What Questions to Ask Post Surgery

np312 Member Posts: 13
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My mom's surgery is this Friday. Once the surgery is done and Dr. comes out - are there any key questions should I be asking him???

I think one of the questions should be about margins, right????

what are others?????

Please advice. THANKS.


  • kew
    kew Member Posts: 24
    I don't think they know the margins of the tumor until it's been through pathology. (At least they didn't with me.)

    Ask for more immediate concerns: What restrictions in activity for the next week, month, etc? How will you get path results? How many lymph nodes did they take? How to take care of any drains? How long until she can drive? How to administer any pain meds?

    The big cancer-related information comes a week or so later. Then they'll tell you the margins, how many lymph nodes had cancer (hopefully none), what type of tumor it was, how aggressive it was. Then you can formulate your treatment plan with the oncologist.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    kew said:

    I don't think they know the margins of the tumor until it's been through pathology. (At least they didn't with me.)

    Ask for more immediate concerns: What restrictions in activity for the next week, month, etc? How will you get path results? How many lymph nodes did they take? How to take care of any drains? How long until she can drive? How to administer any pain meds?

    The big cancer-related information comes a week or so later. Then they'll tell you the margins, how many lymph nodes had cancer (hopefully none), what type of tumor it was, how aggressive it was. Then you can formulate your treatment plan with the oncologist.

    I agree...
    More important, right after surgery, it how to take care of mom while she's recovering. My surgeon said I could (and should) start exercising right after the drains were removed. This keeps the arm limber. Also, when is it time to call the doctor (what are the signs of trouble) like redness around the incision, etc....

    The other stuff will come. Start a notebook. Write down questions you have, and answers given....no one's mind is in a position to remember it all...lol...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    Thinking of You
    I agree with the others and know the results from all the test after surgery is important but will take a few days. I was able to take showers after 24 hours of my bilateral surgery. I had 2 drains under each arm. At the hospital, they gave me a neat camosole that had pockets to hold the drains. They will give pain pills and I highly recommend taking them for the first 3 days on time. If you wait until the pain begins, it is hard to get ahead of the pain. When she gets home, have some fun movies to watch. I found that having several pillows helped me because if I layed flat, it hurt. I put two pillows under my mattress and it elevated it a little that helped. The more hot showers the better and when in the shower, slowly count the tiles with each hand to slowly move them. I had full flexibility quickly and that helped with the healing and the pain. Keep us up to date and the sisterhood is here.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Bless Your Heart
    I didn't know the Stage, margins, or how many ( if any) lymphnodes were positive for about a week after surgery. I was given antibiotics and pain meds, and was generally told to TAKE IT EASY! It is, afterall, surgery! I don't think it matters surgically speaking if it is an appendectomy, a tonsilectomy, caesarean section or cancer at this point in time. For a week or ten days, our bodies just need to rest and heal~ nerve endings have probably been severed, we probably have a drainage tube, and wow! CHEST/BREAST surgery!!! It is all just OWIE!!!!

    Rest, Healing, TLC to the "nth" degree are the order of the day! Your mom will get exercises to do , and these are imperative~ as painful as they will be! Mobility is the key and I did sometimes whimper ( ok~ I cried!!) when my b/f helped me to stretch...but OMG...it was worth it and today I can stretch and be active with the best of them!

    Thank you for asking about your mom...

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    thinking of mom
    Hi NP: First I wanted to say that your mom will be in my prayers and that we will be with her in spirit on Friday. Your doctor will not know much until the reports come back from pathology which usually takes a week. She should be resting. The doctor will want to see her within a few days to make sure the drains are draining. At that point he may tell her to start walking the wall, but for the first 2 weeks she should be treated like the queen. I wish her luck and will pray that all goes well, HUgs, Lili