I need your help!

TY2HC Member Posts: 46
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I have started a website that focuses on people sharing their stories about Cancer. My original idea was to help educate those people looking for information on how Cancer was going to affect their lives. When I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, there weren't alot of resources that provided that information. Now there are a quite a few.

So, I changed my focus a little. I still want to provide an educational resource but I also want to provide a financial resource. I am in the beginning stages of starting a non-profit that will work with hospitals and other organizations to help people with their financial needs now. There is a great deal of resources going toward research, which is great. The problem is there are people out there that can't receive medical attention, afford to pay their mortgage/rent, afford to pay for groceries, ect. I want to help with that! I am sick of sitting on the sidelines while people are suffering!

How you can help, let me know if you feel there is a need for this. If you are interested in taking a look at my site the go to http://www.tooyoungtohavecancer.googlepages.com.



  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    when I tried to go to your website it said it couldn't be found.

    We were in the "can't afford to pay the mortgage" catagory which I am sure there are many. Ended up having to sell the place.

    Good luck in your endeavor.

    peace, emily
  • TY2HC
    TY2HC Member Posts: 46
    2bhealed said:


    when I tried to go to your website it said it couldn't be found.

    We were in the "can't afford to pay the mortgage" catagory which I am sure there are many. Ended up having to sell the place.

    Good luck in your endeavor.

    peace, emily

    You may have to copy the text and paste it in the search line. I have not yet fully made it in the google index. I have a couple of pages indexed but not my main page. They say it takes time to get on the index.

    I am sorry you had to sell your house. I am hoping I can have this up and running by July or August 2008. I fear I might be too late for a lot of people, much like yourself. Thanks for your well wishes.
  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    If you would like to talk privately please send me a private e-mail. I run a charitable foundation and can probably give you some advice. I also am a stage 3A - currently ned colon cancer survivor.
