So Scared

aznative Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I need to find a support group[Arizona}. I have been told that I have breast cancer. I am not sure what stage it is. I will have more answers next week. I had thymus cancer 22 years ago and now it looks like the radiation I had to cure me has come back to haunt me. I am 58. Is there anyone that can help me through this? I cant get it off my mind. I feel like this is a death sentance for me. I am in need of others to talk to who have been down this road.Please Help me and let me know what I am in for.
Thanks to everyone!!!


  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    I don't know about Arizona, but this web site is a godsend! I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstance, but welcome to this very caring and support site. Everyone here is willing to give you the support you need. I was 65 when I was diagnosed last November. I've just finished up with my therapy and am feeling GREAT! Please be hopeful and hang in there! The American Cancer Society can help you find a support group in your area. You can also try "Why Me". I'm sure as soon as others have seen your posting here, they will have a lot information for you to find help. Take care and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Marilynn
  • ninjamom
    ninjamom Member Posts: 142

    I'm sorry for your diagnosis. You have come to the right place. I know the waiting period is the worst, the not knowing can drive you crazy.

    I am 53 and was diagnosed with stage 2 bc in March. I have finish chemo and I'm doing my radiation treatments now.
    Call the American Cancer Society and see if they have a local support group in your area and keep coming to this site.

    Hang in there and keep us posted. Will be praying for you.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Welcome to the club you never wanted to join~ we send you supportive cyber-hugs, sister! Call your local ACS office; they will tell you about physical support groups. The cancer center I attended also had flyers/posters up with info about groups.

    This place is absolutely amazing! It is wonderful to be able to post/read 24 hours a day and know that you will be enlightened, supported, and guided every step of the way.

    I am a 58 year old survivor in Calkifornia, by the way. Trust me, we all know the fear you are experiencing! We also know the camaderie, and the comfort in not making this journey alone, and in getting to the Life AFTER cancer part of this ride!

    Come in anytime~ we are with you, honest. Let us know what you find out about groups in your area, and how we can be of help to you in here as well.

  • mjfromtx
    mjfromtx Member Posts: 49
    I understand your fears. I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago. The Drs are recommending a mastectomy with a biopsy of the lymph nodes in the left breast. I have surgery on the 28th. I have had mammograms, ultrasounds, core biopsies and an MRI on both breasts since 6-9-08. I won't know the stage until they examine the breast tissue and check the lymph nodes. In some ways it seems like it is taking a long time, yet this past two weeks are going very fast. I am going to see a person at a medical supply place that can help with mastectomy garments post surgery as I will not be able to wear a bra for a few weeks. They are providing me with a special camisole that I can wear while the incision is healing. My Dr says I will be off work for about a week but I wanted to be sure I had something to wear since I'll have one less breast. I have reached out to the American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2345 and the Susan Komen Cancer Center. Both have been very helpful and are hooking me up with out reach people to talk to. I have the option of joining a support group in town if I want, but I find I am getting a lot from this board and the chat. I think the waiting to find out the staging is the hardest. My radiologist explained the importance of getting as much accurate information as possible to get the staging correct. When I had the core biopsy I could not understand why they would not just take the whole lump out! when I had the MRI they found four more satelite lumps around the main mass. It was good I waited since they (and me) know now that there is more to deal with then what they saw on the ultrasound. The way I am getting through this is taking one thing at a time, getting support from family and friends, co workers, and asking LOTS of questions. I am getting every report and reading it and asking questions about what it means. It is helping me with the severe anxiety that comes and goes. Nights are the worst for me. I have had a couple sleepless nights, but that is normal considering what is going on. Take care and hang in there, take it one step at a time! MJ
  • My dear az, I can so relate. I had bc twice and bone ca once. Scary doesn't even begin to cover it.
    Add confused, disoriented, and oxygen-deprived.
    But you know what? It has been 22 years since my first diagnosis (at age 38) and I turned 60 this summer! Take 'death sentence' out of your vocabulary right now.
    Things can be done and they will be done and you will do them. And we are here to help.
    I had surgery, chemo, surgery, chemo, rads, tamoxifen, megase, and in spite of a few manageable lasting effects, I am living large ( and you will too.
    You might consider joining us in the chat room's a great place full of great people.
    God bless.
  • babebussie
    babebussie Member Posts: 150
    God will see you through this, let him control it. I was diag back in dec 2007. I had chemo, surgery and chemo again and i'll begin rads in about 2 weeks or so for 6wks m-f, then i'll be on tamoxifen for 5yrs. The group here has been wonderful since i joined. These gals know ALOT and i dont hesistate to come here for answers all the time i have a question or need help. I'm sorry we have to meet you like this but we will help you through this every step of the way. Stay positive, love yourself and dont ever give up this fight. "We wont let you"

    Mush love and plenty of hugs.
  • aznative
    aznative Member Posts: 2
    It brings tears to my eyes to read all of your wonderful responses. I am trying to be positive, but find it hard to do. I have lost about 20 pounds in the last 2 years. I just don't have a appatite anymore. I think much of this is depression. I have been taking St Johns Wort, but am sure that I need something stronger. I had tried Prozac and had a super bad reaction. The cyambalta made me sleep all day. I don't like feeling weak and out of control. I need to pull myself together for the sake of my family. Thank You again for the hugs and support.
  • redrosesplz
    redrosesplz Member Posts: 11
    aznative said:

    It brings tears to my eyes to read all of your wonderful responses. I am trying to be positive, but find it hard to do. I have lost about 20 pounds in the last 2 years. I just don't have a appatite anymore. I think much of this is depression. I have been taking St Johns Wort, but am sure that I need something stronger. I had tried Prozac and had a super bad reaction. The cyambalta made me sleep all day. I don't like feeling weak and out of control. I need to pull myself together for the sake of my family. Thank You again for the hugs and support.

    Hi AzNative... I'm from Phoenix Arizona... I have stage 2 BC. I founded my lump in November and had my surgery in Febuary. Starting chemo in March.I just finished my radiation treatment yesterday... I will still be doing Herceptin every 3 weeks until March of 2009. My hair is now an 1 inch long... straight with lots of gray LOL.. it's ok since I cryed when I cut my long hair off. There is a flyer I get from my doctors offices it's call THE WELLNESS COMMUNITY for Cancer Support and other things going on thur the months. What part of Arizona are you from? Hang in there this group is wonderful they have helped me out alot in the begining of my treatments. One step at a time is all we can do... Martha