just checking in

umaof6 Member Posts: 25
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hey, gals! I am just checking in to let you know that I have been busy lately with other things. My oldest grandson plays football and I have been going to his games. Also, I have been keeping sick grandchildren when I'm needed. My daughter-in-law has opened a sandwich shop and I go by every day and see if she needs errands run. If so, I do them for her. Last Friday I helped her out in the store because her waitress was sick. I was really tired from being on my feet for four hours but I enjoyed visiting with the customers that came in. I am doing great and I am getting my "ducks in a row" so I can start speaking to service organizations. I still have a few more sources to check out. Pray for me that I will do well and get the word out about this horrible disease.

To all of the ladies who are new here, I have read your postings and I will be praying for you. I am sorry that you had to join our "club". My heart especially goes out to the mothers with young children. My children are all grown but I have grandchildren and had to put activities with them on hold for a while.

May God bless each and everyone and give you comfort and peace. Love and hugs!!

In Christ, Carol


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Nice to hear from you, Carol. You seem to be really busy. Are you in NED? (((Hugs))) Saundra
  • umaof6
    umaof6 Member Posts: 25
    just checking in
    Saundra, thanks for writing. At the moment I am NED. I go back to my ocologist in January 2009!! I hope and pray that my tumor maker continues to stay low.

    Our son who is in the Air Force is coming in for a few days on Sunday. I haven't seen him in over two years. He is stationed at Ramstein, Germany and is going to California for a conference. Since he was going to be in the states, he decided to come home and visit the "folks" here in Texas. I didn't see him while I was battling my cancer so I hope I don't cry the entire time he is here. I am so excited I almost cry just thinking about him being here. Of course, his family won't be with him but my daughter, her two children, and I will be going to Germany for ten days in March.

    I am so glad that the presidential election is over. How about you?

    Hugs and prayers, Carol
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Me too!
    I'm in Texas too! I have a son in Japan that I haven't seen since my surgery in July 2007. I can totally relate to your upcoming visit. We hope to be able to go see him in March depending on my next course of treatment. I am just coming out of NED it looks like. My CA125 is up to 50 but nothing showing on the CT scan or physical yet. I am taking a chemo break for two to three months and am on the anti estrogen "Femara" pill meanwhile. We have a lot in common. ((Hugs))) Saundra
  • umaof6
    umaof6 Member Posts: 25
    me too & symptoms

    Thanks for the info of your symptoms. Tell your friends that you can get ovarian cancer even without ovaries!!

    Yes, it seems that we do have a lot in common. I live in a small city SW of Fort Worth. Where in Texas do you live? We just might be neighbors. HA! I hope that you get to see your son soon. My son didn't get to come home while I was sick. He and his wife had their son (second child) on the day I found out I had cancer. He will only be here four days but that is better than none.

    ((hugs)), carol
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Just wanted to say congrats on being NED!! And that I am jealous you all are in the same state. BUT maybe I could come there for some mn winter relief. :-) Hugs Bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Come on down
    Bonnie, if it gets too cold up there, come on down. I have an extra bedroom and bath waiting. Carol, I live in Midland. Headed your way tomorrow to visit a sick elderly uncle in Oak Cliff. Did you have your surgery at Baylor by any chance? I had Dr. Stringer do mine at Baylor in July, 2007. He is with Texas Oncology, which the cancer center here is affiliated with. I get my chemo here and Dr. Stringer comes to Midland every other month. It would be fun to get a group together. Saundra
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Good News
    Hi Carol, that's such great news that your are NED. Hope some day I will be doing the dance as well.Will keep you in my prayers.
    Hugs, Terry
  • umaof6
    umaof6 Member Posts: 25
    bonnie, I pray for my friends here every day. Sometimes I can't remember names or the particular problem one is having but, the Lord knows. I can't even imagine what you are going through but it seems like you are a very strong lady and you will come through all this just fine. ((hugs)) and prayers.

  • umaof6
    umaof6 Member Posts: 25
    saundra said:

    Come on down
    Bonnie, if it gets too cold up there, come on down. I have an extra bedroom and bath waiting. Carol, I live in Midland. Headed your way tomorrow to visit a sick elderly uncle in Oak Cliff. Did you have your surgery at Baylor by any chance? I had Dr. Stringer do mine at Baylor in July, 2007. He is with Texas Oncology, which the cancer center here is affiliated with. I get my chemo here and Dr. Stringer comes to Midland every other month. It would be fun to get a group together. Saundra

    come on down

    I had my surgery in Fort Worth. Dr Kenneth Hanncock with Tx Oncology did it. I went to Weatherford for my chemo. Also, that is where I go for my check-ups. My ocolgist is Dr. Jessica Hals. She is a cute red head who is full of spunk. I really like her. I hope that you have a safe trip to the metroplex. I am going to start working a couple of hours a day for my daughter-in-law today. She needs the extra help but doesn't want to hire another waitress right now. I may get "canned" right a way. HA! I will be doing hostess work so I think I can handle that.

    I would love to meet some of you women in person. Who knows, maybe that will come to pass one day. ((hugs)) Carol
  • umaof6
    umaof6 Member Posts: 25

    Good News
    Hi Carol, that's such great news that your are NED. Hope some day I will be doing the dance as well.Will keep you in my prayers.
    Hugs, Terry

    good news
    Terry, I am confident that one day you will be posting that you are NED. I pray for everyone every day. The power of prayer is marvelous. I don't know how people who don't believe in a higher power get through life. by the way, who are you holding in your picture? ((hugs)), carol
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    I'm so happy to hear you doing so well and enjoying those grand kids....they are the best!! I'll pray for your continued good health and well being..((hugz))~~Joanne