Medical Menopause

Kitty3571 Member Posts: 48
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I know that chemo can throw a person into medical menopause - during my chemo of A&C, Taxol & Herceptin for 1-1/2 years, I continued getting my period monthly without any interruptions and I continued to take the birth control pill and my Onc was okay with that becuase I was ER/PR Neg. It's been a year since any meds and I recently quit the BC pill because hubby had a V - It's been 2-1/2 months since quitting the pill and I havnen't had a period since and have started to get hot flashes. Could this be medical menopause or just a side effect of going off the pill? Oh and I did do an EPT, twice negative - Whew! I'm going to dicuss with my Onc tomorrow, then follow up with my Gyn but thought I'd throw this thought out there for any discussion to see what other people might think. Thanks for listening - Kitty


  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    There is a blood test that gynocologists can do to check your Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) level and determine if you are truly menopausal. High amounts of FSH mean that you are probably menapausal, but sometimes other things can cause the reading so do it under the doctor's supervison. If it has been more than two weeks since your last period was expected, a pregnancy test should be fairly accurate. I suspect the pill made you have a period even though you may have entered menapause, but you need to have it checked just to be sure.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hi Kitty: My gynecologist explained that depending on age and whether you were already pre-menopausal, you could loose your cycles for good. I was 49 and stopped getting a period right before my last infusion. He said most likely I may not get another period again. I think you gynecologist will be able to better answer that question since they can do blood tests like cabbot said and they can also do an ultrasound to measure the lining of your uterus. Keep us posted as to what your dr says. Hugs, Lili
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    thanks for posting this issue, and thanks for your answers, ladies. I started Taxol/Herceptin in May'07 and stopped my period in Sep. I am 44. I was off those drugs after 24 weeks, now back on Herceptin alone after A/C and radiation and bilateral mastectomy, still no period, hot/cold flashes are not as strong as they were. I have been wondering if I should expect my period to return or not. Somehow it never occurred to me to talk to the Gyn....DUHHHH! Thanks for the advice.

  • Hi Kitty, I know how you feel--it would be good to be able to know what is exactly going on. I was 42 when diagnosed and starting chemo. I had a period after my fIrst and 2nd treatments but nothing after that. I'm not sure if my hot flashes are from menopause or the tamoxifen. I have mixed emotions about losing my period. Somehow it feels like something was taken away from me that was a part of my routine for most of my life. My onc says that I am most likely in menopause but he will call on monday after reviewing my most recent bloodwork. I am only 44 but menopause and hotflashes make me feel decades older. Let us know how your situation works out, ok? Take care, Eileen
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    unknown said:

    Hi Kitty, I know how you feel--it would be good to be able to know what is exactly going on. I was 42 when diagnosed and starting chemo. I had a period after my fIrst and 2nd treatments but nothing after that. I'm not sure if my hot flashes are from menopause or the tamoxifen. I have mixed emotions about losing my period. Somehow it feels like something was taken away from me that was a part of my routine for most of my life. My onc says that I am most likely in menopause but he will call on monday after reviewing my most recent bloodwork. I am only 44 but menopause and hotflashes make me feel decades older. Let us know how your situation works out, ok? Take care, Eileen

    I grieved when I had to have an oopherectomy for possible ovarian cancer while on tamoxifen. The only thing that was wrong was stubborn cysts and they weren't even there on the day of the operation! I knew in my mid-forties that having a baby was not really a good idea, but now it was impossible. Still, today I'm going to the beach and I don't have to worry about THAT showing up unexpectedly. My moods are more stable and I don't get monthly headaches anymore. The hot flashes are frequent, but they are not as bothersome this year as they were last so maybe I'm getting used to them. Grieve what is gone, but don't forget to look for the blessings too! They are there as well.
  • Kitty3571
    Kitty3571 Member Posts: 48
    Thanks to you all for your responses - very good ideas and helpful information....I saw my onc today and he didn't really say much about it except that if it was med meno that I most likely would have felt some of the symptoms during chemo not a year afterwords and strange that it all started when I quit the bc - so I'll make an appt. with my Gyn soon and keep you posted. Have to get a CT on Tues - my lung nodule (that's a funny word, nodule) needs to be checked again - Found it initially with a breast cancer xray in the beginning of this whole mess - had it biopsied and it wasn't cancer but I guess they just want to keep an eye on it. Who knows? Thanks again and I'll check in again soon. Kitty