Been so sick

dn220 Member Posts: 79 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I havent been online lately because I hyave been so sick. Barely able to hold my head up and then I get on here and see that we have lost dear friends. It is so upsetting to see that they are gone. Why do we have to be so sick and die? from something that should be not even around, cancer, if more money were spent by the government on finding a cure than some of the other really stupid things that it is spent on, we wouldnt have to be fighting this horrible disease or dying from it either. i am so tired of being sick and weak and unable to do any of the things I love to do i cannot tell,then i see where dear people have passed on and I feel horrible for thinking that way when at least I am alive. But this chemo is wiping me out, it has been decreased twice and I still get so sick I cannot stand it.


  • Madre
    Madre Member Posts: 123
    How many treatments have you been through? My first 4 were horrible then they decreased the dose and then added new nausea meds and steroids for 3 days and that allowed me to eat more and I didn't seem to be down for as long. I feel your pain. My friends tell me I move slower these days, I guess I do. But it isn't forever. I pray you feel better soon and that they find your right mix. What drugs do they have you on? Good luck, and hang in there.
  • Melanie781
    Melanie781 Member Posts: 33
    Deb: I hope you stay strong enough to get better. My thoughts are with you.
    Warm regards, ~Melanie
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm sorry you've been so sick. I do hope it will be better soon. Whenever you feel up to it, let us know how you're doing, and feel free to vent as much as you need to. I think it helps to get all those negative feelings out. So cleansing!

    *hugs for better health*
  • changing2
    changing2 Member Posts: 118
    Do you get blood work checked during the second week (when you're off chemo)? Seems I'm doing better now as I take Neupogen shots for the low white cells...they were dropping real low in the 2nd week it wasn't picked up on till recently. Not really sure if this was the issue but boy I was always sick before and now rarely ill. Just a thought...praying for you:(
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    Deb, boy oh boy can i relate to your post. It is tiring. It is painful, and it is soooo unfair. In the year 2008, so many should not still be loosing the battle to cancer. you are so right. But... here we are.

    I find that if i choose one thing that i like to do and do it for a shorter time, I feel empowered and not so violated from the treatmentns. I think it is pretty clear what cancer can do to us. But oftten, we forget what it can not do to us. I Love my children and partner more today that ever before. It is a great feeling to be so in touch with those relationships. I am sure you are stronger in spite cancer and the treatments.

    I also had to have my treatments reduced because i was so sick, but like when i lost all my hair, when it came back, it sure did look better.
    focus on the good Deb, there is some in you life every day. I hope it jumps up and finds you often.
  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    My chemo was reduced constantly, I had a horrible time with the oxaliplatin. I you taking amend and steroids for three days after treatment. For me, that was a turning point. We have spoken before. You have been really sick for a long time. Where are you being treated.

  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Oh, Deb. I know how you feel. If you haven't already, try Emend--it really helped with the nausea for me where other anti-nausea drugs did not. Another reason you may feel so weak is dehydration; if your blood pressure drops due to dehydration you will feel weak and ready to let go. Ask for IV fluids if you need to.

    It is terribly sad to lose so many good people to this awful disease. I just hope and pray that some brilliant scientist out there finds a way to make it GO AWAY! Meanwhile, we can hold each other up and pray for us all, vent when we have to, and celebrate when someone is NED. We have each other and that's more than some people have. Hugs, hugs, hugs.
  • dn220
    dn220 Member Posts: 79 Member
    kmygil said:

    Oh, Deb. I know how you feel. If you haven't already, try Emend--it really helped with the nausea for me where other anti-nausea drugs did not. Another reason you may feel so weak is dehydration; if your blood pressure drops due to dehydration you will feel weak and ready to let go. Ask for IV fluids if you need to.

    It is terribly sad to lose so many good people to this awful disease. I just hope and pray that some brilliant scientist out there finds a way to make it GO AWAY! Meanwhile, we can hold each other up and pray for us all, vent when we have to, and celebrate when someone is NED. We have each other and that's more than some people have. Hugs, hugs, hugs.

    I dont know which drug is making me sick. They say the 5FU is causing the diarrhea. I am going thru 60 bags a month and running out the day before my new shipment comes in! they have put me on so many drugs for the diarrhea but notning seems to help it. By the time I got to ER last night my BP was 90/36! Guess thats a good reason to be so weak,HUH? I have been drinking and thought i was drinking enough but apparently not. I have been going to the same doc since the very beginning but maybe they need to make some changes with my drugs. I have no quality of life if all I can do is lie around the house and drag myself to the bathroom or something like that. I cannot do anything since I got sick, too weak and tired. I have a colonscopy scheduled for next month to recheck my colon but maybe they need to check somehwre else to see if it has spread and thats why i am so sick. What do u all think? Maybe I'm just being silly, I dont know.
  • pamysue
    pamysue Member Posts: 105
    I had my 4th of 12 last Thursday and have just dragged myself to the computer tonight. I'm ok until they come and unhook me on Saturdays. Then it's hard to even explain how I feel. Everyone says, "You're nauseated?". But that's not it. I'm just wiped out, feel like crap, constantly fighting between constipation and diarrhea. I can't even hold my eyes open some days although I'm not sleepy, I just can't hold them open. I so feel your pain. This chemo sucks. But, I'm going to make it through it and I hope you will too. I never think getting another medical opinion is a bad thing. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Hi Deb! I think we can all relate to the misery of chemo, so don't think you're downplaying anything. We're here to support one another, and yes, complain if we need to.

    I have a major problem with dehydration and diarrhea too. My systolic blood pressure is almost always under 100, and has dropped as low as 88 before. The ileostomy makes me simply miserable because the diarrhea burns the stoma, and just is unbearable at times. I know what you mean about quality of life ending. That's how i feel since i can no longer go hiking, go swimming, or even do simple tasks anymore. What keeps me going is knowing that someday it will all be over, and i can rebuild my life. That's what the fight is all about...normalcy. I know that none of us will ever have things the way they used to be, but we can create a new 'normal' for ourselves.

    Where are you in your treatments? I start treatment #10 tomorrow, and i'm very excited that after this treatment, i only have two more to go!!! Yeah!!!!!

    Many hugs,