Mother and Son diagnosed!!

vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello, everyone. This is Valerie, dx'd 4/08, stage 3, 1 positive node. I' had surgery in May and is now on round 9 of chemo. I went to the Dr. with my son this morning and to our amazement, the prognosis was colon cancer. He just turned 31 in Aug. We don't know the staging yet, but he's pretty devestated. Any advice for a mother and son going through the same thing at the same time? You guys have been freat in the past. Help a mother out!!!


  • krystiesq
    krystiesq Member Posts: 240 Member
    I am praying for you. Sometimes you think you have reached your breaking point and God decides to test you further. Your son will benefit from your experience. I'm not good at giving advice, I can only say that you're both in my thoughts and prayers.
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  • vchildbeloved
    vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Mother and Son!!
    Hi, thanks for your comment. He was having some stomach pains, but, because of what he just witnessed me going through, he decided to insist on testing and received it this morning. Will definitely keep you posted.

    Many thanks,
  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    Keep the Faith
    Gee Valerie, I wish I had something to say that would help you out. Watching our children go through something like this is so difficult. I am so sorry that you both have to deal with this, but you will be so much support for him and you will understand what he is going through. You did not want this, but you will share a bond that will help you both cope with this awful disease. I pray that they have caught this in a very early stage. Good for him for getting this checked out early! My prayers are with both of you. Please keep us updated.

  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    Oh no!
    That is awful! I'm so sorry that you are having to experience all of it again with him. Let us know how he is doing and don't forget to take care of yourself.
    Jo Ann
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    So sorry
    I'm so sorry this has happened. Thank goodness he insisted on being tested! The one thing that came to my mind is that it probably would not have occurred to him to be tested if you hadn't already had this cancer, so if there's a blessing in your diagnosis, I guess that's it right there. We'll be praying for you!

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    Mother and child
    Valerie, I am so sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis as well as your son's. I pray that God will keep you both in the comfort of His arms and that you are able to take this trial and strengthen your bond with each other. Amen to what the others have said, for your 31 year old son to be diagnosed, undoubtedly the colonoscopy only being "granted" due to your diagnosis, is a strange way of being blessed. I pray that his is early and that you BOTH have successful treatment with very little side effects.
  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Keeping you both in my prayers
    My heart just goes out to you and your son. I can't even imagine what your feeling right now, but I just know you'll be a tremendous support to your son . I also know it is extremely hard, but try to keep a positive thought that it was found early and please keep us posted.A big hug and sending a multitude of prayers for both of you .
    God Bless
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Family Cancers
    Hi Valerie,

    I am so sorry you both are going through this. Do you have other children? Thank goodness he insisted on being tested. Good for him that he even went to the doctor. I will be praying that it's early stages.

    When my sister was dx'ed back in 1989 at the age of 29 not one doctor advised the rest of us to get scoped. What a travesty. If just ONE doctor had told us to get tested I would not be a Stage III survivor but could very well have found little polyps to be snipped in the bud.

    My colonoscopy is coming up and my 20 year old daughter will be having her first one on the same day. My 22 year son was tested when he was 20 also and the rest of my children will be tested young also. It is a fact of life for us now.

    I wish you and your son all the best in healing your cancer. You are definitely in a unique position going through this together.

    Have you thought about purchasing a juicer and pumping some high density nutrition into your system via fresh organic veggie juice? It will help to alkalize your system which makes it difficult for cancer to survive. Starve the cancer and feed your body! Cancer likes things like sugar and white flour, white grains and dairy and processed foods--things that creates an acid pH. Eating as much fresh raw organic veggies can truly help your body to heal because they are full of enzymes and it's enzymes that heal your body of disease. That's the best advice I can give you.

    I juice my teens every day as a preventative so they will never have to live through what I have had to--first losing my sister to intestinal cancer and then having my own dx 7 years ago.

    I hope this helps.

    peace, emily the juice chick
  • vchildbeloved
    vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
    2bhealed said:

    Family Cancers
    Hi Valerie,

    I am so sorry you both are going through this. Do you have other children? Thank goodness he insisted on being tested. Good for him that he even went to the doctor. I will be praying that it's early stages.

    When my sister was dx'ed back in 1989 at the age of 29 not one doctor advised the rest of us to get scoped. What a travesty. If just ONE doctor had told us to get tested I would not be a Stage III survivor but could very well have found little polyps to be snipped in the bud.

    My colonoscopy is coming up and my 20 year old daughter will be having her first one on the same day. My 22 year son was tested when he was 20 also and the rest of my children will be tested young also. It is a fact of life for us now.

    I wish you and your son all the best in healing your cancer. You are definitely in a unique position going through this together.

    Have you thought about purchasing a juicer and pumping some high density nutrition into your system via fresh organic veggie juice? It will help to alkalize your system which makes it difficult for cancer to survive. Starve the cancer and feed your body! Cancer likes things like sugar and white flour, white grains and dairy and processed foods--things that creates an acid pH. Eating as much fresh raw organic veggies can truly help your body to heal because they are full of enzymes and it's enzymes that heal your body of disease. That's the best advice I can give you.

    I juice my teens every day as a preventative so they will never have to live through what I have had to--first losing my sister to intestinal cancer and then having my own dx 7 years ago.

    I hope this helps.

    peace, emily the juice chick

    Mother and Son!!
    Thanks 2bhealed for your very kind words. Yes, I am going to purchase a juicer. I was just talking to one of my daughters about it the other day. And yes, I do have other children: 4, 2 boys and 2 girls. All of them are of testing age and are on top of it as we speak. I have been very firm with them and THEIR DOCTORS. They had tried in the past to be tested but was told that they were too young. I'M NOT HAVING THAT ANYMORE!!

    Could you offer me some pointers or suggestions on what books to purchase on juicing. I was also reading an article the other day concerning Macrobiotics. What can you offer in that area?

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Mother and Son!!
    Thanks 2bhealed for your very kind words. Yes, I am going to purchase a juicer. I was just talking to one of my daughters about it the other day. And yes, I do have other children: 4, 2 boys and 2 girls. All of them are of testing age and are on top of it as we speak. I have been very firm with them and THEIR DOCTORS. They had tried in the past to be tested but was told that they were too young. I'M NOT HAVING THAT ANYMORE!!

    Could you offer me some pointers or suggestions on what books to purchase on juicing. I was also reading an article the other day concerning Macrobiotics. What can you offer in that area?


    Juicing Books and Stuff
    Hi Valerie,

    I am relieved to hear that your other children are on top of this pronto. I cannot wish back my chance 18 years ago to have started testing, but I can also insist that my children get tested. So far no doc has balked when I told him/her that my children needed to be tested.

    My Juicing Book List:

    Juice Alive by Steven Bailey, ND
    The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health by Cherie Calbom (recipes)
    The Detox Diet by Elson Haas, MD (not necessarily for juicing but detoxing was an integral part of my protocol)
    Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr (again, not just about juicing but great reference and fun to read--you should get your son a copy too)
    The pH Miracle by Robert Young, PhD
    Spontaneous Healing by Dr. Andrew Weil (wonderful point of view for healing and one that affirmed my own views)

    The Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson -- her father, Max Gerson, is the grand pooba of juicing and it was his protocol that I refered to to create my own.

    Along with my 3 quarts of juice per day that I was ingesting 7 years ago (now I do 16 oz/day) I followed a basic macrobiotic diet--meaning for me, steamed veggies and brown rice.

    The Self-Healing Cookbook by Christina Turner is my macro cookbook that I use and Michio Kushi is the expert in the field--he wrote The Cancer Prevention Diet. A good resource also.

    Macrobiotics are a gentle way of eating towards the center...meaning in a balanced way--not too yin nor too yang. The foods I ate were easier to digest and helped me to detox.

    I hope this helps.

    peace, emily the juice chick :-)
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Juicing Books and Stuff
    Hi Valerie,

    I am relieved to hear that your other children are on top of this pronto. I cannot wish back my chance 18 years ago to have started testing, but I can also insist that my children get tested. So far no doc has balked when I told him/her that my children needed to be tested.

    My Juicing Book List:

    Juice Alive by Steven Bailey, ND
    The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health by Cherie Calbom (recipes)
    The Detox Diet by Elson Haas, MD (not necessarily for juicing but detoxing was an integral part of my protocol)
    Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr (again, not just about juicing but great reference and fun to read--you should get your son a copy too)
    The pH Miracle by Robert Young, PhD
    Spontaneous Healing by Dr. Andrew Weil (wonderful point of view for healing and one that affirmed my own views)

    The Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson -- her father, Max Gerson, is the grand pooba of juicing and it was his protocol that I refered to to create my own.

    Along with my 3 quarts of juice per day that I was ingesting 7 years ago (now I do 16 oz/day) I followed a basic macrobiotic diet--meaning for me, steamed veggies and brown rice.

    The Self-Healing Cookbook by Christina Turner is my macro cookbook that I use and Michio Kushi is the expert in the field--he wrote The Cancer Prevention Diet. A good resource also.

    Macrobiotics are a gentle way of eating towards the center...meaning in a balanced way--not too yin nor too yang. The foods I ate were easier to digest and helped me to detox.

    I hope this helps.

    peace, emily the juice chick :-)

    for some unexplainable reason the name Charlotte was astricked out. Strange since I didn't type it that way. Hmmmm.

    anyway, the author is CHARLOTTE GERSON, not C*******.


    peace, emily
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    2bhealed said:

    for some unexplainable reason the name Charlotte was astricked out. Strange since I didn't type it that way. Hmmmm.

    anyway, the author is CHARLOTTE GERSON, not C*******.


    peace, emily

    Hehe... the ****** between the C and the te have bleeped out what must spell out a naughty word that was picked up from the censor filter. I noticed that in a post of mine a few weeks back when I was mentioning that I lived with my dog and bird. Of course, I mentioned the kind of bird it was and was bleeped out. The breed of bird, phonetically sounds like kock-a-tiel, replace the first k with a c and take out the hyphens :)

    So your author's first name must be a 6 letter naughty word??


  • catman
    catman Member Posts: 17
    I know about your situation
    Valerie - You dont now me but I know your situation and I learned about your son's dx last night. Sarah, told me the news last night at the football game. I am so sorry. I dont know if Sarah has mentioned it to you but I am a stage III cancer survivor. Dx in 2006, 13 of 26 lymph nodes positive. My Mother was dx in January with Anal cancer and my Dad was just dx last week with stage IIIb lung cancer. He started chemo on thursday. Your son is very young, which works to his advantage. Once he finds out what stage he is in, then he will know how big the fight will be. His cancer could very well be contained in the colon and possibly no chemo needed. That would be great, remove part of the colon and the tumor and then monitor it the rest of his life. I would have killed for that kind of news two years ago. It sounds like you are doing well with the chemo. I think you're going to be fine. This could be a blessing in disguise for your other children and grandchildren. Now they can be tested at an early age which may save their lives. Sarah is going to keep me updated on you and your son's progress. If you or your son ever need to talk to someone who is/was in the same boat, feel free to contact me. Sarah has my phone number and e-mail address. Take one day at a time and stay positive. I will continue to pray for you and now your son. Take Care, Catman
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Dear Valerie,

    I am so sorry that while you are nearing the end of your treatment, your son is beginning his journey. I pray that his cancer has been caught early. Please keep us posted on both of your situations. I'm sending you strength and courage as you learn what the best treatment plan will be for your son.


  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Hehe... the ****** between the C and the te have bleeped out what must spell out a naughty word that was picked up from the censor filter. I noticed that in a post of mine a few weeks back when I was mentioning that I lived with my dog and bird. Of course, I mentioned the kind of bird it was and was bleeped out. The breed of bird, phonetically sounds like kock-a-tiel, replace the first k with a c and take out the hyphens :)

    So your author's first name must be a 6 letter naughty word??



    Oh, righto!

    Yes, a really bad speller could have come up with a naughy word.


    Thanks for the tip off. (good thing I didn't spell that with a "t"!) haha

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed said:

    Oh, righto!

    Yes, a really bad speller could have come up with a naughy word.


    Thanks for the tip off. (good thing I didn't spell that with a "t"!) haha

    peace, emily

    Thanks so much ...
    Our new site allows for automated filtering of so-called "bad words" which is much more sensitive that we anticipated. Thank you so much for your patience and good sense of humor as we continue to identify and remove word(s) in the filter that cause "good" words to go "bad." :-)

    Your CSN Staff