Finished Reconstruction

mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well girls, I think that I am through with the reconstruction. Had my aerola tattooed on Wednesday and did some fat graphting to fill in the concave space above the breast on my right side. To say the least, they still don't match and I still have a somewhat hollow indentation above the breast. I am afraid that when the swelling goes down I will still be very concave. I can say that I am somewhat disappointed and though the surgeon warned me it would be very difficult to match because the breast surgeon removed a lot of muscle, I was hoping deep down that it would look much better or should I say the same. Am I expecting too much? This really sucks big time. I was hoping to be done with everything and not have to face more surgery. I've had 6 procedures in the last year and a half and I so much want to be done. I have to go back on Monday to remove stitches so I guess we'll see then what the surgeon says. Hugs, Lili

PS Thanks for listening.


  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Lilli, congrats on being
    Lilli, congrats on being brave and going all the way with this. Life is short and if something makes you unhappy then I say do what you can to eliminate the cause.
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Oh, Lili, I hope that when
    Oh, Lili, I hope that when everything settles in place it will be better - I guess we have to look at the cup as half full...don't you wish there was a part of this whole ordeal that didn't include having a good attitude?
    Best, best wishes, love Joyce
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Aw, Lili...still, I'm dancing for you!!!!!
    YOU are DONE!!!!

    And, BTW, no women's boobs match. Not at all. Some are a half a cup smaller, even.

    Give it some time and distance...I thought I was stuck with a blue quarter-sized stain on my breast from the lymph dye for the rest of my life. It stayed for 2 years. Then, disappeared!

    BIG hugs for crossing the finish line!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Congratulations on seeing
    Congratulations on seeing this through. You have the patience of a saint.! I don't know if I could. Maybe once everything settles down it won't be too disappointing. All you can do now is SHAKE THOSE BOOBS!!!!AND ENJOY.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    First and foremost CONGRATULATIONS on reaching the end of reconstruction. I go tomorrow to see my surgeon to see if this is something I want to do. I am so sorry you are a bit bummed, but sweety the truth is you are still here to be bummed and that is worth more than any words I could ever type here.


  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Ok, went to plastic today and as soon as he saw me he says" You think I didn't fill it in enough, right?" and I say, yes. The verdict is: he needs to fill in some more. What happened apparently is that as he was injecting the fat, it was coming back out because it wouldn't take in any more. So, we go back for more injections possibly in February. He feels that this time should be the last. I hope. Hugs, Lili
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482

    Ok, went to plastic today and as soon as he saw me he says" You think I didn't fill it in enough, right?" and I say, yes. The verdict is: he needs to fill in some more. What happened apparently is that as he was injecting the fat, it was coming back out because it wouldn't take in any more. So, we go back for more injections possibly in February. He feels that this time should be the last. I hope. Hugs, Lili

    I can't remember who on this
    I can't remember who on this site said it, but this is like being a preteen allover again, going through puberty and waiting for our breasts! Certainly the stuffing the bra part is true for me. What with all the changes going on with my expander, I think I will go to the thrift store and buy a bunch of bras without even looking at the size. Surely, each one will fit at least one side for one day along the way.
    I hope your plastic surgeon is a good mother nature! Sorry you have to wait a little longer (let alone go through another procedure). love, Joyce