Do I need arm sleeves for lymphodemia?

rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a massectomy on Dec. 2nd 09 6pos. of 21 lymph nodes guess that's stage 3? I have had my first round of chemo and so far so good..but it's only been 7 days. I have been doing my excersises faithfully, it helps to do them in the shower, i find. They have measured me and ordered arm sleaves twice now and both times they were the wrong size and i have yet to wear them. I'm just wondering if i still need them.Anyone out there have them? God bless you all. lol jackie


  • Chellebug
    Chellebug Member Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Jackie, I just replied
    Hi Jackie, I just replied to your initial question on arm sleeves....hopefully you can find it! But here are some other thoughts.....

    I had my double mastectomy in April (modified radical on the right). I started experiencing lymphadema on the right side in August, just after finishing radiation. That's when I pursued getting the garments. I've not had any problems on my left side (only a simple mastectomy and no radiation).

    My personal opinion is that, if you are not experiencing any lymphadema symptoms, then there's no need to have garments now. If symptoms do begin, you can be measured and have your garments within the week. But different doctors/PT handle this differently.

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Pressure sleeves
    Hi Jackie,

    I have been wearing pressure sleeves for lymphedema for 5 years now. I did not need it right away and some folks never need them. I have never heard of them being ordered as a precaution. Actually if you do not yet have a problem I would not wear them. I have several pages of information regarding lymphedema on my page if you have time you may want to check them out. If you go to my page they are in the expressions section of on page 3. My best to you!

  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    Hi Jackie
    I had one radical mastectomy in 1986 and another in 1988.
    I has some lymph adema in both arms after surgery but never wore sleeves.
    It was not severe or painful enough to cause me to struggle with the sleeves, but I understand that it is very worth it for some women. After all these years, the swelling is a non-issue now unless I really over-stress my arms.
    But as RE said, I wouldn't worry about it ahead of time. It won't take long to get them if you have problems later and decide that they might help.
    Keep doing those exercises! You want to keep your shoulder moving.
    God bless and let us know how you are doing.