbquestman
    lbquestman Member Posts: 2
    The power of prayer and the love of god..Is the ultimate highway ...Thank god your prayers were heard !!!! My prayers are with you also..