Rambling Commentary

kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi Everyone,

I spent many years doing the "Bah, Humbug" thing at Christmas. The main reasons for this were that I was poor & couldn't get the stuff I wanted to for my family & friends, and also that I was alone for many Yuletides.

Well, I'm still not wealthy in material things, but I am very happy to see another Christmas and to still have my sisters with me. My older sister has been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer about 7 weeks ago, and yesterday was her 2nd chemo treatment. I was thinking about how resentful I had been for so many years that I could not get her expensive gifts etc., but now, even more, I realize that the most important gift for anyone is life. And I cannot give that to anyone.

So while I still have my family and friends, I will just be grateful for their presence and not worry about the presents:)

I told you I was going to ramble....



  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    Commercialization of Christmas
    It is a sad commentary on how our society "celebrates" Christmas to hear you say you didn't enjoy the holiday because you couldn't afford to give the gifts you thought others "deserved". I am so glad that you have come to realize that the true meaning of Christmas is to enjoy one another's love and to share our lives with each other. I am certain God cries when He sees people rushing about buying, buying, buying and worse, feeling bad when they can't buy, buy, buy. Probably most of us are cutting way back on the material aspect of Christmas this year, but I don't believe it will diminish it one bit. I think it will bring us back to its roots and allow us to enjoy the season more peacefully. I am very sorry that the beast had to come around and make a visit upon you, it sucks all around. Enjoy your family; we truly have been blessed in seeing the importance of our loved ones and that the time we share together is what makes it worth getting up in the morning. All that other "stuff" is just filler that can distract us beyond comprehension. Merry Christmas!
  • krystiesq
    krystiesq Member Posts: 240 Member
    msccolon said:

    Commercialization of Christmas
    It is a sad commentary on how our society "celebrates" Christmas to hear you say you didn't enjoy the holiday because you couldn't afford to give the gifts you thought others "deserved". I am so glad that you have come to realize that the true meaning of Christmas is to enjoy one another's love and to share our lives with each other. I am certain God cries when He sees people rushing about buying, buying, buying and worse, feeling bad when they can't buy, buy, buy. Probably most of us are cutting way back on the material aspect of Christmas this year, but I don't believe it will diminish it one bit. I think it will bring us back to its roots and allow us to enjoy the season more peacefully. I am very sorry that the beast had to come around and make a visit upon you, it sucks all around. Enjoy your family; we truly have been blessed in seeing the importance of our loved ones and that the time we share together is what makes it worth getting up in the morning. All that other "stuff" is just filler that can distract us beyond comprehension. Merry Christmas!

    My sister in law is a hearing and speech pathologist in a school and is privy to those less fortunate. My husband and I, my SIL and Brother and about 3 other couples do not buy presents for our spouses, instead we take the money and buy presents for a less fortunate family and we go deliver them late on xmas eve. We don't let the people know where they came from and since we deliver them really late most kids are in bed and there are no pride issues for the parents. It is a beautiful experience.

    I ditto the sentiment, Christmas is for giving (and receiving)...LOVE.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    krystiesq said:

    My sister in law is a hearing and speech pathologist in a school and is privy to those less fortunate. My husband and I, my SIL and Brother and about 3 other couples do not buy presents for our spouses, instead we take the money and buy presents for a less fortunate family and we go deliver them late on xmas eve. We don't let the people know where they came from and since we deliver them really late most kids are in bed and there are no pride issues for the parents. It is a beautiful experience.

    I ditto the sentiment, Christmas is for giving (and receiving)...LOVE.

    Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. It is a time to be thankful that there was one being that gave His only Son for us so that we shall have everlasting life. So Christmas is all about life, His, yours and theirs, not about the gifts that are given, that is a semblance of the gifts the Wise men brought to the manger for our King. Only be blessed of the people that you have around you and not of the gifts they bring. They are only material things when the real reason sometimes is completely forgotten. Your gift of being there is enough, you show that you care and to me that is better than any gift I could ever receive...........God Bless
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    krystiesq said:

    My sister in law is a hearing and speech pathologist in a school and is privy to those less fortunate. My husband and I, my SIL and Brother and about 3 other couples do not buy presents for our spouses, instead we take the money and buy presents for a less fortunate family and we go deliver them late on xmas eve. We don't let the people know where they came from and since we deliver them really late most kids are in bed and there are no pride issues for the parents. It is a beautiful experience.

    I ditto the sentiment, Christmas is for giving (and receiving)...LOVE.

    what an awesome way to show God's love!
    I have often pondered such a quest but have never had the organization to actually do it. Those children must truly believe in Santa Clause through the blessings they receive from you guys! YGG!

    PS Sorry, I meant to respond to Kristie's post!
  • krystiesq
    krystiesq Member Posts: 240 Member
    msccolon said:

    what an awesome way to show God's love!
    I have often pondered such a quest but have never had the organization to actually do it. Those children must truly believe in Santa Clause through the blessings they receive from you guys! YGG!

    PS Sorry, I meant to respond to Kristie's post!

    Just waking up xmas morning knowing that the children have had a magical christmas. You know i'm sure the kids have had preparation not to expect much if anything from santa so it is a real surprise to them and to mom and dad too. we also give items like toiletries and food baskets.

    I didn't mean to denigrate the true meaning of xmas. I'm very much aware as I have catholic blood flowing through my veins, but you know, to each their own.
  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797
    krystiesq said:

    My sister in law is a hearing and speech pathologist in a school and is privy to those less fortunate. My husband and I, my SIL and Brother and about 3 other couples do not buy presents for our spouses, instead we take the money and buy presents for a less fortunate family and we go deliver them late on xmas eve. We don't let the people know where they came from and since we deliver them really late most kids are in bed and there are no pride issues for the parents. It is a beautiful experience.

    I ditto the sentiment, Christmas is for giving (and receiving)...LOVE.

    Yes, me too!
    We have done this for years. We live in a small community and so we can see who is really struggling. We (as a family) choose a family, buy gifts, and deliver it on Christmas morning before we open anything. We park down the street, drop the bag on the step, ring the bell and RUN! We don't want the family to know it is us...no thanks or pride issues involved that way. I did this with my kids when they were little and now I do it with my God daughters. It is so much more rewarding than anything else we do. Even wrapping those gifts is more fun!

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    A good ramble.

    You ramble on, girl. That was a good reminder for any of us who are feeling stressed about having a "perfect" Christmas. The gift is not in things, it's in the love we share with others.

    Hope you have a good Christmas, and I'll add your sister to my prayer list.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Amen to that, Buzzard!
    Thanks for sharing your belief of what Christmas is- I am in complete agreement. I know not everyone celebrates Christmas for that reason, but it's refreshing to me to have it stated by someone else what Christmas is and why it began. Friendship, love, family, and giving are certainly wonderful things to emphasize at Christmas as well, but to celebrate Christmas as just a celebration of love, family, and giving without emphasizing the Christ in Christmas is just so sad to me. This year, my husband and I gave up the fancy outdoor Christmas lights for just a simple nativity scene with a spotlight on it- plain and simple, yes, but so was the original Christmas. Merry Christmas to all and peace to you all!!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    kimby said:

    Yes, me too!
    We have done this for years. We live in a small community and so we can see who is really struggling. We (as a family) choose a family, buy gifts, and deliver it on Christmas morning before we open anything. We park down the street, drop the bag on the step, ring the bell and RUN! We don't want the family to know it is us...no thanks or pride issues involved that way. I did this with my kids when they were little and now I do it with my God daughters. It is so much more rewarding than anything else we do. Even wrapping those gifts is more fun!


    HO HO HO
    What wonderful elves you are!!! Thanks for sharing that--it's an inspiration! How fun!

    Semi colons ROCK!

    peace, emily
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    We'll get you BOTH thru.....
    Aw, dearheart, you have pretty much echoed my feelings...

    A mysterious thing happened at 'The Happiest place on Earth' (Disneyland). The whole day was:
    Hustle and bustle and kids getting cranky.
    Goofy and Sneezy and go to the banky.
    Waiting in line, and waiting in line.
    And sitting and eating (a $10.00 fine!).
    But oh! at the point when the white stuff was falling.
    A miracle happened, and I started bawling.
    All the mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters.
    Grandkids and wee ones and misses and misters.
    Reached up in wonder as tiny flakes flew.
    And smiled big smiles, through tears for a few.
    The scene was idealic, the music was soft.
    And there, in the sky, was Tinkerbell aloft!
    When all of the snow, like a memory was far.
    We smiled at each other, and trekked to the car.
    But before we split up, you could hear thru the night.
    Merry Christmas to all, for this glorious sight!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    KathiM said:

    We'll get you BOTH thru.....
    Aw, dearheart, you have pretty much echoed my feelings...

    A mysterious thing happened at 'The Happiest place on Earth' (Disneyland). The whole day was:
    Hustle and bustle and kids getting cranky.
    Goofy and Sneezy and go to the banky.
    Waiting in line, and waiting in line.
    And sitting and eating (a $10.00 fine!).
    But oh! at the point when the white stuff was falling.
    A miracle happened, and I started bawling.
    All the mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters.
    Grandkids and wee ones and misses and misters.
    Reached up in wonder as tiny flakes flew.
    And smiled big smiles, through tears for a few.
    The scene was idealic, the music was soft.
    And there, in the sky, was Tinkerbell aloft!
    When all of the snow, like a memory was far.
    We smiled at each other, and trekked to the car.
    But before we split up, you could hear thru the night.
    Merry Christmas to all, for this glorious sight!!!

    Hugs, Kathi

    I was just rambling, but boy did I get some wonderful feedback! I love everyone for their positive and lovely Christmas messages! Thank you, thank you, thank ou!

    Hugs and a very Merry Christmas!
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    kmygil said:

    I was just rambling, but boy did I get some wonderful feedback! I love everyone for their positive and lovely Christmas messages! Thank you, thank you, thank ou!

    Hugs and a very Merry Christmas!

    Ho Ho Ho
    Rambling is what we do best :-) Now celebrate Christmas and the reason for it....God Bless ya