
floridajo Member Posts: 480
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Ladies I need some suggestions. I have just begun this new chemo of Navelbine..and it has been very rough on me. I'm unable to eat very much,or keep it down or at least in me. I'm scared a bit as I always breeze through my chemos with no problems but this one is a horse of another color for me!!! one month ago I weighed 139 and looked good...I also had massive ascites and when drained lost 9 lbs and went down to 129....then I began chemo and the nausea and general feelings of yucky appetite at all. I crave certain food will go and by it ..take a few bites and then it tastes nasty and I'm not hungry...then it either comes out via oral or the other end if you know what I mean!!! I'm now weighing 117 lbs this is as of 8 days from my last chemo. I can't lose anymore I feel and look horible. I will be going to see my Onc this Weds and will report all this to him. I know theres a med called Megace..that can and does increase appetite,but it tastes so nasty..I'm afraid it won't stay down. I also think I need better nausea medications other than Compazine and Phenergan..any suggestions?? Thanks everyone..(((hugz))~~~Joanne


  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    My dear girl please DO NOT wait until Wed to "mention" this to your doctor. Pick up the phone and call today. You know that you cannot lose that much weight, you cannot be allowed to be that sick while battling this things. Compazine & Phenergan? I've never heard of using Phenergan as an anti-nausea drug. When I had the IV/IP chemo they gave me a new drug called Emend and it is supposed to be the granddaddy of the nausea stuff. It's expensive - but my insurance covered all but $25. Maybe you need some IV nutrition for a couple of days - if you've lost that much weight that fast your electrolytes might be messed up and that'll make you feel even worse.

    I hope you call today. TAKE CARE Joanne and let us know how you are doing. I will keep you close in my thoughts & prayers.

  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I agree with Kris. I'd call before your appointment. I do know that Compazine and Phenergen are used for nausea, and because you can't hold anything down suppositories are usually the best choice. However, I used Zofran, and it's a melt-under-the-tongue tablet, very tiny. Not tasty, but maybe you can tolerate that.

    Try some ice chips, at least just let them melt in your mouth. Cold stuff helped me. I bought a snow cone machine. Instead of just ice, sometimes I would freeze juices (not too acidic), and use them in the machine.

    I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. But I'm sure the doctor needs to know and maybe has some suggestions for you.

    Luv and Hugs,
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    Hang in there, Joanne
    Well, when I was treated with Cisplatin I had the
    same problems. Tried Ginger Ale, but no good. Then
    I switched to Club Soda w/Bitters. This worked
    pretty well; but like Monika I also had Zofran, which
    is now available generic (so less expensive), but yes,
    it does taste pretty nasty as it dissolves on your
    tongue, but it works fast. I also had Compazine rather
    than Phenergan. (I am given Phenergan to combat the
    nausea/vomiting caused from pain meds like Vicodin or
    Percocett). So for my nausea it was Compazine, Ativan,
    and then Zofran if the 1st 2 didn't work.

    On a non-traditional note (or would it be 'traditional'??)
    I was so desperate I tried smoking some marijuana that a
    friend brought over. Well, I have to say, not only did I
    get rid of the nausea, I wanted to EAT! My doctor is
    fully aware of it, and only made a little joke about it
    when I told him; and he was glad it works for me. So for
    me, it ended up being marijuana and plain Club Soda. (The
    bitters made the bad taste in my mouth a little worse).

    Good luck to you, and hang in there. It isn't easy, but
    you'll make it.

    Prayers & Love sent your way~
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Joanne this is an Echo you are hearing
    Hi Joanne, I will not write what the rest of the gals have already said.. just be the echo to repeat it to you. I am soooo sorry to hear all the problems this drug is giving you. I know a lady that lost so much weight she looked like death walking and then went on marinol(legal marijuana drug) and she was able to eat and hungry. Call your Dr or medical team right away and ask about options. Hugs n Prayers Bonnie
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    kris43 said:

    My dear girl please DO NOT wait until Wed to "mention" this to your doctor. Pick up the phone and call today. You know that you cannot lose that much weight, you cannot be allowed to be that sick while battling this things. Compazine & Phenergan? I've never heard of using Phenergan as an anti-nausea drug. When I had the IV/IP chemo they gave me a new drug called Emend and it is supposed to be the granddaddy of the nausea stuff. It's expensive - but my insurance covered all but $25. Maybe you need some IV nutrition for a couple of days - if you've lost that much weight that fast your electrolytes might be messed up and that'll make you feel even worse.

    I hope you call today. TAKE CARE Joanne and let us know how you are doing. I will keep you close in my thoughts & prayers.


    Thanks for the suggestion...I didn't think about calling the Onc before seeing him I might do know what happens to me..I finally decide to call the Onc and then all the sudden I feel better..and then I put it off only to feel crappy the next day!!! I also was on Emend for the carbo/taxol..but figured since the nausea lasts for more than the 1st few days it wouldn't help me too much after that..but maybe it would. Thanks again~~~Joanne
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    BonnieR said:

    Joanne this is an Echo you are hearing
    Hi Joanne, I will not write what the rest of the gals have already said.. just be the echo to repeat it to you. I am soooo sorry to hear all the problems this drug is giving you. I know a lady that lost so much weight she looked like death walking and then went on marinol(legal marijuana drug) and she was able to eat and hungry. Call your Dr or medical team right away and ask about options. Hugs n Prayers Bonnie

    Thanks for the info ...I'm also wondering about the pot thing...My sister who never does that stuff just bought a small amount..for the He** of it...maybe it will work for me!!! Sounds like it can't hurt!! ((hugz))~~~Joanne
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Ditto to the others
    I have nothing to add but would call the doctor and try alternatives to what you are doing now. I am so sorry that you are having this side effect with the Navelbine. There has to be something that will work for you. Be as strong as you are and know that we are going to be offering up special specific prayers that you find just the right answer for you. (((Hugs and Prayers))) Saundra
  • terrypaci
    terrypaci Member Posts: 15
    Hi Joanne,

    I had the same problems with my appetite after having chemo as well I talked to my dietitian at the hospital and she suggested using plastic utensils when eating the regular silver ware can cause your mouth to taste metallicy, and that kills the food taste, also try bland foods and cinnamon is really good for nausea, compazine is good to but be careful when taking that it causes drowsiness, I take that very rarely it turns me into a zombie, my Dr also gave me dexamethason 4mg I took 5 of those the night before and the morning of chemo and then i took 2 each day after ward for 2-3 days and that seemed to halt the nausea. just try to eat soups, and drink plenty of fluids you need to keep your body hydrated not dehydrated. good luck and your in my prayers. if you would like to email me or IM me please feel free to do so same as messenger.