How often for repeat colonoscopy?

crg123 Member Posts: 80
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi! I need to check in with my friends ...
How often have you all been advised to get a repeat colonoscopy? My brief history...
Oct., 2006, routine colonoscopy reveals a 4cm adenocarcinoma partially blocking the sigmoid colon. Left hemicolectony 10 days later found one lymph node involved (stage IIIa). FOLFOX for 9 rounds, and Xeloda for 2 rounds. Finished, June 2007. Repeat colonoscopy last June = "squeaky clean". Repeat scans last October negative for metastasis. :~) My colorectal surgeon now says I can go 3 years before having another colonoscopy. Not that I relish having the dang thing done, but I thought it was every year for a while. ????
What are you guys doing?


  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    No, your doctor is right. If they find a polyp they do it again the next year. If you are all clean they do it every 3 years! Sounds like you are doing very well, congratulations!
  • crg123
    crg123 Member Posts: 80

    No, your doctor is right. If they find a polyp they do it again the next year. If you are all clean they do it every 3 years! Sounds like you are doing very well, congratulations!

  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    My history is somewhat similar to yours. I was diagnosed 3A - 2 lymph nodes in Jan 07 - surgery, chemo, radiation finished in August. Had clean scans in November and a totally clean colonoscopy in January 08. My oncologist and gastroenterologist, said two more annual colonoscopies (along with scans every six months) and if everything stays clear, the colonoscopies go to every three years.
  • 4law
    4law Member Posts: 110
    There must be a protocol for your type and stage of cancer -- I don't know what it is, but your doctor should know and I suspect he is following the protocol. For myself, I was diagnosed in 9/04, had surgery in 1/05 and just had my 3rd annual colonoscopy last week (plus 3rd annual CT scan a few weeks ago). All results were clean. I was told I would have another colonoscopy in 2 years. I still will see my surgeon in 6 months. My oncologist appointments are now yearly. I assume my doctors are following a protocol for my rectal cancer. I was told rectal cancer is very aggressive and if it returns, it usually returns within 3 years. As far as I am concerned, I beat the disease.
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    My DH ws dx'd in 6/5 with stage 4 (liver mets). He had follow up colonoscopy at 1 yr and again at 2 yr. Both were clean and therefore he has been advised to have the next colonoscopy in three years. The onc agreed with the time frame although he is still dealing with the liver mets that won't seem to stay gone.
    Sounds like your doc is on the mark for what you described.