Of haircuts and refrigerators...

KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Isn't perspective wonderful? Here I sit, 2 years post any treatment (3.5 years rectal, 2 years breast) and going about living life!

My hair, which I lost not once but twice, is back in such force, that I have to get it cut every 5 weeks!!!

My refrigerator just went crazy, and I had to deal with that.

My point? I remember not too long ago how different my life was, taking treatments that made me feel less than well (I was one of those that reacted to EVERY chemo treatment..lol), and sporting a shiny head. Sure, I still do my annual and semi-annual checks (colonoscopy coming up..ewwww), but I am so grateful that I have the time to do the 'normal' living!!!!

I didn't think it would ever happen....

SOOOOO, 2 years out, life is still good, my cactus garden is blooming (one blooms only one night, once a year...and I caught it!!!), and I get to worry about things like haircuts and refrigerators!!!

Hugs, Kathi


  • Kitty3571
    Kitty3571 Member Posts: 48
    You are so funny girl - I can totally relate! I'm a little over 2 years out and life now seems sort of normal, but I remember going through my 1-1/2 years of treatments thinking to myself "will life ever BE normal again?" And here we are dealing with lifes everyday situations with cancer left in the wings behind us - Hopefully for good - time will tell, in time there will be less "C" worries and more time to worry about our applicances :) It's funny what becomes priority in our lives - I was just thinking the other day "Geeze, I hate my hair" then REALITY CHECK - At least I have hair now - What was I thinking?!?!? Here's to many more years of the SIMPLE things to worry about - Kitty
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    The time has come, the Walrus said, To talk of many things,
    Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of Cabbages and Kings...

    Maybe Lewis Carrol, who penned those words in 1872 as part of the Alice In Wonderland series somehow knew that we would need to speak of fluff and nonsense in our lives today!

    Whatever our new normal is~ I am so glad to have one! As are all of us in here. To be able to spout, vent, rejoice, commiserate, and just be Women is so empowering!

    You rock, Ms Kathi! You continue to make me smile; it's a pleasure to know you!

  • liz11808
    liz11808 Member Posts: 34
    Kitty3571 said:

    You are so funny girl - I can totally relate! I'm a little over 2 years out and life now seems sort of normal, but I remember going through my 1-1/2 years of treatments thinking to myself "will life ever BE normal again?" And here we are dealing with lifes everyday situations with cancer left in the wings behind us - Hopefully for good - time will tell, in time there will be less "C" worries and more time to worry about our applicances :) It's funny what becomes priority in our lives - I was just thinking the other day "Geeze, I hate my hair" then REALITY CHECK - At least I have hair now - What was I thinking?!?!? Here's to many more years of the SIMPLE things to worry about - Kitty

    Hello Kathi,
    It's nice to hear about your hair now growing and about your refrigerator, if it stop working buy a new one. Also glad to hear about your cactus that you got to see the flower. Me too had a lot of cactus and orchids, they were all blooming when I started my chemo and my backyard are just full of colors. I am rightnow busy cutting some of my cactus (epiphyllum) and planting them. Nice to hear that you enjoy cactus gardening. There flowers are amazing but they only last for about 1 to 3 days the most.
    Thank you for sharing and take care.
    God bless, Liz
  • sylva
    sylva Member Posts: 80
    THANK YOU for sharing your "NORMAL LIFE"!!!
    I'm going to have the last chemo treatment next week, booold, not being able to go to work (I work in a pediatriatian office and the oncologist told me NO NO to work), uncertainty... sometimes "normal life" seems to be so so far... But here you are, having haircuts and a refrigerator that went bananas!!, the light at the end of the tunnel... ENJOY!!!
  • Thanks for the positive report from your present and my future. I am just starting to feel post treatment, with rads about 3 weeks behind now and hair growing. My major applicances are doing fine, but even if one went crazy...better it than me! Thanks for the good news and congratulations for enjoying the life you fought for. You deserve the best now. Love, Joyce
  • Kathi, Your post was so uplifting! You're right, cancer does make one appreciate all of the little pleasures in life and laugh at all the little things that used to drive us crazy. Lance Armstrong was right, we are the lucky ones because we know how fragile and short life is and that we must savour every minute so that when we are old and gray the years won't be just a blur. Congrats on your wonderful life!
  • Hugs Kathi.
    I am celebrating 22 years as a survivor this month....and I am on my fourth....count 'em...FOURTH refrigerator....HAHAHAHA
  • lfly
    lfly Member Posts: 50
    WOW! Ya'll make me smile. Congrats to everyone. Yes, we are alive and truly living. You ladies are great.

    Yes, I'm from the sticks in Oklahoma. I used to have lots of cactus and "hens and chicks". Easy to keep alive here. I moved and let them stay at their "home".

    Hair cuts and auto repairs here. No complaints though.

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    WHOO HOOO! I LOVE YOUR POST! You are so right, I have had cancer 3 times, lost my hair three times and have had a multitude of surgeries. Yet, I live loving each and everyday. I cherish the time with my husband and my grand kids are a blast. Life does go on and it can be great! Thanks for the reminder.

  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Kitty3571 said:

    You are so funny girl - I can totally relate! I'm a little over 2 years out and life now seems sort of normal, but I remember going through my 1-1/2 years of treatments thinking to myself "will life ever BE normal again?" And here we are dealing with lifes everyday situations with cancer left in the wings behind us - Hopefully for good - time will tell, in time there will be less "C" worries and more time to worry about our applicances :) It's funny what becomes priority in our lives - I was just thinking the other day "Geeze, I hate my hair" then REALITY CHECK - At least I have hair now - What was I thinking?!?!? Here's to many more years of the SIMPLE things to worry about - Kitty

    Hey Kathi,
    Now that you have survived baldness, if you don't like your hair, change it or get rid of it, right? There's a lot in life we can't control, but we can control that! We can also control our attitudes, and you and Kitty have done that.

    Thanks, seof
  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I have five more rads to go and am burned, aching, and hurting. My hair is peach fuzz and I feel like poop! You've made me realize that I'm close to the end and that I, too, can worry about my appliances and getting my hair cut. You DOLL! Again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Hugs, Marilynn
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Thank you Kathi, Here I sit thanking God that I got through my 1st year and reading your inspiring post. How great it is to worry about our hair again and a fridge going on the blitz, rather than am I going to make it through another day of feeling yucky. Hoorrraaayyyy for all of us that are done with everything, and to those that are still going through it: You will be DONE and we will all be celebrating with you when you are. Love, Lili
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    ......and just think some day before long a day will go by and you won't even think of the c word.