Running again

Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ladies, Bill, and especially Chen: I just got back from Big 5 with a bag of running shoes, socks, and shorts (everything but ponytail holders). My daughter had called me and wants me to train for distance running with her, something I haven't done in a while. I thought, "Well, shoot, Chen can do it - so can I". Chen, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for setting an example that gives me strength and inspiration! I also want to send you the bill for the shoes ... (lol). If anyone else out there has been thinking of taking up a little jogging, why not join me? We can write about our aches and pains - NEW aches and pains.
Thanks again, Chen. As I make the transition from patient to survivor to new Joyce, you show me that a LOT is possible. I am better for knowing you. love, Joyce


  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    Kudos for actually taking a step toward another goal. Running, wow, that is wonderful and remember to take it easy at first but set mini goals. I'm not ready but this is getting my mind to thinking. Keep us informed as you "treck" your way. Angela
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Joyce, Good for you! And what fun quality time for you and your daughter to share---I am very happy for you:o) Eil
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Run, Forrest, Run!

    Awwwww...good for you! As if cancer isn't the proverbial wake up call in and of itself, I am now fighting aging! I am definately kicking and screaming all the way~ no growing old gracefully here! :-) As you know, I just registered for a half-marathon, and have been "in training" for a few weeks now. I have a friend who encouraged me, and we are now up to just shy of 4 miles a day! Dang~ my shins are talking to me, and saying mean words!

    I must admit I am proud of myself! I feel great, and my sweet Reggie can't get over how proud he is~ to the point where he said my example is making HIM want to be a better person for ME! My cup indeed runneth over. Who'd a thunk it????

    Kudos to your daughter and of course to you for this undertaking! May your new-found endorphins serve you well! I love you, girl~ you rock!!!


    PS Of course I'll pay for your running shoes~ NOT!
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    chenheart said:

    Run, Forrest, Run!

    Awwwww...good for you! As if cancer isn't the proverbial wake up call in and of itself, I am now fighting aging! I am definately kicking and screaming all the way~ no growing old gracefully here! :-) As you know, I just registered for a half-marathon, and have been "in training" for a few weeks now. I have a friend who encouraged me, and we are now up to just shy of 4 miles a day! Dang~ my shins are talking to me, and saying mean words!

    I must admit I am proud of myself! I feel great, and my sweet Reggie can't get over how proud he is~ to the point where he said my example is making HIM want to be a better person for ME! My cup indeed runneth over. Who'd a thunk it????

    Kudos to your daughter and of course to you for this undertaking! May your new-found endorphins serve you well! I love you, girl~ you rock!!!


    PS Of course I'll pay for your running shoes~ NOT!

    HO HO HO - I have been
    HO HO HO - I have been running three times so far since writing this post. You know, to make me feel young and strong. As a result, I must say, I am now walking like an old woman. Oh, well. I guess two days is not enough time to feel rejeuvenated. Here is my question for you, Chen, (if you are reading, or anyone else) did tamoxifin or arimidex make your joints a little harder? Did you get past that when running? Do you wear knee supporter things? Oh, goodness, when did it happen to me that I went from healthy to old? I used to run cross country in high school and competed in sprints at the State meet. Ran miles everyday. You know, the real problem here is getting older. Sometimes it is too easy to blame everything on BC. (But it sure is fun to blame BC. - BC how is it that you have made me a slow runner and made my hair grey and made me burn dinner and, and...)
    Thanks again Chen, for running the course before me. Love, Joyce
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    HO HO HO - I have been
    HO HO HO - I have been running three times so far since writing this post. You know, to make me feel young and strong. As a result, I must say, I am now walking like an old woman. Oh, well. I guess two days is not enough time to feel rejeuvenated. Here is my question for you, Chen, (if you are reading, or anyone else) did tamoxifin or arimidex make your joints a little harder? Did you get past that when running? Do you wear knee supporter things? Oh, goodness, when did it happen to me that I went from healthy to old? I used to run cross country in high school and competed in sprints at the State meet. Ran miles everyday. You know, the real problem here is getting older. Sometimes it is too easy to blame everything on BC. (But it sure is fun to blame BC. - BC how is it that you have made me a slow runner and made my hair grey and made me burn dinner and, and...)
    Thanks again Chen, for running the course before me. Love, Joyce

    OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!!!!!

    I did mention that I turned 59 (OMG!!!!) last week, yes??? Of course all of my parts hurt! I am trying to convince myself that means I have working, viable parts~ I don't know when I became such an illusionist/delusionist!

    I don't know that my joints got harder, but I did suffer from horrible neuropathy, especially in my ankles. I honestly don't know what to attribute anything to anymore: Is it age, BC, surgery, chemo, Arimidex, etc etc etc. I just know that I am wanting to be as healthy as I can, and I am not giving up until my body says so!

    You started out running??? How about walking?? No, not strolling, lest you be rolling your eyes at me!! I mean competitive walking, race-walking, perhaps. I hope you are remembering to stretch and hydrate yourself. I know, I know, you were a world class runner, but perhaps in the eupohria of getting back into the swing of things you have not done what you know you should! LOL

    Don't make yourself regret this decision and then give up it would be better to...walk, walk, walk! and then increase your level. Or not! Walking is awesome too!!!! I WALK the 5K for Women's Cancer every Mother's Day weekend--and I just may walk the half-marathon, as I recently found out some even older than me are wanting to join my group!!! I am sooo fine with that!

  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    chenheart said:

    OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!!!!!

    I did mention that I turned 59 (OMG!!!!) last week, yes??? Of course all of my parts hurt! I am trying to convince myself that means I have working, viable parts~ I don't know when I became such an illusionist/delusionist!

    I don't know that my joints got harder, but I did suffer from horrible neuropathy, especially in my ankles. I honestly don't know what to attribute anything to anymore: Is it age, BC, surgery, chemo, Arimidex, etc etc etc. I just know that I am wanting to be as healthy as I can, and I am not giving up until my body says so!

    You started out running??? How about walking?? No, not strolling, lest you be rolling your eyes at me!! I mean competitive walking, race-walking, perhaps. I hope you are remembering to stretch and hydrate yourself. I know, I know, you were a world class runner, but perhaps in the eupohria of getting back into the swing of things you have not done what you know you should! LOL

    Don't make yourself regret this decision and then give up it would be better to...walk, walk, walk! and then increase your level. Or not! Walking is awesome too!!!! I WALK the 5K for Women's Cancer every Mother's Day weekend--and I just may walk the half-marathon, as I recently found out some even older than me are wanting to join my group!!! I am sooo fine with that!


    Claudia, that was just a
    Claudia, that was just a perfect response. I did go out a little hard. Stubborn would be a good word. I am going to do this! Whoa...I guess the old fighting spirit that got me this far may be a little too reved up to let loose on other projects. Funny how much we learn about ourselves when we start a creative project. Like I just learned that I am out of the C-woods now. I don't need to fight so hard anymore. I think that taking up new projects and learning new lessons is a lovely way to get back on track after "the battle".
    I definitely want to keep running. I think I will use your nice image of maybe walking the half marathon as some older women want to join you. I will run, but also walk, when ever I need/want to. Because inside of me at this point are women of every age wanting to participate!
    I have really enjoyed talking to you about this. And hopefully anyone else reading along who wants to take something new into their lives will join in. Surely on this board we can find lots of co-adventurers for any interest. love, Joyce