Thank You!

shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
It is so humbling to see all the responses to my post. There was a time, you can ask Emily & Scouty, where I was afraid to post good news. I wasn't sure if I would jinx myself or sound like I was bragging or something. However, now I finally feel like I do want to shout it from a mountain top "I am cancer FREE!". I will do it this summer, when I can climb again. I have three or four that I would like to climb this summer. I've been talking about it, you know how you say you are gonna do something and then you never get around to it? Well, this summer I am going to! They aren't technical peaks, but they are high and I think God will hear me! Anyway, good luck to you all. I just wanted you all to know how much your responses mean.
-Susan H.


  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Susan, your post meant an awful lot to us, as well. Good news is always exciting. Enjoy your climbing this summer! My dream is to go to Paris, and I am trying to figure a way to do that!
  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Susan... I firmly believe when one wins we all win in some small way. Sharing good news is one way of encouraging people to have hope and if it helps just ONE person through this , then it is SO worth it. It isn't Bragging, it's encouraging those to keep hope alive. God Bless, ... and GO SHOUT IT FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP!

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    hi Susan!

    Cancer has given me the phrase, "What are you waiting for?". Cancer has given me a sense of urgency in creating and living out the life I truly want.

    So yeah, you attack those peaks, you yell out your reality, CANCER FREEEEEEEEEE, and then rest assured that you have earned your "bragging rights" no matter how long your survival has been. If it's one month or one year or one decade!

    I have always secretly wanted to do a triathlon so I had to ask What am I waiting for? This summer I will doing my first outdoor Sprint Triathlon (I did an indoor one last month as a practice run). I surely feel that I will carry with me my survivalship, along with everyone who has ever felt compelled to attack a challenge post cancer.

    So when you climb your mountains this summer know that my voice will join your from that peak!


    peace, emily