finished A/C

kit45 Member Posts: 89
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I finished chemo one week ago tomorrow. Yipeeee.

My question is how long does it take to get my energy back and not be so tired after a few small tasks? I feel so tired and I know its only been a week but I'm curious....will it be months? Thanks, Kit


  • tan39
    tan39 Member Posts: 49
    take it easy
    Hey Kit

    Congrats, and bloody well done, chemo is an effective but nasty way of making us better, you should feel proud you did it. I am only a month after my last treatment, been back to work 2 weeks but not full time yet, my body tells me when its had enough and i have learned to listen although at first i wanted to be back to "normal" straight away, and over did it and ended up feeling worse. As everyone here will tell you, just do what you can each day, dont push yourself, if you need to rest then rest, listen to your body. Some people say it takes about a year after treatment ends to get back to full energy levels, so i'm going by this info. I have taken up Yoga and find it helpful in keeping aches and pains at bay.
    Take care of yourself, Tan xx
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    I am a little hesitant to
    I am a little hesitant to report my experience. It didn't take me long at all. I felt pretty restored within weeks. The reason I am hesitant to say so is that is not everyone's experience and I do believe that it is individual and above all else you should pamper your own needs and not feel like you are on some schedule. But I write because perhaps I can help you look forward to the future. I do want to say, that while physically I bounced back pretty quickly, I went through some pretty tough emotional times AFTER TX. And if that is your experience too, please do not hesitate to write and ask for support. It has been about three months from my last chemo and I am now starting to heal inside. I found myself very distrustful of just about everything. That kind of distrust can turn us inward. What helps me is reaching out, carefully, into new or old patterns that feel safe to me. Baby steps. Eventually, our trust is restored (I hope, I am not completely there yet!)
    And definitely, celebrate every good thing you can find. Like putting chemo behind you! Congratualtions! Love and best wishes, Joyce
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    You're Done
    WooHoooo Kit: You're done, what a great thing isn't it? I tell you I cried the day of my last infusion. It almost felt like I was letting go of the security blanket. But, am so glad it was done. Welcome to the other side of cancer. You will be tired for a little while. I also had CAF and we each react differently so I can't tell you how long it will be for you. I did start feeling much better after about 1 month. I was able to do a lot of things and not get tired. I also started sleeping a lot less both at night and during the day. Before you know it your energy level will be back to normal and your memory also. Hugs to you and once again congrats, Lili
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Congrats on finishing chemo!
    Congrats on finishing chemo! I had ACT and found the AC part to be beastly. Even so, I cried after my second to last treatment, because(I think) I did not want to lose my security blanket. I must admit, it was quite disconcerting to go from seeing my doctor/nurse every 3 weeks and surgeon every 3 months down to everyone only every 3 months period. But, I eventually got used to the change. As far as the energy level question, I would say that within a few months I was feeling quite good, but it was probably a lot longer till I started to feel that I had the same energy level as before. If it wasn't for my hot flashes at night, I would sleep better and be more energetic during the day now too. But thats a whole other keg of fish!

    Remember that we are all different, and your experience will not be the same as anyone else's. Be patient and kind with yourself and you will begin to feel like you did before treatment soon. Good luck with everything, and keep us posted on how you are doing. Eil
  • kit45
    kit45 Member Posts: 89
    Eil4186 said:

    Congrats on finishing chemo!
    Congrats on finishing chemo! I had ACT and found the AC part to be beastly. Even so, I cried after my second to last treatment, because(I think) I did not want to lose my security blanket. I must admit, it was quite disconcerting to go from seeing my doctor/nurse every 3 weeks and surgeon every 3 months down to everyone only every 3 months period. But, I eventually got used to the change. As far as the energy level question, I would say that within a few months I was feeling quite good, but it was probably a lot longer till I started to feel that I had the same energy level as before. If it wasn't for my hot flashes at night, I would sleep better and be more energetic during the day now too. But thats a whole other keg of fish!

    Remember that we are all different, and your experience will not be the same as anyone else's. Be patient and kind with yourself and you will begin to feel like you did before treatment soon. Good luck with everything, and keep us posted on how you are doing. Eil

    finishing and healing
    Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. Your right Joyce, I do have distrust and as you said hopefully over time I will heal emotionally. As of right now, being bald is very emotional as I want to venture out but can't stand the stares of people. I have the wig, have my hats and whatever but still find it so hard. Stupid of me, maybe, but its how I feel. I've read so many posts of the long length of time for hair to grow. I just want enough not to have to wear anything.
    I am also going through reconstruction and have surgery scheduled for beginning of October to complete. I am really looking forward to finishing. I still have that awful "nausious" taste in the mornings but hopefully that too shall pass. In the mean time, I'm trying to be patient and regain my energy. Kit