Delayed Reaction = Weight GAIN

coug90 Member Posts: 59
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
As some of you know, I found a lump in August 04, delayed the doctor until Oct (I know) and had surgery just after Thanksgiving. I got dx with Stage 1 cancer in Dec 04, made it through surgery and umpteen million appointments about what to 'do' with me. I didn't actually start radiation until early Feb 05, due to my mom's heart surgery. I didn't hear whether or not I would do chemo until late April 05. Through all of this I held up. Sure there were some tears and a lot of concealed worry (read panic) but I never really lost it. Skip ahead to July 06... and wham. I lost it... think nuclear bomb. Ended up on Lexapro and am now 20 pounds heavier. :( So I was wondering, has this type of reaction happened to anyone else? And did you end up on anti-anxiety meds? AND, here's the kicker, have you come off of your meds yet? I want to come off of mine so that I can control my weight, but I'm afraid of another explosion.


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    First things first: For the record I want to say that I met you in chat, and then in DC for the ACS Celebration on the Hill. You are truly beautiful, phsically, emotionally, and spiritually. That you have gained 20 pounds is astounding to me. Oh yeah, you have awesome hair too! I hated that about you! :-)
    That having been said~ I have gained 25 pounds post treatment! I was blaming it on Arimidex blocking my estrogen ( and yes, sometimes I still do) But I know that I celebrate life by drinking wine, going out to dinner, etc etc. And yes, I also know that studies show we BC sisters should not drink alcohol. And maybe I will stop-but probably not.
    No telling how and why we react to things the way we do, Coug. Meds can certainly be a God-send, and can help our bodies balance out whatever chemical may be out of whack --- no matter what Tom Cruise says!! But if you feel they have worked their magic on you and you want to stop the meds, have you talked to your Dr about possibly weaning you off? Maybe you can or have learned new coping mechanisms you don't even know about.
    Weight gain, indeed. I think about dieting all the time. Just haven't quite put it into practice yet.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I don't know. I never allowed myself to feel stuff (Part of my I threw things (pillows,usually), whined to anyone who would listen, and then laughed at myself with everyone else....don't know if that's healthy.

    I love you as you are, so it is hard for me to advise you....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Kitty3571
    Kitty3571 Member Posts: 48
    Well I was diagnosed in Feb 06 - Got all the treatments over the past year and a half, finished everything now, not on any meds at all - Total weight gain since original diagnosis = 30+ lbs - To say the least it's been difficult and depressing, yet I don't eat because I'm depressed and I still gain. I know mostly it's what I eat and when (late) and I don't have a regular exercise routine but I just can't get myself motivated to do much about it - Even after my husband told me he is not attracted to me anymore, do I just not care? I don't know! Thanks for listening - Kitty
  • coug90
    coug90 Member Posts: 59
    Kitty3571 said:

    Well I was diagnosed in Feb 06 - Got all the treatments over the past year and a half, finished everything now, not on any meds at all - Total weight gain since original diagnosis = 30+ lbs - To say the least it's been difficult and depressing, yet I don't eat because I'm depressed and I still gain. I know mostly it's what I eat and when (late) and I don't have a regular exercise routine but I just can't get myself motivated to do much about it - Even after my husband told me he is not attracted to me anymore, do I just not care? I don't know! Thanks for listening - Kitty

    First off, congratulations on being a survivor! It certainly wasn't nice of your husband to say that to you! I guess men don't get what breast cancer does to a womans self esteem... I do, at least, have a supportive spouse... who brings me sweets! LOL I know I care about my gain because I took off 90+ lbs before being dx. BUT WHY I can't get motivated to remove this excess wait boggles my mind. And then of course there is the eating... snacking... pigging out... sigh. I know the formula for weight loss. Eat less. Exercise. Calories in, Calories OUT. Now if I could just get my FAT butt up on the treadmill and pay someone to sew my mouth shut...
  • loisbarrie
    loisbarrie Member Posts: 12
    weight gain
    Oh, my goodness..I dreaded this the most. I gained almost 40 pounds. And I was really active before..kayaking, long distance biking, two jobs, dates, etc. I was at a cancer survior conference a few weeks ago, and I swear, most of us looked like pork barrels. My shape is different. I suspect that being post menopausal will make a difference that I'm not going to be fond of. But, I like the way I feel in a thinner, stronger body. I"m still goofy with chemo brain, and can't count sets.....but I took out a membership at my employers gym and I hired a personal trainer with my employee discount. She has been wonderful. She keeps track of the sets while I just show up and move, sweat and get my heart rate up.
    I'm not sure about eating yet. I log what I eat for awareness sake. I saw a dietician at the hospital of treatment, but my boyfriend and I both thought she was a snoozer. The new hospital that I'm going to has cooking classes for survivors! I can hardly wait!!I also do qigong and will be starting some tia chi.
    I went to the web site called Real Age...because I kept saying that I feel 15 years older. Well, duh, I'm in menopause. It put me 12 years older due to that. so I asked my onc if I should amend my health plan to treat my body as if it is older..because physiologically it is. She said, why? I'm 47. Age is just a number. Mentally, I feel younger,but Iwant to take care of this body I'm in too. ha.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    weight gain
    Oh, my goodness..I dreaded this the most. I gained almost 40 pounds. And I was really active before..kayaking, long distance biking, two jobs, dates, etc. I was at a cancer survior conference a few weeks ago, and I swear, most of us looked like pork barrels. My shape is different. I suspect that being post menopausal will make a difference that I'm not going to be fond of. But, I like the way I feel in a thinner, stronger body. I"m still goofy with chemo brain, and can't count sets.....but I took out a membership at my employers gym and I hired a personal trainer with my employee discount. She has been wonderful. She keeps track of the sets while I just show up and move, sweat and get my heart rate up.
    I'm not sure about eating yet. I log what I eat for awareness sake. I saw a dietician at the hospital of treatment, but my boyfriend and I both thought she was a snoozer. The new hospital that I'm going to has cooking classes for survivors! I can hardly wait!!I also do qigong and will be starting some tia chi.
    I went to the web site called Real Age...because I kept saying that I feel 15 years older. Well, duh, I'm in menopause. It put me 12 years older due to that. so I asked my onc if I should amend my health plan to treat my body as if it is older..because physiologically it is. She said, why? I'm 47. Age is just a number. Mentally, I feel younger,but Iwant to take care of this body I'm in too. ha.

    Weight Gain
    A quick after-note since the original posting! I have joined Curves, taken up swimming, and, in preparation for my half-marathon on November 1st did the 13 miles TODAY!!! I am 59, and have lost the weight gain I was blaming on the Arimidex! I feel young and act young, and there is sooo much to be said for the AWESOME effects of endorphins!!!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    chenheart said:

    Weight Gain
    A quick after-note since the original posting! I have joined Curves, taken up swimming, and, in preparation for my half-marathon on November 1st did the 13 miles TODAY!!! I am 59, and have lost the weight gain I was blaming on the Arimidex! I feel young and act young, and there is sooo much to be said for the AWESOME effects of endorphins!!!


    I've lost 10!
    I agree, I have been exercising and eating right (most of the time, lol), and have shucked 10 pounds!!!

    Another 5, and I'll be to 'fighting weight' (look out, Hans!!!).

    Hugs, Kathi
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510

    weight gain
    Oh, my goodness..I dreaded this the most. I gained almost 40 pounds. And I was really active before..kayaking, long distance biking, two jobs, dates, etc. I was at a cancer survior conference a few weeks ago, and I swear, most of us looked like pork barrels. My shape is different. I suspect that being post menopausal will make a difference that I'm not going to be fond of. But, I like the way I feel in a thinner, stronger body. I"m still goofy with chemo brain, and can't count sets.....but I took out a membership at my employers gym and I hired a personal trainer with my employee discount. She has been wonderful. She keeps track of the sets while I just show up and move, sweat and get my heart rate up.
    I'm not sure about eating yet. I log what I eat for awareness sake. I saw a dietician at the hospital of treatment, but my boyfriend and I both thought she was a snoozer. The new hospital that I'm going to has cooking classes for survivors! I can hardly wait!!I also do qigong and will be starting some tia chi.
    I went to the web site called Real Age...because I kept saying that I feel 15 years older. Well, duh, I'm in menopause. It put me 12 years older due to that. so I asked my onc if I should amend my health plan to treat my body as if it is older..because physiologically it is. She said, why? I'm 47. Age is just a number. Mentally, I feel younger,but Iwant to take care of this body I'm in too. ha.

    I can't seem to stop gaining
    I can't seem to stop gaining weight no matter what I do. I cut out carbs except for cheerios in the morning. No pasta, potatoes or rice. I eat all veggies and salads. I stopped eating certain fruits like grapes, peaches, melons because of the sugar content. What else can I do? I am getting very depressed. I have NEVER been this heavy and don't like myself right now. Hugs, Lili
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482

    I can't seem to stop gaining
    I can't seem to stop gaining weight no matter what I do. I cut out carbs except for cheerios in the morning. No pasta, potatoes or rice. I eat all veggies and salads. I stopped eating certain fruits like grapes, peaches, melons because of the sugar content. What else can I do? I am getting very depressed. I have NEVER been this heavy and don't like myself right now. Hugs, Lili

    All those salads, no pasta,
    All those salads, no pasta, yes, Lili, that is not fair. Perhaps a nutritionist can help. Or, check your thyroid? There has got to be a solution that will make you feel good about yourself. YOU DESERVE IT! all my love, Joyce
  • newboobs
    newboobs Member Posts: 121

    I can't seem to stop gaining
    I can't seem to stop gaining weight no matter what I do. I cut out carbs except for cheerios in the morning. No pasta, potatoes or rice. I eat all veggies and salads. I stopped eating certain fruits like grapes, peaches, melons because of the sugar content. What else can I do? I am getting very depressed. I have NEVER been this heavy and don't like myself right now. Hugs, Lili

    weight gain
    Hey I've lost 100 pounds! The same 5 lbs atleast 20 times! hahaha
    Hugs Coug-- it can come back at us like the memories of a terrible car wreck or other trauma. What's with that? Like we need more drama in our brains. I have struggled with my weight since 4th grade - I buy the Yoga tapes, get on the all of it for 3 weeks, then I let life get in the way.

    Where is Bob Greene when we need him on here? ;-)

    Seriously, it is my biggest challenge - taking care of myself. I have been dealing with stress better the past year - guess I hit 45 and just got over it all, not sure. I have 6 girlfriends, the ROFFS, the Royal Order of the FlipFlop Society -- and we're all walking/running the Peachtree Roadrace next July and NOT ONE of us has begun training. Why do we do these things to ourselves?

    Chen we need your 1/2marathon wisdom!

    By the way I have met Chen and Coug in person - and you are both BEAUTIFUL!! Hugs ladies.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    newboobs said:

    weight gain
    Hey I've lost 100 pounds! The same 5 lbs atleast 20 times! hahaha
    Hugs Coug-- it can come back at us like the memories of a terrible car wreck or other trauma. What's with that? Like we need more drama in our brains. I have struggled with my weight since 4th grade - I buy the Yoga tapes, get on the all of it for 3 weeks, then I let life get in the way.

    Where is Bob Greene when we need him on here? ;-)

    Seriously, it is my biggest challenge - taking care of myself. I have been dealing with stress better the past year - guess I hit 45 and just got over it all, not sure. I have 6 girlfriends, the ROFFS, the Royal Order of the FlipFlop Society -- and we're all walking/running the Peachtree Roadrace next July and NOT ONE of us has begun training. Why do we do these things to ourselves?

    Chen we need your 1/2marathon wisdom!

    By the way I have met Chen and Coug in person - and you are both BEAUTIFUL!! Hugs ladies.

    Me, too....
    Hey, what about me? Have we met? ROFL

    BIG hugs, Kathi
  • newboobs
    newboobs Member Posts: 121
    KathiM said:

    Me, too....
    Hey, what about me? Have we met? ROFL

    BIG hugs, Kathi

    Girl I could never forget you! hahahaha