New here with a few questions...

lillyzmomma Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello all!!! I'm new here and have a few questions that I was hoping you fantastic ladies could help me with. ***FYI--I'm a military dependent that has no choice, but to utilize military medical facilities.***

For the last eight months I have been dealing with exhaustion, which is progressive in nature. In the last two and a half months I've noticed I'm bloated (at 5'10" and 120 pounds [when healthy and normal], it's easy for me to tell when I'm bloated), but I've noticed that the left side of my abdomen appears to be more bloated than the right. I've lost my appetite, am nauseous, have really bad gas (even if I haven't eaten), indigestion (I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only person that gets indigestion after drinking water), constant back pain, abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding and spotting, nagging pain on the left side of my lower abdomen that has started to fluctuate into sharp pain, and constipation (even after three cups of coffee).

They have done wazoo blood work on me and the only thing thus far that they have found is a consistently low platelet count (124, 137, 125, 115). I had a pelvic ultrasound four months ago that was "normal", but they found a small amount of "unexplained" fluid in the lowest lying area in my abdomen. I have a history of uterine fibroid's (which is why I was sent for the ultrasound) and had been diagnosed with PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome) but the ultrasound showed "normal" ovaries. They didn't give me any details about the size of my ovaries or anything (they refused).

I've been working with a Hematologist/Oncologist who was covering for the dr. who is supposed to be my normal dr. because he was in Iraq. This "temp" dr. told me I'm to young for cancer and that my symptoms were just due to my age and the fact that I have three young children. I KNOW that is bull hockey. In my gut I know something is seriously wrong, but know one will take me seriously. They think I'm a hypochondriac. I have several friends trying to talk me into going to the E.R. and saying I'm in excruciating pain, just to have more tests done (like an abdominal MRI). I don't want to do it, but at the same time, my gut is telling me that I need to do something NOW. That time is running out.

I'm not typically a fearful, paranoid person, but this has me pretty worried. I'm also one of those people that has a VERY high tolerance for pain. I delivered one of my kids with no pain meds and another with half an epideral and all kinds of complications and internal monitoring. Today alone, I can barely stand. The shooting pain is starting to kick my butt. The pain is also radiating into my lower back above my sciatic nerve area. Sex hurts BAD. Bad enough that I've started making excuses not to have it...and I love sex. My hubby also noticed (not gonna explain what he was doing that he would notice it) that at my pelvic floor to the left of my cervix is a lump. When he "noticed" this, I nearly screamed (bit a whole in my cheek) and if he hadn't ducked so quickly, he would have had to have surgery just to remove my foot from his face (knee jerk reaction).

I'm supposed to have an appointment with my Hematologist/Oncologist this Friday (he's finally back from Iraq), but I'm worried about waiting for the appointment with him or just taking it all into my own hands and going to the E.R. and keeping the appointment with him as well. I know it probably sounds stupid or like a no brainer, but I really don't know what to do here. Any advice there is appreciated.

Also, has anyone else had these types of symptoms and been diagnosed with OVCA.

Btw--I'm 29 yrs old.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.



  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    I would do two things. I would ask for another ultrasound or ct scan. Then I would ask for a laproscopy. Endometriosis can also not been seen on any test..but has alot of the same symptoms as ovca. So a laproscopy would be a easy and relatively pain free way of getting to the bottom of this. Good luck~~~Joanne
  • TracieK
    TracieK Member Posts: 45
    Why Wait!!!!
    I understand military benefits and I personally think that a deeper workup is warranted. It is very important to trust your body and what it is telling you. Remember that you know it better than anyone. Stand strong and get answers. This all may be explained by the Dr.'s and give you some relief from the anxiety you must be feeling. Please don't let yourself be in pain, don't wait until Friday. For me 1 day with pain is to long.

    I am saying prayers for you,
  • JeanneA
    JeanneA Member Posts: 6
    Ask your doctor to do a CA-125 blood test. Do not wait around. I went to the ER, had a CT scan and was told I was simply constipated. Two weeks later, thanks to my own physician who sent me for an ultra sound and then another CT scan, I had a football size tumor that turned out to be OVCA. I'm not saying that is what you have, and, no, you aren't too young to have it, but a CA-125 will tell if you have OVCA. Make sure any and all tests are done. You know your own body. What you are describing doesn't sound normal to me. Of course, I'm no doctor, however, I'm not stupid either. It seems too many doctors poo-poo womens complaints. Good luck and God bless you.
  • Dreamdove
    Dreamdove Member Posts: 175 Member
    your symptoms
    I am really concerned with your sypmtoms because I had similiar ones. I drove myself to the hospital E.R. I kept telling them something was seriously wrong so they spent the whole day giving me tests. I'm glad they did--I had stage 3c ovarian cancer. I'm fine now.
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    Dreamdove said:

    your symptoms
    I am really concerned with your sypmtoms because I had similiar ones. I drove myself to the hospital E.R. I kept telling them something was seriously wrong so they spent the whole day giving me tests. I'm glad they did--I had stage 3c ovarian cancer. I'm fine now.

    I agree with everyone else and if you have to and can if they don't help go to another dr. A gynecologist/oncologist. I too would request the 125 count which I believe all of them should do on our female check. And it doesn't mean you have cancer it may be some type of cyst. I have read others and some had pain. I had no pain just some bloating and a female nurse practioner who knew something else was wrong(I was 44 and knew I was starting premenopause) and sent me to my gynecologist who did exploratory with just a little opening and found my cancer stage III. But again you just may have cyst, I too will be praying for you.
    Sandy Green
  • lillyzmomma
    lillyzmomma Member Posts: 6
    green50 said:

    I agree with everyone else and if you have to and can if they don't help go to another dr. A gynecologist/oncologist. I too would request the 125 count which I believe all of them should do on our female check. And it doesn't mean you have cancer it may be some type of cyst. I have read others and some had pain. I had no pain just some bloating and a female nurse practioner who knew something else was wrong(I was 44 and knew I was starting premenopause) and sent me to my gynecologist who did exploratory with just a little opening and found my cancer stage III. But again you just may have cyst, I too will be praying for you.
    Sandy Green

    Thank you all so much for your responses.

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point.

    I spent all day yesterday in a great deal of "discomfort". "Auntie Flow" stopped by yesterday for her monthly visit. What I've found in the last three months is that I will cramp prior to "Auntie Flow's" arrival, but as soon as she arrives the cramping stops. Well, that isn't the case this month. I haven't stopped with the wracking "cramps". The cramps don't feel the same as "Auntie Flow" cramps normally feel. They normally feel like waves that go from about one inch interior of each hip and radiate back and forth, from hip to hip. These "cramps" wrap all the way around....front to back....but seem to be radiating, primarily, from the left side. Unfortunately, I've also notice my right side ping/"cramp" occasionally as well. Last night, while sleeping, I had a dream that I was having a belly ache/cramps/abdominal pain. When I woke up, I was in the same pain as in the dream. I could barely move. This morning, I have to move slowly and any bending requires a great deal of care and coordination.

    I seriously considered going to the E.R. yesterday, but we had company over to watch Monday Night Football, so I sucked it up and dealt with it. Today my hubby is on "leave" and my oldest two kids are in school, so if I go to the E.R., my hubby can watch the baby (3 yr old). I know it seems like a no brainer again, but I'm at a loss for what to do.

    I haven't been hungry in almost two weeks and force feeding myself makes me more nauseous than what has become "normal". Although I haven't been hungry for two weeks and I'm lucky if i can shovel one real meal into myself per day, I haven't lost weight. That unto itself has me worried. It's just weird. When "normal" people don't eat, they lose weight. I'm not losing weight. (*****No, I don't want to lose weight. At my height [5'10"], I'm typically considered medically underweight [120#], however, for my build and metabolic rate, my weight is just right for me.*****)

    My clients, who only know me professionally (I'm a dog trainer/canine behaviorist), have begun to make comment on how pale my skin has become. If they are making these comments, I must be getting pretty pale, because I live in Hawaii and I'm in the sun a lot (not sun bathing...usually teaching and reinforcing leash behavior, proofing obedience outside, etc...)!!!

    Not sure what to do at this point. I'm so used to taking care of other people and making "command decisions" for other people, that now that I need to take care of me, I have no idea what to do. I must sound like a rambling idiot, but talking this out and getting feedback helps.

    Thanks for your time and suggestions ladies.


  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member

    Thank you all so much for your responses.

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point.

    I spent all day yesterday in a great deal of "discomfort". "Auntie Flow" stopped by yesterday for her monthly visit. What I've found in the last three months is that I will cramp prior to "Auntie Flow's" arrival, but as soon as she arrives the cramping stops. Well, that isn't the case this month. I haven't stopped with the wracking "cramps". The cramps don't feel the same as "Auntie Flow" cramps normally feel. They normally feel like waves that go from about one inch interior of each hip and radiate back and forth, from hip to hip. These "cramps" wrap all the way around....front to back....but seem to be radiating, primarily, from the left side. Unfortunately, I've also notice my right side ping/"cramp" occasionally as well. Last night, while sleeping, I had a dream that I was having a belly ache/cramps/abdominal pain. When I woke up, I was in the same pain as in the dream. I could barely move. This morning, I have to move slowly and any bending requires a great deal of care and coordination.

    I seriously considered going to the E.R. yesterday, but we had company over to watch Monday Night Football, so I sucked it up and dealt with it. Today my hubby is on "leave" and my oldest two kids are in school, so if I go to the E.R., my hubby can watch the baby (3 yr old). I know it seems like a no brainer again, but I'm at a loss for what to do.

    I haven't been hungry in almost two weeks and force feeding myself makes me more nauseous than what has become "normal". Although I haven't been hungry for two weeks and I'm lucky if i can shovel one real meal into myself per day, I haven't lost weight. That unto itself has me worried. It's just weird. When "normal" people don't eat, they lose weight. I'm not losing weight. (*****No, I don't want to lose weight. At my height [5'10"], I'm typically considered medically underweight [120#], however, for my build and metabolic rate, my weight is just right for me.*****)

    My clients, who only know me professionally (I'm a dog trainer/canine behaviorist), have begun to make comment on how pale my skin has become. If they are making these comments, I must be getting pretty pale, because I live in Hawaii and I'm in the sun a lot (not sun bathing...usually teaching and reinforcing leash behavior, proofing obedience outside, etc...)!!!

    Not sure what to do at this point. I'm so used to taking care of other people and making "command decisions" for other people, that now that I need to take care of me, I have no idea what to do. I must sound like a rambling idiot, but talking this out and getting feedback helps.

    Thanks for your time and suggestions ladies.



    Go to the ER. The pain is abnormal. Ask for a CA-125 blood test. Not absolute for all ovarian. I had a sonogram that did not report my three 2.5 cm tumors in my liver or the 4 to 5 cm tumors on my ovaries. A CT scan confirmed my Stage IV. I did not have severe pain just discomfort and bloating and loss of weight and appetite. Saundra
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    I had those symptoms....
    First of all, you are in my prayers. Secondly, take everybody's advice, and get to a Dr. who will LISTEN. A Gynecology/Oncologist if possible. If you can't get to a Dr., you could even go to a lab and pay for your own CA125 test, and have the results mailed to you. Then if your count is up, you can bring those results with you to your Dr's appointment to get their attention.
    I had the bloating, the fluid, the painful sex (and I love sex, too), but with me it was diarrhea rather than constipation. I was also immediately feeling "full" after a bite or two of food. It could be something other than OVCA, but I think your symptoms warrant a thorough Gynecological Check-Up by a caring physician. Mine (stage 3) was diagnosed with an exam and CT Scan.
    Take care of yourself, and let us know what you find out. Again, you are in our prayers

    Susan xoxo
  • Shelley Hawk
    Shelley Hawk Member Posts: 15
    Please take care of yourself!
    All of the symptoms you have mentioned I experienced this past spring. I saw my OBGYN in Mar and all was normal by July I had an Ovarian cyst 15cm by 10cm it was cancer. I felt something was wrong and put it off. After having pain like you mentioned, across the abdomen, back, and down the leg I finally went. I too had gas issues, Fatigue, and heartburn which I only had when pregnant. My pain subsided when I got my period. Every symptom you mentioned screams ovarian cyst.

    Even if it is just a cyst you should be completely checked. At 28yrs old I had a cyst which burst. It was not cancerous but I spent a week in the hospital fighting off internal infections after surgery to remove it and half an ovary.

    Listen to what your body is telling you. You need to be there in years to come for your children and husband.
  • lillyzmomma
    lillyzmomma Member Posts: 6

    Please take care of yourself!
    All of the symptoms you have mentioned I experienced this past spring. I saw my OBGYN in Mar and all was normal by July I had an Ovarian cyst 15cm by 10cm it was cancer. I felt something was wrong and put it off. After having pain like you mentioned, across the abdomen, back, and down the leg I finally went. I too had gas issues, Fatigue, and heartburn which I only had when pregnant. My pain subsided when I got my period. Every symptom you mentioned screams ovarian cyst.

    Even if it is just a cyst you should be completely checked. At 28yrs old I had a cyst which burst. It was not cancerous but I spent a week in the hospital fighting off internal infections after surgery to remove it and half an ovary.

    Listen to what your body is telling you. You need to be there in years to come for your children and husband.

    I went.....and boy am I ticked....
    I finally went to the E.R. this morning. I got there at about 9:15 am and didn't see a dr until nearly 11:00. I immediately had blood drawn and made it a point to ask about the CA 125. The dr didnt request the CA 125 until an hour before I left the E.R., right after I reminded him.

    I was there from 9:15am until around 4:45pm. I had an X-RAY, 2 Ultrasounds, and a CT Scan. I was given a very uncomfortable pelvic exam.

    What I found out was that I have fluid in my abdomen from a burst cyst. They're saying that the pain is from the cyst bursting three weeks ago....but apparently is just now starting to heal. (I love how they use your personal pain timelines/markers against you.) I had a radiologist look at the second ultrasound (for the same burst cyst) and tell me that im being over sensitive and that its the fluid from the cyst that is irritating my abdomen.

    I was told that I have Bacterial Vaginosis (I had NO CLUE! totally symptomless with that one), but aside from that the bloodwork that was gonna come back today was normal. The CA 125 won't come back for several days as well as a couple other tests.

    The abdomenal X-Ray was for "constipation" that I resolved this morning. The CT Scan was for Renal (Kidney) Stones. They didn't even look at my abdomen on the CT. I was on my stomach (huge fun there) for that one.

    So I left the E.R. with a prescription for the B.V. infection, a follow up appointment, and an offer of narcotic pain drugs (an offer I immediately refused). I didn't go in there for pain drugs!!!!

    Well, at least I got the CA 125 (I think....I hope) done. I'm so peeved!!! At first I thought the dr was doing a bang up job of tryna figure this out, until I saw the look of "I have an excuse for all this" on his face.

    I don't know anymore! What happens if the CA 125 comes back high?

    I'm tryna be optimistic, but its getting aweful hard here!!

    Any ideas?

  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member

    I went.....and boy am I ticked....
    I finally went to the E.R. this morning. I got there at about 9:15 am and didn't see a dr until nearly 11:00. I immediately had blood drawn and made it a point to ask about the CA 125. The dr didnt request the CA 125 until an hour before I left the E.R., right after I reminded him.

    I was there from 9:15am until around 4:45pm. I had an X-RAY, 2 Ultrasounds, and a CT Scan. I was given a very uncomfortable pelvic exam.

    What I found out was that I have fluid in my abdomen from a burst cyst. They're saying that the pain is from the cyst bursting three weeks ago....but apparently is just now starting to heal. (I love how they use your personal pain timelines/markers against you.) I had a radiologist look at the second ultrasound (for the same burst cyst) and tell me that im being over sensitive and that its the fluid from the cyst that is irritating my abdomen.

    I was told that I have Bacterial Vaginosis (I had NO CLUE! totally symptomless with that one), but aside from that the bloodwork that was gonna come back today was normal. The CA 125 won't come back for several days as well as a couple other tests.

    The abdomenal X-Ray was for "constipation" that I resolved this morning. The CT Scan was for Renal (Kidney) Stones. They didn't even look at my abdomen on the CT. I was on my stomach (huge fun there) for that one.

    So I left the E.R. with a prescription for the B.V. infection, a follow up appointment, and an offer of narcotic pain drugs (an offer I immediately refused). I didn't go in there for pain drugs!!!!

    Well, at least I got the CA 125 (I think....I hope) done. I'm so peeved!!! At first I thought the dr was doing a bang up job of tryna figure this out, until I saw the look of "I have an excuse for all this" on his face.

    I don't know anymore! What happens if the CA 125 comes back high?

    I'm tryna be optimistic, but its getting aweful hard here!!

    Any ideas?


    Dear Liz, Waiting is always the hardest, I will pray for patience and the Drs to be correct. To help ease your mind, most cysts are cysts and not ovarian cancer. Hope that helps, I have a sister in law who gets the type of cysts you wrote about and they are very painful, especially when they burst. So hopefully that is what it is. Thank goodness you went to ER and got the antibiotics you need, as that sounds like something needed no matter what the tests show. Sending lots of hugs n prayers. Bonnie
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member

    I went.....and boy am I ticked....
    I finally went to the E.R. this morning. I got there at about 9:15 am and didn't see a dr until nearly 11:00. I immediately had blood drawn and made it a point to ask about the CA 125. The dr didnt request the CA 125 until an hour before I left the E.R., right after I reminded him.

    I was there from 9:15am until around 4:45pm. I had an X-RAY, 2 Ultrasounds, and a CT Scan. I was given a very uncomfortable pelvic exam.

    What I found out was that I have fluid in my abdomen from a burst cyst. They're saying that the pain is from the cyst bursting three weeks ago....but apparently is just now starting to heal. (I love how they use your personal pain timelines/markers against you.) I had a radiologist look at the second ultrasound (for the same burst cyst) and tell me that im being over sensitive and that its the fluid from the cyst that is irritating my abdomen.

    I was told that I have Bacterial Vaginosis (I had NO CLUE! totally symptomless with that one), but aside from that the bloodwork that was gonna come back today was normal. The CA 125 won't come back for several days as well as a couple other tests.

    The abdomenal X-Ray was for "constipation" that I resolved this morning. The CT Scan was for Renal (Kidney) Stones. They didn't even look at my abdomen on the CT. I was on my stomach (huge fun there) for that one.

    So I left the E.R. with a prescription for the B.V. infection, a follow up appointment, and an offer of narcotic pain drugs (an offer I immediately refused). I didn't go in there for pain drugs!!!!

    Well, at least I got the CA 125 (I think....I hope) done. I'm so peeved!!! At first I thought the dr was doing a bang up job of tryna figure this out, until I saw the look of "I have an excuse for all this" on his face.

    I don't know anymore! What happens if the CA 125 comes back high?

    I'm tryna be optimistic, but its getting aweful hard here!!

    Any ideas?


    An easy test

    Your problems have a familiar ring to me. I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids before I had my cancer diagnosis. I wasn't surprised at the fibroids; I'd had them before, and had them surgically removed about 7 years before.

    A cat scan and vaginal ultrasounds did not show the cancer that I had-it wasn't until my ob/gyn did a mini-biopsy on my uterus that I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. When I had the hysterectomy that dictated, the oncologist found ovarian cancer, also.

    A CA-125 test is not a dependable tool for ovarian cancer, especially when it's in lower stages, as some of the other board members have said.

    That being said, I hope you get good news in that respect. If your problems persist, you might want to see about having a uterine mini-biopsy - it can be done in an office, and really was one of the easiest tests I've had. Uterine cancer is more prevanlent than ovarian, and it, like ovarian, is best treated EARLY.
  • lillyzmomma
    lillyzmomma Member Posts: 6
    I totally agree with you, groundeffect. Unfortunetly, my problem is getting someone to listen to me and take me seriously. I have been told "You're too young for Cancer" more times in the last two days than I can count.

    When I was 20, (four weeks after having given birth to my first child) I was diagnosed with two uterine polyps via a water ultrasound. When they were removed I was told they were the size of quarters. I understand this can increase your risk of uterine cancer, but again, no one is taking me seriously because Im "too young for cancer".

    Now what has me irritaed is that both ultrasouds done on Tuesday were done to look for uterine fibroids (something I've never had). Uterine fibroids arise from the inner uterine muscle tissue whereas polyps arise from the endometrial tissue (the lining of the uterus) on the inside of the uterus. Regular ultrasound won't pick up polyps because they tend to lay flat. To diagnose polyps they HAVE to use the water ultrasound (putting saline into the uterus, so that the polyps float). So even if I do have polyps (and it would be my luck that I do) they aren't going to find them with traditional ultrasound.

    On top of all this, two years ago I was told that I have PCOS, however, when I had an ultrasound three months ago for abnormal uterine bleeding (crazy heavy periods ... ie: 14 days average) they told me that my ovaries look "normal" and that whoever told me I had PCOS was crazy or needs glasses. So, someone...anyone....clarify for me how PCOS magically disappears?! I saw those UT pictures. My ovaries were full of cysts. Now they aren't?

    My periods have gotten really bad over the last eight to nine months. I've had three regular ultrasounds, an X-Ray for "constipation", and a CT Scan for Kidney Stones. I have a history of consistently low platelet count (highest numbers in the last eight months was the last one done at the E.R. on Tuesday and it was 147 [normal is 150-400]), easy bruising, heavy menstrual bleeding, slow clotting without a clotting/bleeding disorder. CA 125 won't be back for a week or so.

    I see my Hematologist/Oncologist (I see him for Thrombocytopenia [low platelet count], not Cancer, but they haven't ruled cancer out yet) on Friday.

    Now I get to try to convince another doctor (this is the first time I've seen this Hematologist/Oncologist) that my symptoms are real and not in my head. I'm sitting here typing this and my abdomen is killing me!

    What should I ask my doctor Friday?

    What do you think I should request of my doctor?

    Thanks again...

  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275

    I totally agree with you, groundeffect. Unfortunetly, my problem is getting someone to listen to me and take me seriously. I have been told "You're too young for Cancer" more times in the last two days than I can count.

    When I was 20, (four weeks after having given birth to my first child) I was diagnosed with two uterine polyps via a water ultrasound. When they were removed I was told they were the size of quarters. I understand this can increase your risk of uterine cancer, but again, no one is taking me seriously because Im "too young for cancer".

    Now what has me irritaed is that both ultrasouds done on Tuesday were done to look for uterine fibroids (something I've never had). Uterine fibroids arise from the inner uterine muscle tissue whereas polyps arise from the endometrial tissue (the lining of the uterus) on the inside of the uterus. Regular ultrasound won't pick up polyps because they tend to lay flat. To diagnose polyps they HAVE to use the water ultrasound (putting saline into the uterus, so that the polyps float). So even if I do have polyps (and it would be my luck that I do) they aren't going to find them with traditional ultrasound.

    On top of all this, two years ago I was told that I have PCOS, however, when I had an ultrasound three months ago for abnormal uterine bleeding (crazy heavy periods ... ie: 14 days average) they told me that my ovaries look "normal" and that whoever told me I had PCOS was crazy or needs glasses. So, someone...anyone....clarify for me how PCOS magically disappears?! I saw those UT pictures. My ovaries were full of cysts. Now they aren't?

    My periods have gotten really bad over the last eight to nine months. I've had three regular ultrasounds, an X-Ray for "constipation", and a CT Scan for Kidney Stones. I have a history of consistently low platelet count (highest numbers in the last eight months was the last one done at the E.R. on Tuesday and it was 147 [normal is 150-400]), easy bruising, heavy menstrual bleeding, slow clotting without a clotting/bleeding disorder. CA 125 won't be back for a week or so.

    I see my Hematologist/Oncologist (I see him for Thrombocytopenia [low platelet count], not Cancer, but they haven't ruled cancer out yet) on Friday.

    Now I get to try to convince another doctor (this is the first time I've seen this Hematologist/Oncologist) that my symptoms are real and not in my head. I'm sitting here typing this and my abdomen is killing me!

    What should I ask my doctor Friday?

    What do you think I should request of my doctor?

    Thanks again...


    I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this, but I can say from experience that I had cysts on my ovaries that burst monthly when I was in my teens and the pain was horrific. The way they finally discovered it was when they found scar tissue during a exploratory surgery. My mom and her sisters have uterine fibroid tumors and my mom would sometimes have her period 21 to 25 days a month!!!

    Everyone has given great advice, you are doing what you need to do, you know your body best and really - can't doctors quit saying that you are too young for cancer? That's ridiculous. You need to see an oncologist - a ob/gyn/oncologist.

    My cousin was 39 when she was diagnosed with end stage Multiple Myeloma - she was at the ER several times where they would either give her pain meds or give her a shot of cortisone and tell her it was a lower back problem. By the time is was so bad she could not stand on her own her sister took her to the ER and told them she was absolutely not leaving until they told her what was wrong. She was in the hospital for 14 weeks after that, lived another 3 brave years and lost her battle at 42.

    A friend at work has a mother who does not have any real symptoms - just really tired and knew something wasn't right. After 2 months she went in to the family practitioner and said I'm not leaving until someone tells me what is wrong. Stage IIIC ovarian cancer.

    Keep on getting checked, it's your body and it's your right. I hope to God it is NOT cancer - but if it is, then at least you know what you are dealing with.

    Let us know how things are going and keep posting for the support you need. Take care. Kris
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    CT orPET scan
    I would demand a CT scan or a PET scan. I had a sonagram that showed nothing and not until a gastroenterologist order the CT scan did I get a diagnosis. Write down the questions. Do yu have someone that can go with you to take notes? That seems to let doctors know you are serious. I had some pain but not as much as you describe. Mainly bloating to about 7 mo. pregnacy size each evening.
    Lots of gas. Hope yu get the answers. Saundra
  • lillyzmomma
    lillyzmomma Member Posts: 6
    saundra said:

    CT orPET scan
    I would demand a CT scan or a PET scan. I had a sonagram that showed nothing and not until a gastroenterologist order the CT scan did I get a diagnosis. Write down the questions. Do yu have someone that can go with you to take notes? That seems to let doctors know you are serious. I had some pain but not as much as you describe. Mainly bloating to about 7 mo. pregnacy size each evening.
    Lots of gas. Hope yu get the answers. Saundra

    Update from Fridays Appts:
    Hello Ladies,

    **Reminder--I see a Hematologist/Oncologist for Thrombocytopenia.**

    I just wanted to update you on my "status" (or lack thereof). I saw my Hemotologist Friday. He had a resident (something that would normally scare the bajeeezus out of me) working/shadowing him. So, the resident does a VERY thorough history. Way more thorogh than the other Hematologist. He listened when I talked to him and took notes...lots of notes. He called in a favor with a female Adult Medicine dr and got me a PAP with her...that morning. Then my Hematologist (the fellow and the resident) came in. Now mind you I was seriously worried about him. He just came back from Iraq and I was worried, even though everyone else kept telling me he was awesome, that I'd hate him. Boy was I wrong!!!

    He was fantastic!!! Answered all my questions. If he didn't have an answer, he found it. What got me the most with him was that he asked me about my platelet count while I was active duty. Now I have told every dr, I've seen for the platelet count, that I've never had it be consistently low and I thats the truth. He then proceeded to amaze me. He used my SSN to look into my military medical record and confirm what I told him. He agreed with me. Knowing at that point I hadn't fibbed, he told me that "we" need to get my pelvic pain under control or eridcate it (which is what I'd prefer) so that I can stop taking Ibuprofen like its candy, so he can do the next round of bloodwork.

    I asked him about the CA 125 and he said that he doesn't use it as a dignostic tool, but a monitoring tool. However, if someone my age has an abnormal CA 125, that it's a red flag and tends to be seen as such. Minding that, if mine comes back high, along with my symptoms, it will prompt a chain of events likely leading to explaratory laparoscopy.

    After seeing him, I went downstairs and saw the Adult Medicine dr for my PAP. She didn't feel the lump, but she also said it may not be my "female parts" (I had to laugh at that...thats what she called them....female parts). She said I could have a bit of a mass on my peritoneal wall or even my small bowel. She also said that she has small hands (tiny actually) and that could be the reason she didn't feel it. She told me to get an appt with my gyn on base and have HIM check for the same thing. That HE may be able to feel it as HE would have bigger hands. (See the trend here. She wants me to see a male gyn because he has bigger hands and may be able to feel the lump better.)

    So I'm making head with my Hematologist for my Thrombocytopenia, and I'm in the same spot with the pelvic pain. I love dr's. NOT!!!

    Thanks for being my sounding board. Hope you guys are felling great today.

  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312

    Update from Fridays Appts:
    Hello Ladies,

    **Reminder--I see a Hematologist/Oncologist for Thrombocytopenia.**

    I just wanted to update you on my "status" (or lack thereof). I saw my Hemotologist Friday. He had a resident (something that would normally scare the bajeeezus out of me) working/shadowing him. So, the resident does a VERY thorough history. Way more thorogh than the other Hematologist. He listened when I talked to him and took notes...lots of notes. He called in a favor with a female Adult Medicine dr and got me a PAP with her...that morning. Then my Hematologist (the fellow and the resident) came in. Now mind you I was seriously worried about him. He just came back from Iraq and I was worried, even though everyone else kept telling me he was awesome, that I'd hate him. Boy was I wrong!!!

    He was fantastic!!! Answered all my questions. If he didn't have an answer, he found it. What got me the most with him was that he asked me about my platelet count while I was active duty. Now I have told every dr, I've seen for the platelet count, that I've never had it be consistently low and I thats the truth. He then proceeded to amaze me. He used my SSN to look into my military medical record and confirm what I told him. He agreed with me. Knowing at that point I hadn't fibbed, he told me that "we" need to get my pelvic pain under control or eridcate it (which is what I'd prefer) so that I can stop taking Ibuprofen like its candy, so he can do the next round of bloodwork.

    I asked him about the CA 125 and he said that he doesn't use it as a dignostic tool, but a monitoring tool. However, if someone my age has an abnormal CA 125, that it's a red flag and tends to be seen as such. Minding that, if mine comes back high, along with my symptoms, it will prompt a chain of events likely leading to explaratory laparoscopy.

    After seeing him, I went downstairs and saw the Adult Medicine dr for my PAP. She didn't feel the lump, but she also said it may not be my "female parts" (I had to laugh at that...thats what she called them....female parts). She said I could have a bit of a mass on my peritoneal wall or even my small bowel. She also said that she has small hands (tiny actually) and that could be the reason she didn't feel it. She told me to get an appt with my gyn on base and have HIM check for the same thing. That HE may be able to feel it as HE would have bigger hands. (See the trend here. She wants me to see a male gyn because he has bigger hands and may be able to feel the lump better.)

    So I'm making head with my Hematologist for my Thrombocytopenia, and I'm in the same spot with the pelvic pain. I love dr's. NOT!!!

    Thanks for being my sounding board. Hope you guys are felling great today.


    Thats what I would do go to
    Thats what I would do go to the gynecologist. They usually cr an tell what is what amd will send you to a gyn/oncologist if thats what you need. Maybe you just have cysts which my friend had big bowel and a cyst near her ovary but it was not cancer. The CA125 is higher if you have other problems with your body too. The normal count is 0-35 but sometimes if you have problems it will elevate some. But the gyn. can help you. Usually cysts hurt and cancer doesn't unless tumors are big. Mine are small and I have no pain with my cancer. Good luck and keep us posted but try not to worry sounds like its just cysts. My prayers are with you.
    Sandy Green
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Well, you are making a little headway. Only a gynocolgist/oncologist should EVER do surgery for OVCA in case your CA125 comes back high and they want to do surgery. Keep plodding along and insisting on getting the answers. Saundra
  • terrypaci
    terrypaci Member Posts: 15
    Hi Liz
    My name is terry I have a history of ovarian cysts i have been getting them since i was in my early teens, the last time i had one burst was about 4 yrs ago i am 43 now and have just finished my 6th cycle of chemo when i went to the hospital 4 yrs ago after the cyst had ruptured a male dr. examined me and told me that the cause of my pain was due to me menustrating,,,,WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i'm not sure how long i have had the OC but it was found in stage 3c, I had surgery in March of this yr. and thank go the male dr was an oncologist that knew what he was doing, when i entered the er prior to having the main surgery i told them that i had a cyst on each ovary they still wanted to run there own tests to see what it was sometimes i think that the er nurses and dr.s think that we the patients are stupid and that it is in there head.

    you are in my prayers and good luck with everything,
