PSA of 5700

jimbeam50 Member Posts: 47
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer the end of May. Initial count was 5700 (not a typo). He only went to the doctors because he had back pain for several weeks and the doctor did the PSA and a few other tests. The prostate cancer is in his bones. On his first visit to the urologist the doctor immediately started him on a triple dose of casodex and his PSA went down to 123 in six weeks which amazed all his doctors. His last test on October 1 was 67. The doctor said he is responding well to the hormone therapy. He is on pain medication and doesn't want to start radiation for bone pain until later. The doctors feel he may have had cancer for atleast 10 years and they attribute it to his exposure to agent orange in Viet Nam. Our whole life was turned upside down. We were self employed and had to give up our business,and we thought every day was our last together. Things are better but we still don't want to know his prognosis although the doctors tell you enough that you pretty much know what it is. We have gone to the VA to submit a claim, they referred to him as a terminal case. At first my husband talked like he was terminal but now he is talking about next year. Although I have talked to several men who have gone through prostate cancer I have not met anyone with a count this high. I want to be optimistic to keep his spirits up and positive but I am still afraid.


  • American Cancer Society

    We are sorry to hear about the difficulties your husband is having. We encourage you to contact the American Cancer Society's National Cancer Information Center for more information on PSA and cancer prognosis. Cancer Information Specialists are available 24 hours a day at 1-800-224-2345. We wish your husband the best on his treatment.

    Kind regards,

    Your CSN Staff


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