anyone know

catcon49 Member Posts: 398
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
my mom was dx with stage 3c ovarian cancer. She also ruptured her colon from diverticulitis. had surgery and chemo. now 2 months after last chemo they accidentally saw something on her lower lung and adrenal gland. Sent her for PET. Does this sound like the cancer returned from ovary or new case of lung cancer. nothing in lung before surgery. If it is ovarian returned what will they do now more chemo?


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    May or may not be
    When I was diagnosed 3/07, my ovarian cancer had already spread to my colon, liver and spleen. They call that "metastasis" or the spread of cancer from one organ to another. Because of this, I was diagnosed Stage IV before the surgery because they knew it had spread. They only removed as much of the colon tumor as they could, they did not cut out any of the colon. Most likely, the other spots are "ovarian" but I guess they could be a new one. For me, I just have to look at my disease as a chronic one that I will have to continually fight, praying for some months of No Evidence of Disease (NED) in between treatments.
    You will just have to wait for what the doctors think must be done next. I was given three choices, do nothing (not recommended) more chemo or try the anti-estrogen pill for awhile (6 wks to 3 months) which is easier take and works on about 1/3 of ovarian cancers. I chose the pill because I had had 20 months of chemo and felt that I needed a rest. Hope my experience helps in some way. (((Hugs and prayers))) Saundra
  • catcon49
    catcon49 Member Posts: 398
    Thanks that helped alot

    Thanks that helped alot
  • Dreamdove
    Dreamdove Member Posts: 175 Member
    saundra said:

    May or may not be
    When I was diagnosed 3/07, my ovarian cancer had already spread to my colon, liver and spleen. They call that "metastasis" or the spread of cancer from one organ to another. Because of this, I was diagnosed Stage IV before the surgery because they knew it had spread. They only removed as much of the colon tumor as they could, they did not cut out any of the colon. Most likely, the other spots are "ovarian" but I guess they could be a new one. For me, I just have to look at my disease as a chronic one that I will have to continually fight, praying for some months of No Evidence of Disease (NED) in between treatments.
    You will just have to wait for what the doctors think must be done next. I was given three choices, do nothing (not recommended) more chemo or try the anti-estrogen pill for awhile (6 wks to 3 months) which is easier take and works on about 1/3 of ovarian cancers. I chose the pill because I had had 20 months of chemo and felt that I needed a rest. Hope my experience helps in some way. (((Hugs and prayers))) Saundra

    Some confusion with metastasis or secondary cancer
    Saundra, I was diagnosed as stage 3c Jan. 2007. But there was a tumor on my appendix (they removed my appendix) and one on my liver, under my diaphram. However, they didn't say anything about metastasis probably because it wasn't in my liver, just on it. But just think if I had waited longer before I went to the hospital, how much more it would have been! I'm very thankful it was caught in time. But on my last pap test, abnormal cells were found. I will be retested in Jan., 3 months later. What I'm wondering is, if it turns out to be cancer cells (I have spotting and they saw irritation on the vaginal cuff) what is that? Is it secondary vaginal cancer or just metastasis to another apart of my body, the vaginal cuff? Or is it just the spreading of cancer cells from the abdominal cavity. Hopefully, nothing at all. Just abnormal cells from irritation, probably a result of the surgery. Also, in my research on the internet, there is also the possibility of a different cancer, not even related to original ovarian cancer. These things can be confusing.....
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    ovarian cancer spread
    If they biopsy the new spots they will be able to tell if it's a secondary cancer or ovarian cells are present there. Almost always, even if years later, you cancer returns it is always referred to as Ovarian Cancer - even if it's in your breast or other area now.

    I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    I agree with what all the ladies have posted. I had some nodules appear on my lung 2 years after being dx. with ovca. Since they had never had a ct scan of that area done they were sure if it was cancer or what. They decided to wait and re-scan the area in 3 months. Well the nodules did go away, thank goodness. I also asked the same questions as you. The Onc stated that it would most likely be a metastic spread of the ovca,and he also stated that many of the same chemos are used in both ovca and breast cancer. Good luck I hope the PET scan is able to come to a more defintive answer.~~~~Joanne