Chemo interaction

base61ball Member Posts: 125
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Because of the cytoxin I got a bladder infection from my last infusion. If I drink cran/grape juice will this interfere with the chemo? I am drinking water like crazy but it didn't stop the infection this last time, so would appreciate any input on that. What types of thing interfere with the chemo?


  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    I would urge you to contact your chemo nurse or your chemo doctor and ask them. In my opinion, they will have the best information available on this matter. Sorry I couldn't be of much help. Take care. Other than lots and lots of water, I don't know what else is safe. Marilynn
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Amen to what mgm said! Much as we might want to, we just can't cross that line and give bona fide medical advice! I honestly had the Cancer Center on my Speed-dial, and I also made the RNs my temporary "best friends". Anything that seemed iffy, I was on the phone! Lots of things fall into the can't hurt, might help category. But as far as staving off internal infections? That is way out of my range of knowledge! I dare say there is next to nothing the staff at your Cancer Center hasn't heard....make the call! Hope that helps.

  • I was told also that cytoxin is hard on the bladder, however luckily I did not have any issues. Keep drinking the water, and I would ask your doc about what else to drink/take. There are many things that interfere with chemo. Good luck. Eil