last cigarette today

praiseJesus Member Posts: 33
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
well this is my 2nd day after my 2nd surgery,3 margins taken,port put in. my breast isn't as sore as yesterday,behind my port though is sore and hurts a bit,i'm a small frame and small bone i guess the port was a tight breast feels smaller after this surgery,but anyway i should hear about these margins next week,i really do pray there clean.i start chemo in 3 to 4 i said it will be the t.a.c. treatment but i've made my mine up not to do the middle drug..because it is so bad for causing heart damage.this is still so hard to believe..but right now i'm okay...last week emotionally i wasn' time gets closer i pray i will be more okay, especially on the day i start.and yes i made up my mind and smoked my last cig. today.ihave been smoking since 18...and i'm 43 now,but it's gotta stop, just like ya'll said.oh..boy....well, hope all is very good with everybody today.oh..i did have a low temp last night...but the hospital sent me home with antibiotics..seems my temp goes a bit up and then back down....sometimes i wonder if these operating rooms are just too sterl? well....thanks reading my chatter, i do alt of reading on his site sometimes helps-


  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Are you sure?
    Are you sure about passing on the Adriamycin? It is a nasty albiet very effective drug for breast cancer.
  • Watercolor
    Watercolor Member Posts: 47 Member
    Congratulations on giving up the cigs. It's 'bout the best thing you can do for yourself. Those dirty things seem to be detrimental in all health aspects. Some years ago I worked with an older woman -- I'd guess mid 70s? (Maybe she looked older than she was because of smoking?) She said she'd smoked most of her life. One day she just gave it up cold turkey. She did it. So can you.

  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Eil4186 said:

    Are you sure?
    Are you sure about passing on the Adriamycin? It is a nasty albiet very effective drug for breast cancer.

    If you have made up your
    If you have made up your mind about the Adriamycin, then I respect that. If any part of you is still wavering, perhaps it will help to hear that, yes, it is a little rough but not really that bad. My take is that if I am going to lose my hair anyway, I had better make it worth my time! Maybe speak to your doctor one more time and tell him/her about your fears. See if they can do extra monitoring.
    Congratulations on the decision to ditch the ciggies. Best wishes for easy times as you go through your total body healing! love, Joyce