New to the Group

nowonderwoman Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi. Since my best friend has moved away I need to find some support. I was diagnosed with colon cancer in February 2007. I had a colon resection, six months of chemo. This last spring a CAT scan showed the cancer had metastasized to my liver. I am taking chemo and antibody treatments. I will start my sixth treatment tomorrow. The antibody treatments have made me break out in a horrible rash - the worst my doctor has ever seen. I have continued to work in a public office in spite of how horrible I look. I have always had thin hair but just this weekend it has started to fall out by the handful. Has anyone else had these same problems? How did you cope?


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    First of all, welcome to the semi-colons!

    I coped by denying, yelling, laughing, reflecting, hugging all my loved get the drift...anything that gets you through the day!

    My hair thinned, but waited to fall out completely until my second cancer, breast cancer...

    I guess I found that the best place to be is to care for your body like a worn, comfortable old friend. I'm certain that, given the choice, it would NOT have chosen chemo! (LOL) I also picked something I would do AFTER my successful vanquishing of the beast...I chose a 3-day stay in Palm Springs at a spa...thoughts of it got me thru not only the first treatments, but the small bowel obstruction, and the lumpectomy and chemo/rads for the BC....

    Most people were actually very kind to me. Many had stories of a friend or family memeber that was fighting cancer as well. These were wonderful...they asked me what to do/how to treat these people...I told them...'give them normal'...a movie, a massage, just a visit sometimes is better than anything.

    I made no bones about what was happening to me...I am a computer consultant, self-employed, so I had to keep working. If I got too tired, I would just appologize and go home for the day...

    I'm sorry for the rash...others will help...I never had it..

    Hugs, Kathi
  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    Hi, sorry you had to become a member of this club. I don't know what your anitbody is that you are taking, but I know that ebuiterol and ebuterix cause bad rashes usually controlled by antibiotics. Are you at a major cancer center. What was your original diagnosis? If you can post all the information you have, people on this board can be really helpful.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hi, I'm sorry you're here, but you've come to a place where you'll find lots of comfort and good information. We'll all be praying for you.

  • apache4
    apache4 Member Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome to the group even though it sucks to have this diagnosis. I do have the rash and the hair problem and I must give you "kudos" for still working. I can't imagine doing ARE a wonderwoman! I got really depressed with the rash and that is unusual for me. My scalp hurt from it and I couldn't wear my wig so I felt really ugly. The rash also hurt like heck with the burning and itching and I could hardly stand it. Finally, I got an antibiotic after i asked my onc. about it. He said that he doesn't prescribe it routinely as he waits to see the individual reaction. The antibiotic upset my stomach so now I have a cream that seems to help. Anyway, it is much better and my real hair has grown enough to OK without having to wear the wig. What chemo are you getting? I have Irinotecan along with the Erbitux and am being treated at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Already did the Folfox, 16 rounds, and Folfiri, 7 rounds. I wish I could tell you how to cope, but since I did a poor job of it, I can't. You sound like a strong person and I think that you are well on your way to coping well with this. I was dx. 6/06, Stage IV with too many to count liver mets. My best to you. Linda
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    Welcome and thanks for sharing. I am stage 4... colon cancer, 10 months chmo including eributix with terrible rash, liver resection, lung lobectomy and 2 years out with all well right now. Regarding the rash, if it is erbitux I took oral and topical antibiotics and that helped. I also used lots of creams and took many colder showers as that helped me. I taught high school during my treatment so I understand the public issue but people that knew (everyone) was great regarding my rash and the hundreds of pimples. You might want to met with a larger cancer center near you. I drove 4 hours to Stanford only because of the liver surgeon they had who did the surgery to remove the met I had there. With a lot of experince, they were able to get a hand on the rash after trying many different combinations. 6 months later 2 lung mets showed up but they operated immediately. Congrats on going 6 months on the chemo. let us know how things are and if you have any specific questions, please ask. We'll get through this!
    No rain, no rainbow
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    I am glad you found our group. Come here often for support and answers to your questions. I didn't take the chemo you mentioned so I don't have any advice. Take one day at a time and you will prevail.


  • changing2
    changing2 Member Posts: 118
    Hello "working" wonderwoman! Am to start Erbitux soon but will keep you posted as to what I find for relief. Don't know how you keep going....but it's wonderful...hope some ideas here can help with the rash issue.
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    welcome to the group. I am sure you will find support, love, kicks in the butt when needed and many answers to your questions. Is the chemo Erbitox? I have not takien it but I know many have and there are creams that help quite a bit. also, the rash has a direct relationship to the effectivness of the treatment so it may be a really good thing
    good Luck
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Welcome to the semi-colons. I'm sorry you are here, but this is a wonderful place when you are in this situation. I really have no helpful advice for your situation, but I just wanted to tell you that prayers and positive energy are coming your way. Hugs,