oxiplatin again - has anyone had a 2nd go around with this drug

jcavanaugh Member Posts: 100
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My dad had oxiplatin back in 2004/2005. It worked for a while - probably a little less than a year. He recently finished eribitrux with a pump of something (do not remember name). Now, he is on oxiplatin, avastin, and xeolda. Well, he is supposed to be on that combo. He had an allergic reaction in October to the Oxiplatin and the doctor stopped that drug. We told him that the same thing happene the first time that he got erbitrux and the previous doctor gave him benadryll (sp) first and then gave him the drug is small doses. So, he said he would think about that. Since he stopped the oxiplatin, I do not think the combo has been as affective. So, I have a question - has anyone been successfull with a drug during the 2nd time around? My dad was successful both times he had erbitrux - most successful drug for him to date.




  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    on oxaliplatin for 3rd time
    I'm on oxaliplatin for the third time (!). It is hard for me to answer the question of "been successful" because all three times I had it after surgery -- when I was officially NED. That is, it was "mop up" chemo, to try to wipe any remaining nasties. Well, obviously it didn't wipe all the nasties the first two times -- I am looking to prolong the interval between recurrences. I too have had some allergic reaction to the oxaliplatin (last time was a dramatic face rash). Currently, my onc doses me up with steroid and antihistamine (benadryl or equivalent) before hand, and I take both in pill form for a few days afterwards. Good luck to you and your dad.

  • changing2
    changing2 Member Posts: 118
    taraHK said:

    on oxaliplatin for 3rd time
    I'm on oxaliplatin for the third time (!). It is hard for me to answer the question of "been successful" because all three times I had it after surgery -- when I was officially NED. That is, it was "mop up" chemo, to try to wipe any remaining nasties. Well, obviously it didn't wipe all the nasties the first two times -- I am looking to prolong the interval between recurrences. I too have had some allergic reaction to the oxaliplatin (last time was a dramatic face rash). Currently, my onc doses me up with steroid and antihistamine (benadryl or equivalent) before hand, and I take both in pill form for a few days afterwards. Good luck to you and your dad.


    Me too!
    Justed back on Oxali on Monday with Xeloda. I too get IV for Aloxi, Benadryl, large dose (20mg) steroid with Emend prior to running chemo. In the past everytime I had chemo (I'm on 4th round) I tended to loss weight and become sick easily. However this combination prior to chemo infusing,has done wonders for me. Also I need to get Neupogen when Grans hit 2.5 or so and that shot also helps. Praying for us both....don't know whwer I picked up this red print, sorry....hey it's Decemaber:)
  • menright
    menright Member Posts: 256 Member
    taraHK said:

    on oxaliplatin for 3rd time
    I'm on oxaliplatin for the third time (!). It is hard for me to answer the question of "been successful" because all three times I had it after surgery -- when I was officially NED. That is, it was "mop up" chemo, to try to wipe any remaining nasties. Well, obviously it didn't wipe all the nasties the first two times -- I am looking to prolong the interval between recurrences. I too have had some allergic reaction to the oxaliplatin (last time was a dramatic face rash). Currently, my onc doses me up with steroid and antihistamine (benadryl or equivalent) before hand, and I take both in pill form for a few days afterwards. Good luck to you and your dad.


    Oxali & cold sensitivity
    Dear Tara:

    I am about to go back in for treatment 2 of Oxali. I did not like the cold sensitivity and the need to drink warm everything. I enjoy a cold glass of milk and did not realize how much till now.

    Will I have an equal sensitivity each time? What was your experience?

    It is what it will be, but any comments will be greatly appreicated.

    Thanks and good luck.

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    menright said:

    Oxali & cold sensitivity
    Dear Tara:

    I am about to go back in for treatment 2 of Oxali. I did not like the cold sensitivity and the need to drink warm everything. I enjoy a cold glass of milk and did not realize how much till now.

    Will I have an equal sensitivity each time? What was your experience?

    It is what it will be, but any comments will be greatly appreicated.

    Thanks and good luck.


    cold sensitivity will go on
    Hi Mike,

    Sorry about the cold sensitivity. Unfortunately, I do experience this every time -- without exception. For me, it doesn't get worse with each cycle, but it doesn't get better either. It does fade after a few days -- was this your experience. Sorry about the cold milk (that wouldn't be an issue for me -- I've never liked drinking milk). Can you think of something warm or room temp that might be an appealing substitute? I'm drinking a lot of herbal teas these days but also quite like peach-flavoured "ice" tea (with no ice!) -- warm milk?? hot chocolate?? Good luck with the oxaliplatin symptoms...they are weird.

  • bigCrandy
    bigCrandy Member Posts: 75
    folfox to folfiri
    Hey Jennifer, sorry to hear about your Dad's dilema. I went through 6 months of folfox, 5-fu, oxiliplatin, and leucovorin. It worked for 9 months then returned in my abdominal lymph nodes. Oxiliplatin must really work on cancer but the side effects were horrible. Neuropathy and cold sensations and no taste buds. Onc decided to put me on folfiri, 5-fu,irinotecan, leucovorin, plus avastin. So for it's been a good ride compared to last round. Irinotecan can cause severe diarrhea but they give you a shot of atropine which knocks it out immediately. My cea test went from 12.7 to 4.5 after the second treatment. After the fourth treatment it is down to 3.0. Hopefully the next one will drop further. Less than 2.5 is normal so I'd say it's working. I'll know next 2 weeks when I get my ct scan. I think the irinotecan plus the addition of avastin is a good combo for me. I could not have gone through another round of oxiliplatin. Hope this may help you, God Bless you and your family. Randy