Getting back to "old" life

Madre Member Posts: 123
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well, I have 2 more treatments to go then I'm done! I have been out of work since April "08 and I will be returning November 3. My boss is being great (I am lucky and blessed) he has held my position and will work with me as to how many hours a day I can get through when I return. My questions & concerns, for those of you that finsihed treatment and gotten back in the old routine, how difficult is it? I know the obvious, tired, fatigue, but after being out for so long and not being in charge of my body I'm a little nervious. I've nver been out of work for so long and I'm not sure exactly what I'm afraid of most. Any input is always greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    Back to work
    I had my surgery in July 06, started chemo in Aug 06 and back to work in Sept 06. I started jogging before I went back to work. I stred off easy, 6 hrs a day and worked my way back to 8 hours and then had my 2nd surgery in Feb 07 and was back to the gym (gym rat) in May 07. It took me about a year to get back to "normal", if what I had as normal.

    Take things slow and take it one day at a time, as well as listening to your body. Believe me, things will return.
  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member
    Back to work
    I went back to work full-time 6 weeks after chemo ended. Big mistake. When I had a recurrence and had to go out again, I went back part-time. Much better. People don't realize how much chemo takes from your body. Best of luck on your return to work.

  • How exciting!
    I was off work for 15 months during my treatment in 06 and 07. Not because I was sick all of that time but because my job involves traveling and couldn't plan on being home for chemo,
    radiation, surgeries (you know the routine). I went back to work full time right away and really didn't have a problem with fatigue. I was so nervous about getting back in the saddle, but it was the absolute best thing for me. It feels great to have your life back and to do something "normal". Having money again is pretty nice, too. I'm so happy for you...let us know how things go. I'll keep you in my prayers for an easy transition back to your normal life.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    You've heard it...'new' normal...
    I am almost out 4 years from diagnosis, 3 years from treatment. I can honestly say that I never have returned to the old normal...seems like having a life-threatening illness changes many of us, me for one...
    I don't sweat the small stuff anymore. If someone antagonizes me, I just walk away. I take care of the most important health...I learned how fragile it can be...
    So, I LOVE my 'new' normal...LOTS less stress...I know I have picked back up with my work (self-employed, so I had to work all during treatment for both the colon and the breast cancer), but I don't lift stuff like I used to, and I take time to eat lunch, which I didn't, etc...I own a computer consulting company, almost 18 years.

    Accepting that things may be a bit different is a big step in the right direction...and laughing STILL is one of the best medicines!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Back to work
    Congrats on only two more treatments to go!!! Light at the end of the tunnel. I worked through chemo. I just took it easy. I was lucky because I work for the IT dept of my company and could work from home the two days of chemo. I took it easier and didn't work 'after hours' which is an IT hazard. After chemo I still try to not sweat the small stuff and not work weekends or after work is over if I can help it. Just less stress that way and trying to not get caught back in the whole rat race that I'm afraid might have contributed to the cancer. HUGS and remember you have a new 'Normal'. Nothing is ever exactly the same after dx. I would say though that my life is actually better after getting cancer. I realize what is the most important now.

    Lisa F.
  • bigCrandy
    bigCrandy Member Posts: 75
    Go with your body signs
    Hi, Madre, stay positive. It's great to be blessed with a good employer, I know, I've got one. I was out almost exactly 6-months after surgery. Finished chemo and went back to work fulltime landscaping, mowing, etc. Go with your feelings or should I say listen to your body. I did great for 9 months, better than before I got sick. It was Great! Now I have a recurrence and I'm back on chemo again except still very healthy so I'm still working full time right now. I just use vacation and sick days until I run out. I'll play it by ear and see how it goes as for as working, I've got really good employers who work with me. They're helping me fight this crazy disease. We need all the help we can get, don't we. God Bless, love Randy