appetite and gaining weight

lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I've heard so much about patients that lose their appetites, don't want to eat, and are losing weight. I really probably should be glad that I'm not in that category, but I wonder if I'm the only one who seems to want to eat more than I ate before, and I've gained some weight while on chemo. I'm not obese, but since starting chemo a little over a year ago, I've gained about 12 pounds, which looks like a lot on my small frame. I am eating healthier than I used to, but I can eat as much or more than my husband now, which never used to be the case! I'm probably less physically active now, but it's hard to exercise when my feet hurt from some residual neuropathy and my knees and toe joints hurt as well, too (something also new since starting chemo- feels like maybe arthritis, but maybe related to the chemo?)



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  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    me too!

    You are not alone. I have a very healthy appetite and I've gained 8 pounds in 5 weeks of treatment. It's slowed down now, thank heavens. My doctor says it's fine, in fact he seems happy. A lot of it is fluids - I am drinking way more than I ever have before.

  • cahalstead
    cahalstead Member Posts: 118
    gaining weight
    I just had to "chime in" on this one.

    I, too, gained weight, almost 30 lbs worth. The steriods increased my appetite and I was always eating. I've lost almost 15 lbs of it since the treatments stopped a year ago last September. The chemo nurses told me that I would lose it because it wasn't normal weight gain. I certainly have more to lose but I'm thrilled to have lost what I have.

    Hang in there, it's all worth it in the end!!
  • Faith88
    Faith88 Member Posts: 55
    you aren't the only one
    My husband initally lost weight when he started chemo but then he gained and afterwards his appetite is better than ever, and of course with the lack of exercise - also due to chemo induced neuropathy- he's gained weight and it's not healthy to have extra weight so I nag him about it! On the one hand, I'm glad he's feeling better, and enjoying life again, but geez, what do you do?

    Are you off chemo now? maybe you'll gradually lose what you've put on; I think small meals is the key but try telling that to my hubby. At least eating healthy is better than junk food!
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    I know others will have better info than I on this... but I believe that many are given some form of steroid while receiving or just prior to receiving chemo which causes weight gain. I'm not sure if it is anti-nausea related or what... but I remember something about that.

    I too gained a lot of weight on chemo and had knee problems while not quite having the same appetite. I seemed to eat a lot of brownies while on chemo because I somehow justified it and it still tasted pretty good lol...

    I lost all of the weight after I started eating more fruits and veggies and excercising after chemo... but am once again on the gain.
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    chynabear said:

    I know others will have better info than I on this... but I believe that many are given some form of steroid while receiving or just prior to receiving chemo which causes weight gain. I'm not sure if it is anti-nausea related or what... but I remember something about that.

    I too gained a lot of weight on chemo and had knee problems while not quite having the same appetite. I seemed to eat a lot of brownies while on chemo because I somehow justified it and it still tasted pretty good lol...

    I lost all of the weight after I started eating more fruits and veggies and excercising after chemo... but am once again on the gain.

    Now that you mention it, I am on a steroid for the nausea! Thanks, I feel better about the weight gain!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. Now I feel better knowing I'm not the only one! Yes, I guess I do get a steroid before each infusion (which is now weekly). I'm still thinking of joining our local gym so I'll feel more compelled to try to go exercise. We'll see...
  • Mike49
    Mike49 Member Posts: 261
    lisa42 said:

    Thanks everyone for your input. Now I feel better knowing I'm not the only one! Yes, I guess I do get a steroid before each infusion (which is now weekly). I'm still thinking of joining our local gym so I'll feel more compelled to try to go exercise. We'll see...

    me too
    I have been eating more than ever and I am on Chemo with Steroid infusion for nausea. I get wired from the steroid but I eat more comfort food and chili than before. I also eat lots of apples and dry fruit and I find that when I get minor nausea, sprouted wheat Ezekial bread as dry toast or even just the bread straight from the bag can straighten things out.

    I am up 4-5 pounds.
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    I hear you! However, I wasn't able to eat much while on chemo, but once I got my appetite back--Whoa! I ate everything that wasn't nailed down or actually in someone else's mouth! I still have not slowed down. It's like my brain said well, since you didn't eat for so long, I will never go hungry again! It pulled a Scarlett O'Hara! I also understand the neuropathy. The really bad stuff will gradually recede, although you may have some permanent numbness later. I also had a lot of bone pain for a long time, but that is becoming rarer and rarer. You hang in there.

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    weight gain and neuropathy
    Naaaa Lisa... you aren't alone! Not only did I gain a lot of weight (when I had been so sure chemo was going to be my ultimate diet plan!), I am not getting the exercise of walking (which I love to do) because of the neuropathy in my feet and the aggravated arthritis in my knees.

    I have not had chemo for over a year now... so it's obvious the neuropathy I'm experiencing in my feet is probably permanent. I did have arthritis in my knees long before I started chemo... but there's no doubt the chemo aggravated it big time.

    So, between the weight gain, the arthritis and the neuropathy.... I'm a walking accident waiting to happen


  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member

    weight gain and neuropathy
    Naaaa Lisa... you aren't alone! Not only did I gain a lot of weight (when I had been so sure chemo was going to be my ultimate diet plan!), I am not getting the exercise of walking (which I love to do) because of the neuropathy in my feet and the aggravated arthritis in my knees.

    I have not had chemo for over a year now... so it's obvious the neuropathy I'm experiencing in my feet is probably permanent. I did have arthritis in my knees long before I started chemo... but there's no doubt the chemo aggravated it big time.

    So, between the weight gain, the arthritis and the neuropathy.... I'm a walking accident waiting to happen



    weight gain
    my husband has lost about 30 and i am the one who gained about 30 pounds so go figure i went to the doctor because i thought i had some stomach problems but no. I am just getting fat. Must be stress

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member

    weight gain
    my husband has lost about 30 and i am the one who gained about 30 pounds so go figure i went to the doctor because i thought i had some stomach problems but no. I am just getting fat. Must be stress


    a giggle here
    "...thought i had some stomach pains but no. I am just getting fat." I hear you LOUD and clear here, girlfriend! I was such an efficient eater during chemo I was always able to gain back the 2 lbs I would lose the first week of treatment, then when I stopped, everything has just gone haywire! I'm blaming it on steroids, full hysterectomy, loss of my omentum, and all the chemo messing with my metabolism! That's my story and I'm sticking to it, dam it!
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    msccolon said:

    a giggle here
    "...thought i had some stomach pains but no. I am just getting fat." I hear you LOUD and clear here, girlfriend! I was such an efficient eater during chemo I was always able to gain back the 2 lbs I would lose the first week of treatment, then when I stopped, everything has just gone haywire! I'm blaming it on steroids, full hysterectomy, loss of my omentum, and all the chemo messing with my metabolism! That's my story and I'm sticking to it, dam it!

    Weighed 207.....5 weeks of Rad and Chemo went down to 182....after surgery I am just last Tuesday weighing in at 198.5.......and also start my 7th of 12 treatments tomorrow....... :-)
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Weighed 207.....5 weeks of Rad and Chemo went down to 182....after surgery I am just last Tuesday weighing in at 198.5.......and also start my 7th of 12 treatments tomorrow....... :-)

    You go, Buzzard!
    Keep that darned weight loss in check! Hope your treatments are going well. You are WAY past second base and ready to round third for a slide into home!


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