Hair falling out?
Misery loves company, I guessrjjj said:Glad to know it gets better
Hi! I thought it would be easier than this. My head feels like it is being stuck with pins and needles..and the headache was so bad last nite that i was up most of the night..just shedding some hair. I finally got to sleep and planned on sleeping in..but my sister called (from another state) she was so upbeat (which i told her she had to be) and heading to work and enjoying the day. I became so envious when i got off the phone, even though i love her dearly and nothing more than her happiness. I became angry at this stupid cancer robbing me of a beautiful Sunday. I know the things i should do to make myself feel better, but its hard with my head pounding and not knowing when the hair is going to fall out makes me afraid to leave the house. How I long for it to be summer and to go out to my garden in the sunshine!!
OK enough of that and sorry for the pity party. Just one more thing,do your eyelashes and brows grow back to? and has anyone tried those false eyelashes? Didn't think i would be so vain...but i miss the old me.
So glad that i have you all to make me laugh and give me hope that it will get better!
God bless all you beautiful survivors.
The Moop was having a headache yesterday too. She had me search this forum and elsewhere for signs that this was "normal" prior to losing the hair. This morning she was wanting to wash her hair but decided against for two reasons: 1) it would probably fall out and 2) it would probably hurt.
So now Moopsy is having a nice long phone chat with her dad and stepmom in Tennessee. I have the sneaking suspicion that she is going to drag me out shopping AGAIN. Oh well... I'll just bring along the iTouch she gave me for Christmas.0 -
Eyelashes and eyebrowsrjjj said:Glad to know it gets better
Hi! I thought it would be easier than this. My head feels like it is being stuck with pins and needles..and the headache was so bad last nite that i was up most of the night..just shedding some hair. I finally got to sleep and planned on sleeping in..but my sister called (from another state) she was so upbeat (which i told her she had to be) and heading to work and enjoying the day. I became so envious when i got off the phone, even though i love her dearly and nothing more than her happiness. I became angry at this stupid cancer robbing me of a beautiful Sunday. I know the things i should do to make myself feel better, but its hard with my head pounding and not knowing when the hair is going to fall out makes me afraid to leave the house. How I long for it to be summer and to go out to my garden in the sunshine!!
OK enough of that and sorry for the pity party. Just one more thing,do your eyelashes and brows grow back to? and has anyone tried those false eyelashes? Didn't think i would be so vain...but i miss the old me.
So glad that i have you all to make me laugh and give me hope that it will get better!
God bless all you beautiful survivors.
I'm sorry about the headaches, guys. How about extra strength Tylenol? Any help there? My oncologist assured me that eyelashes and eyebrows will also grow back. Mine have thinned out a bit, but are not gone completely. I know there are great products out there to draw in eyebrows and such. A friend of mine has to draw her's in and you would absolutely never know, they look so natural.
Jackie, don't beat yourself up for feeling bad. You are entitled to feel whatever you feel. Give yourself a break; you can still enjoy a nice Sunday, I'm sure of it. Let yourself do whatever you enjoy. Maybe a nice soothing bubble bath or a relaxing cup of tea with a good book -- anything that makes you feel relaxed and good.
Mimi0 -
another lovely smilerjjj said:Glad to know it gets better
Hi! I thought it would be easier than this. My head feels like it is being stuck with pins and needles..and the headache was so bad last nite that i was up most of the night..just shedding some hair. I finally got to sleep and planned on sleeping in..but my sister called (from another state) she was so upbeat (which i told her she had to be) and heading to work and enjoying the day. I became so envious when i got off the phone, even though i love her dearly and nothing more than her happiness. I became angry at this stupid cancer robbing me of a beautiful Sunday. I know the things i should do to make myself feel better, but its hard with my head pounding and not knowing when the hair is going to fall out makes me afraid to leave the house. How I long for it to be summer and to go out to my garden in the sunshine!!
OK enough of that and sorry for the pity party. Just one more thing,do your eyelashes and brows grow back to? and has anyone tried those false eyelashes? Didn't think i would be so vain...but i miss the old me.
So glad that i have you all to make me laugh and give me hope that it will get better!
God bless all you beautiful survivors.
Just thought I would tell you that the first thing I noticed about you in your picture is not your hair. It is a beautiful smile and laughing eyes. A bald head can be covered with a wig, a hat or a scarf or you can go sans anything but if a person doesn't have a welcoming smile and laughing eyes they can do nothing to improve or hide them. Just flash that smile and let your face light up and you will be fine. As far as the headaches, the ladies who have gone through this would be better able to advise you. I did not go through chemo so I didn't deal with the loss of hair so I don't know how I would have reacted except that when chemo was being considered I talked to my hairdresser and we were going to shave before any treatments. For me, I decided I wasn't giving anything to this cancer. But each of us is different and what works for one doesn't work for someone else. And pity parties are so allowed. This is a very traumatic change and not easy to accept. Just like the gal that is worried about pictures of her breasts for reconstruction. It is just one more invasion of our privacy, one more insult to our bodies. Our personal and private space is being invaded, mutilated and then photographed. For some this is more traumatic than others. I had only bilateral lumpectomies and sentinel node biopsies. Between those scars and my gall bladder scars and the hysterectomy scars I look like a survivor from a slasher film. Maybe I can become a body double for a horror movie. Well, only if the actress is a short, overweight, 60 year old but it could happen, couldn't it? If you all haven't noticed, I deal with this with humor, sometimes over the top irreverent humor but it gets me through the day. But truly, Jackie, know that a big cyber hug is coming your way and that this sister thinks you are a beautiful lady and will be with or without hair, lashes or brows.
Just keep smiling.
Stef0 -
My eyebrows didn't fall outrjjj said:Glad to know it gets better
Hi! I thought it would be easier than this. My head feels like it is being stuck with pins and needles..and the headache was so bad last nite that i was up most of the night..just shedding some hair. I finally got to sleep and planned on sleeping in..but my sister called (from another state) she was so upbeat (which i told her she had to be) and heading to work and enjoying the day. I became so envious when i got off the phone, even though i love her dearly and nothing more than her happiness. I became angry at this stupid cancer robbing me of a beautiful Sunday. I know the things i should do to make myself feel better, but its hard with my head pounding and not knowing when the hair is going to fall out makes me afraid to leave the house. How I long for it to be summer and to go out to my garden in the sunshine!!
OK enough of that and sorry for the pity party. Just one more thing,do your eyelashes and brows grow back to? and has anyone tried those false eyelashes? Didn't think i would be so vain...but i miss the old me.
So glad that i have you all to make me laugh and give me hope that it will get better!
God bless all you beautiful survivors.
My eyebrows didn't fall out but my eyelashes thinned out. I would put on some light brown eyeliner to compliment the eyes and take the focus away from the lashes. Jackie, just think that by the summer your hair will be growing in. You will be able to go out without a scarf, hat or wig. Woohooo!!! Now that's something to look forward to besides beautiful warm and sunny days. Hugs, Lili0 -
A beautiful smile
I agree with Stef -- you have a beautiful smile and wonderful eyes, Jackie. They will be even more apparent sans hair. I understand about all the invasions to our bodies, but I have to say that I really don't mind those at all. I love my body; it has gotten me this far in life, and I don't mind when doctors have to look it over or take pictures or whatever. I always think that they have seen a lot worse than mine and they're helping me to preserve what nature gave me -- so they can take a hundred Polaroids if they have to! Maybe I'm weird, but I've never been modest about stuff like that. We all have pretty much similar body parts and doctors are not easily shocked or moved by breasts, scars, burns, or things that we can't even imagine now that other people have. Just an opinion, anyway.
Mimi0 -
No need to apologizerjjj said:Glad to know it gets better
Hi! I thought it would be easier than this. My head feels like it is being stuck with pins and needles..and the headache was so bad last nite that i was up most of the night..just shedding some hair. I finally got to sleep and planned on sleeping in..but my sister called (from another state) she was so upbeat (which i told her she had to be) and heading to work and enjoying the day. I became so envious when i got off the phone, even though i love her dearly and nothing more than her happiness. I became angry at this stupid cancer robbing me of a beautiful Sunday. I know the things i should do to make myself feel better, but its hard with my head pounding and not knowing when the hair is going to fall out makes me afraid to leave the house. How I long for it to be summer and to go out to my garden in the sunshine!!
OK enough of that and sorry for the pity party. Just one more thing,do your eyelashes and brows grow back to? and has anyone tried those false eyelashes? Didn't think i would be so vain...but i miss the old me.
So glad that i have you all to make me laugh and give me hope that it will get better!
God bless all you beautiful survivors.
I didn't lose my eyebrows and eyelashes until 2-3 weeks after chemo ended. They did return. My eyebrows are about the same as before. My eyelashes are thinner and not as 'long and lushes.'
My best friend's mom's eyebrows never did return. She ended up having some tattooed on.0 -
I agreemimivac said:A beautiful smile
I agree with Stef -- you have a beautiful smile and wonderful eyes, Jackie. They will be even more apparent sans hair. I understand about all the invasions to our bodies, but I have to say that I really don't mind those at all. I love my body; it has gotten me this far in life, and I don't mind when doctors have to look it over or take pictures or whatever. I always think that they have seen a lot worse than mine and they're helping me to preserve what nature gave me -- so they can take a hundred Polaroids if they have to! Maybe I'm weird, but I've never been modest about stuff like that. We all have pretty much similar body parts and doctors are not easily shocked or moved by breasts, scars, burns, or things that we can't even imagine now that other people have. Just an opinion, anyway.
I agree with you. Doctors are very clinical in looking at our bodies. I am not particularly modest about my breasts either. For my mammograms I opt to just remove my top and bra in the room rather than changing into a gown. I would prefer to do that at radiation but they have you change into the gowns so I do. It just seems so silly to do that and then get on a table and expose them. I feel like I am flashing them.
Stef0 -
I prepared myself for myrjjj said:Glad to know it gets better
Hi! I thought it would be easier than this. My head feels like it is being stuck with pins and needles..and the headache was so bad last nite that i was up most of the night..just shedding some hair. I finally got to sleep and planned on sleeping in..but my sister called (from another state) she was so upbeat (which i told her she had to be) and heading to work and enjoying the day. I became so envious when i got off the phone, even though i love her dearly and nothing more than her happiness. I became angry at this stupid cancer robbing me of a beautiful Sunday. I know the things i should do to make myself feel better, but its hard with my head pounding and not knowing when the hair is going to fall out makes me afraid to leave the house. How I long for it to be summer and to go out to my garden in the sunshine!!
OK enough of that and sorry for the pity party. Just one more thing,do your eyelashes and brows grow back to? and has anyone tried those false eyelashes? Didn't think i would be so vain...but i miss the old me.
So glad that i have you all to make me laugh and give me hope that it will get better!
God bless all you beautiful survivors.
I prepared myself for my hair failing out, got it cut short. The chemo nurse also suggested i went for a wig prior to it falling out so the stylist could see what my natural style and colour was and match it. I found wig shopping the hardest seemed to make it all real. Once hair started to fall out my family - mum and dad arguing over the electric hair clippers- all had a go at shaving my head. I found that i did not like wearing the wig, felt it wasnt a part of me, so stuck to hats and scarfs, which were also cooler (since i was also taking hot flushes due to medication)
The worst thing for me was after 4 cycles of treatment i had radiation, where my hair started to grow back, only for it to fall out again on day 14 of the next round of chemo, that was hard. As for my eyebrows and lashes, they thinned (but for me this was good) and never fell out, infact it was the only hair i had on my body....strange.
Its not permenent and no i look forward to many different styles, which before this would never had the courage to try.0 -
You are so right!!!!mimivac said:A beautiful smile
I agree with Stef -- you have a beautiful smile and wonderful eyes, Jackie. They will be even more apparent sans hair. I understand about all the invasions to our bodies, but I have to say that I really don't mind those at all. I love my body; it has gotten me this far in life, and I don't mind when doctors have to look it over or take pictures or whatever. I always think that they have seen a lot worse than mine and they're helping me to preserve what nature gave me -- so they can take a hundred Polaroids if they have to! Maybe I'm weird, but I've never been modest about stuff like that. We all have pretty much similar body parts and doctors are not easily shocked or moved by breasts, scars, burns, or things that we can't even imagine now that other people have. Just an opinion, anyway.
I actually felt sorry for my gastric surgeon...having to look at people's bums all day... and the aroma must be really something!!!!
There are very few people that can get thru life without scars from living life. A friend of mine once said:
When it is my time, I want to slide into heaven, a wine glass in one hand, chocolate in the other, my body all used and battered and say "WHEW! What a ride!!!"
Hugs, Kathi0 -
I think that is a very goodAortus said:Funny you should mention that, Mimi
The Moopster still hasn't lost any hair today (the evening day 17), but is starting to get the symptoms. Her scalp feels tight and sore, and she has a headache. But just this evening Moopy mentioned that maybe she didn't want to keep the hair she had while she had cancer, and that a new head of hair would be appropriate.
Amazing how great minds think alike, no?
I think that is a very good thought about losing the hair and that a new head of hair would be like a clean start.
And you could have matching tee shirt done that say;
I know a secret
It's one that I'll share
My head is perfect
On the rest there is hair
Just a various on the God only made so many perfect head, On the rest he put hair.
Sincerely though, I think that you and your wife are so lucky to have one another.
Stef0 -
My luckKathiM said:You are so right!!!!
I actually felt sorry for my gastric surgeon...having to look at people's bums all day... and the aroma must be really something!!!!
There are very few people that can get thru life without scars from living life. A friend of mine once said:
When it is my time, I want to slide into heaven, a wine glass in one hand, chocolate in the other, my body all used and battered and say "WHEW! What a ride!!!"
Hugs, Kathi
Yeah, I'll end up sliding into heaven with my glass of beer and brownie and St. Peter will say, "Well, Marcia, you didn't get that quite right but you tried."0 -
"poor" doctors!KathiM said:You are so right!!!!
I actually felt sorry for my gastric surgeon...having to look at people's bums all day... and the aroma must be really something!!!!
There are very few people that can get thru life without scars from living life. A friend of mine once said:
When it is my time, I want to slide into heaven, a wine glass in one hand, chocolate in the other, my body all used and battered and say "WHEW! What a ride!!!"
Hugs, Kathi
Yes, Kathi, doctors do get to look at quite a bit of humanity, don't they? When I was younger and squeamish about going to the gynecologist, a friend told me, "believe me, they've seen worse than yours, infected ones about to fall off..." She went on and on. Ever since then, I haven't cared one bit, and I won't no matter how bad I think I look.
If there is a heaven, I guess I will go in with a triple-olive grey goose martini in one hand and a plate of sushi in the other. I don't how I will be greeted with such vices, though.
Mimi0 -
I was going to ask you ifKathiM said:Adorable.....
If you notice, I have a dark fuzz....happened between each infusion...irritating...little pieces falling out after each new!
Hugs, Kathi
BTW, this pic was taken for a local it was flung far and wide....ROFL~
I was going to ask you if this was the infamous bar where we shed our BRA? Hugs, Lili0 -
Eyelashes and brows willrjjj said:Glad to know it gets better
Hi! I thought it would be easier than this. My head feels like it is being stuck with pins and needles..and the headache was so bad last nite that i was up most of the night..just shedding some hair. I finally got to sleep and planned on sleeping in..but my sister called (from another state) she was so upbeat (which i told her she had to be) and heading to work and enjoying the day. I became so envious when i got off the phone, even though i love her dearly and nothing more than her happiness. I became angry at this stupid cancer robbing me of a beautiful Sunday. I know the things i should do to make myself feel better, but its hard with my head pounding and not knowing when the hair is going to fall out makes me afraid to leave the house. How I long for it to be summer and to go out to my garden in the sunshine!!
OK enough of that and sorry for the pity party. Just one more thing,do your eyelashes and brows grow back to? and has anyone tried those false eyelashes? Didn't think i would be so vain...but i miss the old me.
So glad that i have you all to make me laugh and give me hope that it will get better!
God bless all you beautiful survivors.
Eyelashes and brows will regrow. Lost mine in December after finishing chemo in October. Yes, two months later. On Christmas Day all lashes were gone; brows were thin. I tried false eyelashes, but you really need to have some lashes for the false ones to adhere to. It was so time consuming that I gave up. A friend suggested that I use a pencil eyeliner and draw the line at the base of lashes (if they're thinning) which gives the appearance of thicker ones. That worked well for me. The good news is that the brows and lashes are growing rapidly and it's only been one month. Good Luck!0 -
Grey Goose!mimivac said:"poor" doctors!
Yes, Kathi, doctors do get to look at quite a bit of humanity, don't they? When I was younger and squeamish about going to the gynecologist, a friend told me, "believe me, they've seen worse than yours, infected ones about to fall off..." She went on and on. Ever since then, I haven't cared one bit, and I won't no matter how bad I think I look.
If there is a heaven, I guess I will go in with a triple-olive grey goose martini in one hand and a plate of sushi in the other. I don't how I will be greeted with such vices, though.
OMG!! I just knew we should have met up in DC~I drink triple olive grey goose martinis!! Well, you are having chemo; just know I drank at least one martini for you to celebrate the Inauguration! :-)
Claudia0 - have it!mmontero38 said:I was going to ask you if
I was going to ask you if this was the infamous bar where we shed our BRA? Hugs, Lili
Now this was pre-bra removal...but then afterwards, I had to walk around
It was funny, I was there for only 3 days, and I NEVER pack an extra bra for short trips...but I did this time...SOMEONE knew SOMETHING ahead of time...ROFL!
Hugs, Kathi0 -
Unexpected smooth baby
Well, I did lose all my hair and had not idea that it would be allll my hair. I did have to shave my pits or my legs. Needless to say one day I noticed this hair in the drain and thought it was strange since I had already lost the hair on my head. In the process of drying off, I realized "where" it had come from. I didn't even have to pay for I think they call it a brazilian(sp). It was really strange at first but then you just don't give it another thought. I did notice I didn't have that fine hair on my arms or fingers or toes. It was great always being smooth for hubby and not worry about stubbles. When it did grow back, it didn't even itch. Fortunately I did not lose my eyebrows but when my hair was coming back in, lost my eye lashes. The new ones just pushed to old ones out. My husband and I had the most laughs with all this "young girl" look. It was like I had waxed my entire body and to be honest, quite smooth. Angela0 -
Mary Kay pink 'axle grease'.....
I always kept this handy....and rubbed it in generously. The official name is 'Intense Moisturizing Cream'.
It even got me thru the cold, dry winter that year in Holland...
Hugs, Kathi
Oh, and my eyebrows became one hair, each side...but are now back, although a bit sparse...I'm just careful with tweezing. My lashes clumped...but also returned. I didn't lose either till I started the Taxol.0 -
hair loss
I am new to this site and like you I am newly diagnosed with breast cancer and I had my first chemo treatment on Jan. 16 and I will have my second treatment on Jan. 30 which today is only day 12 but I haven't been sleeping well for the nightmares on when will I lose my hair it is like an obsession that I can't get past. I am almost tempted to just shave it and be done with it. please give me your advice. mrmauld0 -
Welcome Mrmauldmrmauld said:hair loss
I am new to this site and like you I am newly diagnosed with breast cancer and I had my first chemo treatment on Jan. 16 and I will have my second treatment on Jan. 30 which today is only day 12 but I haven't been sleeping well for the nightmares on when will I lose my hair it is like an obsession that I can't get past. I am almost tempted to just shave it and be done with it. please give me your advice. mrmauld
So very glad you came to this site you will find it very helpful and entertaining, We need to know we have such great support but also need to laugh about it when we can! I think i had more anxiety with my hair going then with any of the other nightmares that came before..I felt so much better when i finally got it shaved.. both mentally and physically. I know this too shall pass and it will all have been worth it. What we want is not always what we need. Good luck to you on the 30th. And keep us posted on your hair loss. This was posted over a week ago so mybe i will pchange my pic (just for a day so you can see just don't laugh to hard!
God bless
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