In memory of my brother, Mark

ChrisHB Member Posts: 22
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My brother, Mark passed away on September 10th after a long hard fight with this cancer. I knew it, but it did not come to me until afterwards what a good strong man he truly was. To me, he was my little brother who struggled in school and who was my inspiration for becoming an elementary school teacher. Mark celebrated his 50th birthday party on August 31 and his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife, Jamie the same month. He and Jamie raised three sons who loved him very much. His dreams for them will continue. Mark fought hard and never gave up. I know that if he could, he would give the advice to everyone, learn everything you can, fight as long as you can, do what you enjoy the most. Just a couple weeks before Mark passed away, that is what he did, he took a trip to a place that he loved and spent a week doing the things he enjoyed with his family. Knowing that gives those who loved him peace. Thank you to those who helped me through this with my brother. I learned that the best I could do for him was to love him and be his sister. I have also learned because of Mark how to take care of myself and my family. I think Mark likes that.


  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    So sorry
    Chris, I'm so sorry about your brother. Mark sounds like a wonderful person, and I'm sure you all miss him very much. His philosohpy is one to follow, though. Gotta make the most of all those moments and cherish the ones you love while you can.

    Our prayers will be with you.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    He is not gone, just moved...
    From in front of your eyes, into your heart. There he will live on forever.

    The following is from my daughter's memorial...she passed almost 2 years ago.

    I'm Free

    Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
    I'm following the path God laid for me
    I took his hand when I heard His call
    I turned my back and left it all.

    I could not stay another day
    To laugh, to love, to work, or play
    Tasks left undone must stay that way
    I've found that peace at the close of the day.

    If my parting has left a void
    Then fill it with remembered joy
    A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
    Ah, yes, these things I too will miss.

    Be not burdened with times of sorrow
    I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow
    My life's been full I savored much
    Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.

    Perhaps my time seemed all too brief
    Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
    Lift up your heart and share with me
    God wanted me now, He set me FREE.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Sad News
    Hi Chris...I'm so, so sorry to hear about Mark. I'm sure he felt blessed having you help him with his fight, and all the love and support you gave him. I'm very glad to hear that he was able to do some of the things he wanted to do before he passed.

    Kathi, what a beautiful poem. It says it all.

    Much love and warm wishes to you and your family, Chris.
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    May Mark Rest In Peace
    Chris, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure Mark is in a better place if this was his time to go. That doesn't make the void in your life any easier to accept. Be happy that he did get to do some of the things he really enjoyed and do not, for one second, take on the "survivor's guilt". I know, it's hard... but he and you probably learned so much from each other and he was so happy to have you and his family close by.

    My positive thoughts are with you to make this time a bit easier to bear.


  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    God Bless
    Chris, God bless you and your family. He has already taken Mark to himself. Be comforted.

  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm Sorry!
    Dear Chris,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. It must be comforting to know that he celebrated his birthday and anniversary surrounded by love. May your warm memories of him in healthier times sustain you during this difficult time.


  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    So Sorry

    I was so sorry to hear about your brother. May he rest in Peace.

    Kathy said it all with her poem!


  • krystiesq
    krystiesq Member Posts: 240 Member
    god bless you and your family
    May you find peace in knowing that God has a plan for all of us. I pray that you are given the strength to remember your brother with smiles and laughter.
  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member
    Sorry for your loss

    I'm very sorry for your loss.

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  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    You loss
    I am so sorry for your loss and I pray for strength for you and your family in the days and months ahead. It sounds like Mark understood what was really important in this life and he had a wonderful network of loved ones to help him to do what he enjoyed. That his legacy will stay with you and strengthen you in your daily life is a testament to him and will keep him alive in you for many years. I share a birthday with him (as does my twin!) and am only 2 years younger! God be with you, Chris, and the rest of Mark's loved ones.