Follow Up: Saved By the Pink!

kbc4869 Member Posts: 159
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everybody,

So, after our last post regarding the "Pink Yukkies," I had a low-impact epiphany that I wanted to share with you.

My morning coffee is one of the highlights of my day. I received a wonderful new coffee maker with a Grind and Brew functionality. I take a lot of delight in getting different kinds of coffee beans and smelling them while they grind in the morning. During the weekdays, my mornings are hectic to say the least. Sometimes there's only time to grab my coffee and put it in a to-go cup.

So, here's the issue: since hubby and I have been together the last three years, I have purchased several To-Go cups that ulimately disappear or become unusable, etc. I mean, I have purchased like 5 cups! He either leaves them at various job sites or his truck "eats" them. And the most disgusting part is that he'll bring them in for cleaning after a couple of weeks or so and they are so indescribably disgusting I can't bring myself to use them again even if they have soaked in hot water and soap. EEWWW. Girls, I just want my own coffee cup!

So, I'm shopping the other day and I see IT: A BIG BEAUTIFUL PINK To-Go cup with the pink ribbon and the words: HOPE, LOVE AND COURAGE. My little lightbulb went DING, DING, DING!

So, Hubby asks me how the shopping trip went, and I say, "Great!" He asks me if I got anything good, and I say yeah. He says, "Great! We need more To-Go cups because 'WE' have a problem with losing them." I said, I know! That's why I got it.

Ladies, I'm happy to say that he avoids that big pink cup like the plague. And I just love it. Every morning I fill it up and go I think of you guys and laugh to myself.

Hope the story gave you a smile -- Have a great weekend! Go Pink!



  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Kim, this story not only
    Kim, this story not only made me smile it made me laugh. Here we go avoiding the pink ribbon only to find it was the solution to your runaway to-go cups. Lol, now you'll be able to enjoy that nice cup of coffee. Hugs, Lili
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Men in Pink
    Hi Kim

    You gave me a good laugh also. Perhaps we should appreciate our pink more.

    My little niece invited me to her "Volley for the Cure" and of course she gave me a pink t-shirt to wear. Almost everyone there including the men had on pink. It was a little touching to see all these men brave enough to wear their pink t-shirts, headbands etc.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Wonderful Story Kim!!!! How feminine-ly ingenious of you! Redundant, aren't I? LOL

    I laughed today too~ I was asked to come into my local Curves for a photo shoot! I got a Free Curves Pink T, and I am the Poster Child ( ok...Poster Broad) for October BC Awareness month! Good News/Bad New, huh? I was avoiding Pink, and now am almost immortalized in it! HA

    My sweetie golfs regularly, and his FAVORITE golf shirt is one with the Pink Ribbon Logo and the "Words Real Men Wear Pink"! Gotta love that man!

    Thanks for the smiles, always a welcome part of the day!

  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Pink is actually my favorite
    Pink is actually my favorite color and I don't really mind the ribbon. Its the reason we have been able to raise so much money and fund the research that has benefitted so many women with breast cancer.
  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187
    Discovered one more
    Discovered one more advantage of being an "obvious" survivor.

    I am a week past my very last chemo and therefore still part of the crew who use Turtle Wax and a chamois instead of a hair gel and a blow dryer.

    So, for this month, I've noticed when I go to the market with my scarf on, the checkers NEVER ask me if I'd like to contribute to the Pink Ribbon BC fund raising thingy they have going on----can't imagine why not! LOL

    I figure this year the contribution of my hair and boob is enough! Maybe next year when it's not so obvious, it'll be another sign of my new normal.

    Thanks for the suggestion of a pink mug. Men can be so predictable---none the less cute at the same time!
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Way to go, survivor sister.
    Way to go, survivor sister. You gave me a good smile to start my weekend off with. I will tell another short "advantage" story. We have a pretty good share of boring meetings at work. One particularly boring, all day, MANDATORY meeting came up a while back. I regrettfully declined attending....I'm sorry, but I have CHEMO that day. Can't touch that! Best excuse I ever had. I still refer to my once every three weeks herceptin drips as "chemo" when the need arises. I also saw a therapist a few times and got off work early. I liked the occasional early dismissal time better than the therapist. I stopped seeing her, but have had a "therapist" appt. with myself a couple of times when I needed a break from work. Reprehensible misuse of BC, hec, yeah. But, I can't think of any hensible uses for it! smiles to all of, Joyce
  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187

    Way to go, survivor sister.
    Way to go, survivor sister. You gave me a good smile to start my weekend off with. I will tell another short "advantage" story. We have a pretty good share of boring meetings at work. One particularly boring, all day, MANDATORY meeting came up a while back. I regrettfully declined attending....I'm sorry, but I have CHEMO that day. Can't touch that! Best excuse I ever had. I still refer to my once every three weeks herceptin drips as "chemo" when the need arises. I also saw a therapist a few times and got off work early. I liked the occasional early dismissal time better than the therapist. I stopped seeing her, but have had a "therapist" appt. with myself a couple of times when I needed a break from work. Reprehensible misuse of BC, hec, yeah. But, I can't think of any hensible uses for it! smiles to all of, Joyce

    I'm SURE that saying you have a therapist appt. is a very hensible use of BC because I've found retail therapy can be very calming and nurturing!

    So therapist Joyce, continue your professional practice!