2nd chemo treatment

base61ball Member Posts: 125
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So far, so good. Right now it is "raining hair" at my house. I gave up pets years ago because of pet hair - now its me messing up the furniture (tee hee). Anyway have my appt to have hair off and wig on Tuesday the 15th - looking forward to it. I will have hair that looks presentable every day and the mystery of what will grow out later. I have super curly hair so it will be interesting to see. God is good - 5 more to go - 2 more c/a and 4 taxotere.


  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    You have a wonderful, upbeat attitude toward your chemo experience. Good for you. Keep it up. Attitude is so important, and in my opinion, a positive attitude wins half the battle. Enjoy your wig and new hair do. It's been 10 weeks since I finished my chemo and my hair is growing back - just the way it was before chemo. Maybe your curls will return too. Hugs, Marilynn
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Good for you and your upbeat attitude! I am convinced it helps in all things! Be aware of the fatigue which may be cumulative~ listen to your body, ok?

    Isn't the falling hair a mess of epic proportion??? I had the foolish idea that if I was extremely gentle with my hair and scalp, I could save my beautiful hair from ending up on the pillow, the shower, and "ewwwwww", all over the kitchen!!! Dinner had some unplanned and unwanted protein strands intil I shaved my head, that's for sure. I also experienced extreme scalp tenderness which was instantly resolved by going bald. I sure wish this was part of the conversation my Drs had with me before my first chemo. I realize it may indeed be "old hat" for them, but gosh, it wasn't to me!

    Why am I rambling 5 years later? I don't know! LOL

    You may be extremely lucky with the hair regrowth...even those of us with Stick-Straight Hair ( see me raising my hand!) usually get curly hair when it comes in! It is fun for those of us who never had curly hair except from a box of Toni! :-) The curls don't usually stay~ we end up with pretty much what we started with 99% of the time. I am fascinated how this will play out for you! Keep us informed!

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    You have a great attitude. Isn't it awful to have the hair fly all over the place? My scalp ached so much until I shaved it off, that it was actually a relief to have a dome head for a while. Good luck to you and keep us posted. Hugs and prayers, Lili
  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187
    Sounds like we're on the same sched. Had my head shaved today, and it feels very liberating. If I had more guts I think I'd go out in public like this----operative word being "guts".;>)

    I'm wearing scarves and maybe hats, but the wig feels way too hot, and it's been over 100 here! Whatever makes you feel good is the key---good luck!
    Thanks also for the hint on Biotene gum, mouthwash,etc. , that's the brand I'd found.
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I got a free wig from ACS. It was one of those times when it looked better in the trying on stage than when I got it home. I became the "hat lady" at work, and have had several hats donated to the cause (some a bit too outlandish, even for me). I have kept my favorites and have donated the rest to ACS. I have some scarves too, but I mostly use them to accessorize the hats. My hair is coming back, pretty much as it was, but I still like hats. I guess they will remain as part of the "new me".

    I hope your chemo continues without bad side effects.

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hi Base: Just wanted to add that after I had my head shaved, I went around with a baseball cap, and if it got too hot then I just took it off. I think it is in the attitude. My attitude was, I'm too hot and I don't care what others think I will take my cap off to feel cooler. If they don't like it they don't have to look. PS No one said anything other than that I looked like Demi Moore when she had shaved off her hair for a movie. Stay strong, Hugs, Lili
  • When you get your wig, see if they have any with this little plastic clingy strip at the forehead hair line. It really helped mine stay in place. I just ditched my wig last week in favor of my very short new hair. I had fantasized about torturing my wig (I hated it so!) when I was wearing it. But when it was all over and I saw that little heap of hair that I had been wearing for six months I felt a strange tenderness for it. I wish you beauty, for your hair and your attitude. love, Joyce
  • base61ball
    base61ball Member Posts: 125

    You have a great attitude. Isn't it awful to have the hair fly all over the place? My scalp ached so much until I shaved it off, that it was actually a relief to have a dome head for a while. Good luck to you and keep us posted. Hugs and prayers, Lili

    Lili - Got my wig last night and I love it - my hair never looked so good - and what is nice, shower, dress, add hair, go - no fooling with it. The one thing I wanted to pass along is that after the lady shaved my head, she used lint roller paper to get the little nubs out. The roots are dead, so they just came out - amazing. I did not have a lint roller at home and tried masking tape and packing tape - they don't work. So at lunch time today I am off to find the roller so I can get the rest of the little nubs off. Just wanted to pass that tip on.