RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
To all the ladies and gents who have breast cancer and come here for support I thought I would send HUGS to all of you in the spirit of Thanksgiving (since it is November) and say how thankful I am to still be alive and how blessed I feel to have found all of you. You have been so kind as to answer my questions on chest pain after mastectomy, send a laugh my way just because you care and you continue to comfort me as I stress over the anniversary of both my sister in-law and my sister in the coming months. I bet we all have reason's to be thankful; CSN and this board is atop my list.



  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Hi RE

    I'm sending you a big Thanksgiving Cyber hug. I am a 5 yr survivor and my mom is a nine year survivor. I certainlly feel that I have a lot to be thankful for.

    I lost my dad to lymphomia 23 years ago, and I still miss him very much. Time has a way of healing. We never forget but somehow the pain does ease.

    Well, hold your breath heres the big hug I promised you

    Happy Turkey Day
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member

    Thank you for reminding me to "stop and smell the roast turkey"!!!! I too am thankful for so much; your friendship being counted amongs those blessings!

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Happy Thanksgiving to you
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too Re. We do have a lot to be thankful for. Everyday we get up is another good day. Thanks for being a friend. Hugs and much love to you. Lili
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    happy thanksgiving
    I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving also. I joined in 2006 but haven't posted much until recently. I'm kind of timid to people I don't know and hang back. So what I am trying to say is thank you.
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Re, Seems like its been a while since I sat and tried to think of things to be thankful for. I have spent the last year thinking of things I am angry about, or scared about. Yes, I am thankful for this board and for all of you. That comes easy. But what of the rest of my life? I will think on it for a while. And it will come. That is what I am thankful for, the reminder that I need to do just that! There is a saying from the Talmud - "We do not see things as they really are, we see them as WE are."
    THANKS and GIVING! (what a great word) love, Joyce
  • nami05
    nami05 Member Posts: 7

    Re, Seems like its been a while since I sat and tried to think of things to be thankful for. I have spent the last year thinking of things I am angry about, or scared about. Yes, I am thankful for this board and for all of you. That comes easy. But what of the rest of my life? I will think on it for a while. And it will come. That is what I am thankful for, the reminder that I need to do just that! There is a saying from the Talmud - "We do not see things as they really are, we see them as WE are."
    THANKS and GIVING! (what a great word) love, Joyce

    Happy Thanksgiving to all
    I want to wish everyone good health and happy thanksgiving. We are all blessed to be given
    Life and we are all blessed to experience Life and the memories both good and bad!! We are true survivors!!!
  • ninjamom
    ninjamom Member Posts: 142
    Happy Thanksgiving to you
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!

    This year I am thankfull for my family and a new group of friends who have helped me, and still are, thru my battle. All of you will be included in my prayers, not only during Thanksgiving but always. I thank everyone of you for being there for me when I needed you the most.

  • kit45
    kit45 Member Posts: 89
    ninjamom said:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!

    This year I am thankfull for my family and a new group of friends who have helped me, and still are, thru my battle. All of you will be included in my prayers, not only during Thanksgiving but always. I thank everyone of you for being there for me when I needed you the most.


    Happy Thanksgiving to a great group of friends. Enjoy the day. Love, Kit
  • ohilly
    ohilly Member Posts: 441 Member
    kit45 said:

    Happy Thanksgiving to a great group of friends. Enjoy the day. Love, Kit

    Happy Thanksgiving
    I am very thankful to have met all of you online, and for your support and encouragement in my darkest days. This has been a tough year for me - my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer out of the blue while I was going through my own cancer struggle. She died on Sept. 10 after only three months. Watching her go through everything has made me thankful to be alive, and thankful that my cancer was caught so early. This will be my first holiday without my parents (my father, who I loved so much, died three years ago of chronic leukemia that had morphed into a more aggressive form): I do have my husband and two children, but it still feels very sad and empty. Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with this?

    My husband and I joke (but we really mean it) that we have to do something fantastic (fly to Paris?) on New Year's to celebrate the passing of this horrible, horrible year.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all,

  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203
    Fall is a special time of year! The changing colors and falling of the leaves is so symbolic of how I feel these past few months. The leaves fall in mounds into the woods of my property where my grandparents every year planted daffodils. Those fallen leaves protect the hundreds of bulbs through the ice and snow until spring when they always peak through with sunshine. I feel like those leaves. I have changed so much since this whole cancer ordeal began in May. I've finished the radiation and feel the endless waiting until my body can heal from that and move on with reconstruction. My strength to endure this has definitely fallen. I know there are so many good things in my life and I will not take them for granted. I think I just need some time, like those leaves to just rest awhile. I can only hope that it isn't too long of a winter and I'll see the sunshine peaking through again soon. My heart is filled with gratitude and to those of you who listen and respond.
  • dorothyt
    dorothyt Member Posts: 103
    dbs1673 said:

    Fall is a special time of year! The changing colors and falling of the leaves is so symbolic of how I feel these past few months. The leaves fall in mounds into the woods of my property where my grandparents every year planted daffodils. Those fallen leaves protect the hundreds of bulbs through the ice and snow until spring when they always peak through with sunshine. I feel like those leaves. I have changed so much since this whole cancer ordeal began in May. I've finished the radiation and feel the endless waiting until my body can heal from that and move on with reconstruction. My strength to endure this has definitely fallen. I know there are so many good things in my life and I will not take them for granted. I think I just need some time, like those leaves to just rest awhile. I can only hope that it isn't too long of a winter and I'll see the sunshine peaking through again soon. My heart is filled with gratitude and to those of you who listen and respond.

    I too, would like to wish
    I too, would like to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I'm new to this site but everyone has been very helpful. Thank you very, very much.
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    dorothyt said:

    I too, would like to wish
    I too, would like to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I'm new to this site but everyone has been very helpful. Thank you very, very much.

    Thanksgiving~thanks for giving, is what i say to everyone who has helped me thru the process of breast cancer, reconstruction and moving family, friends and new csn friends (who really understand). I am truly blessed....we are truly blessed.
  • sylva
    sylva Member Posts: 80
    The THANKSGIVING holiday
    The THANKSGIVING holiday will have a special meaning this year. I am alive, we are all alive!!!!!!!!! Before the CA I took for granted every day, now, when I wake up, and get up to start the day, the first thing that comes to my mind is: Thank you God for this new day, full of opportunities, for feeling strong, for being A L I V E ! ! ! One year, after seeing a show of Ophra Whimprey (I don't remember very well the spelling, sorry)I started to write every day 5 or more things I was thankful for. And it really helps to appreciate more everything that is going on in our lives... I think I will start again after Thanksgiving, maybe it will be a Christmas present for my friends, a diary and the idea of writing every day... maybe we can all start to write every day things we are grateful for...
    Hugs to everyone, and thank you for being there!!!
  • artizan
    artizan Member Posts: 59
    sylva said:

    The THANKSGIVING holiday
    The THANKSGIVING holiday will have a special meaning this year. I am alive, we are all alive!!!!!!!!! Before the CA I took for granted every day, now, when I wake up, and get up to start the day, the first thing that comes to my mind is: Thank you God for this new day, full of opportunities, for feeling strong, for being A L I V E ! ! ! One year, after seeing a show of Ophra Whimprey (I don't remember very well the spelling, sorry)I started to write every day 5 or more things I was thankful for. And it really helps to appreciate more everything that is going on in our lives... I think I will start again after Thanksgiving, maybe it will be a Christmas present for my friends, a diary and the idea of writing every day... maybe we can all start to write every day things we are grateful for...
    Hugs to everyone, and thank you for being there!!!

    I too remember watching Oprah Winfrey when she did her thankfulness journal. I have tried, though its easy to get off track, to remind myself of all of the things I have to be thankful for each day. I'm sure I have an empty journal and I will dig it out and start using it. When I was diagnoses I remember fearing that I would not be able to fulfill all of the things I wanted to experience in life. Now I know that I will never be able to do it all but I'm trying. I was fearful that each holiday, trip to the apple orchard, family reunion, local festival, etc. would be my last. I am thankful that my fears were unfounded. I may start making a "to do list" for the things I have left to do.

    I am thankful to be alive nine and a half years after my dx. (Alive and well; though changed and still experiencing after effects. The New Normal.) I now have grown children, 3 little grandsons and one on the way. What a joy it is to be alive and see them.

    I am thankful that I had time with family members who lost the battle to cancer and that I have pleasant memories of them to cherish. I am thankful for my mother who fought breast cancer twice herself and was a pillar of strength and faith as she watched her mother die of breast cancer, two husbands die of cancer and worst of all watched her 40 year old daughter die of breast cancer leaving behind two young girls. What a horrible disease!! But even cancer has a way of bringing us closer to the ones we love and makes us thankful for every moment we have with them. Even in the darkest days it seems there is something to be thankful for if we look hard enough.

    I am new to this group and feel a little removed as my treatment ended so long ago but I am thankful for you all as I feel I have found others who understand my deepest feelings.

    Blessing to you all this Thanksgiving!
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    artizan said:

    I too remember watching Oprah Winfrey when she did her thankfulness journal. I have tried, though its easy to get off track, to remind myself of all of the things I have to be thankful for each day. I'm sure I have an empty journal and I will dig it out and start using it. When I was diagnoses I remember fearing that I would not be able to fulfill all of the things I wanted to experience in life. Now I know that I will never be able to do it all but I'm trying. I was fearful that each holiday, trip to the apple orchard, family reunion, local festival, etc. would be my last. I am thankful that my fears were unfounded. I may start making a "to do list" for the things I have left to do.

    I am thankful to be alive nine and a half years after my dx. (Alive and well; though changed and still experiencing after effects. The New Normal.) I now have grown children, 3 little grandsons and one on the way. What a joy it is to be alive and see them.

    I am thankful that I had time with family members who lost the battle to cancer and that I have pleasant memories of them to cherish. I am thankful for my mother who fought breast cancer twice herself and was a pillar of strength and faith as she watched her mother die of breast cancer, two husbands die of cancer and worst of all watched her 40 year old daughter die of breast cancer leaving behind two young girls. What a horrible disease!! But even cancer has a way of bringing us closer to the ones we love and makes us thankful for every moment we have with them. Even in the darkest days it seems there is something to be thankful for if we look hard enough.

    I am new to this group and feel a little removed as my treatment ended so long ago but I am thankful for you all as I feel I have found others who understand my deepest feelings.

    Blessing to you all this Thanksgiving!

    You express your deepest
    You express your deepest feelings beautifully. That was inspiring, thanks. love, JOyce