
base61ball Member Posts: 125
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have developed lymphedema in the left arm. Sleeve and glove on order. Does it ever drain? My left arm is 4 times the size of my right - is there any hope it will return to normal size? The MLD seems to be making it worse, not better. Could not afford the five day a week treatments for 4-5 weeks so am doing what I can on my own after getting instructions. Anyone else out there a linebacker on the left and a regular woman on the right?


  • Unknown
    I had 2 radical mastectomies at different times. The right one (first one) produced some pretty extreme lymphadema. The left one a much milder case. The first surgery was in '86 and the second in '88. It took some years, but I now have only occasional swelling when I over-use my arms. I hope you can say the same soon. Hugs.
  • base61ball
    base61ball Member Posts: 125
    unknown said:

    I had 2 radical mastectomies at different times. The right one (first one) produced some pretty extreme lymphadema. The left one a much milder case. The first surgery was in '86 and the second in '88. It took some years, but I now have only occasional swelling when I over-use my arms. I hope you can say the same soon. Hugs.

    Do you still have to wear the sleeve? did the exercises help?
  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187
    Have you checked it out on line? I understand there are now some Physical Therapists who specialize in lymphedema treatments. I've learned a lot about various exercises on line without having to buy a book, or actually get P.T. How about the Lymphedema Society (I think that's the name)?
    Good luck, and keep us posted.
  • chris1010
    chris1010 Member Posts: 29
    WOW! I too have lymphedema, but mine is not the to extent of yours (4 times larger than other arm). Mine is maybe a few inches larger. I did do physical therapy where they put my arm in some type of ice pack and a warm pack, had me do exercises and then they pushed fluid (drained) my arm and made measurements of progress.
    Honestly, I felt that it was just a waste of my time, I feel it worked, but I would have had to go more than once a week to really get the effect needed and I did not have the time, so I just gave up and live with it. I don't wear my sleeve and I don't try to push or drain the fluid myself, I just live with it. Sorry, I could not help you, but I do believe it is something medical science needs to learn more about and take into consideration.