Lung Surgery question

Monicaemilia Member Posts: 455 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone - has anyone ever had lung surgery with spots on both lungs? I am going to see a thoracic surgeon tomorrow here in Canada. I already have an opinion from Argentina that they would do surgery, based on my latest c-scan results. For the most part the opinions from my onc and gi surgeons here have been 'no surgery'. Any thoughts? Monica


  • janpuck
    janpuck Member Posts: 7
    Stepson had V.A.T.S. surgery at Duke University with spots on both lungs. Surgery was more to tell if they were in fact malignant. (which they were). We are now looking at surgery in Germany and also RFA. Have you looked at RFA? The surgery will probably depend on where the spots are located. They can do one side, then the other if located in the right places. Please send me private email. would love to talk to you more about this!!! Jan
  • KFalvey
    KFalvey Member Posts: 118 Member

    Yes, I had VATS done on my right lung last July for a 1cm. tumor and had a thoracotomy done on the left lung in Oct,07 for 2- 1cm. tumors. Couldn't have VATS for that because of the position of the tumors. Both were mets of my CC. All of my doctors prefer surgical removal if possible first. It's my own preference also.
    Good Luck to you.
  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    No experience with this, but just want you to know your in my prayers and I know you will be persistant as before! Keep the faith

    God Bless
  • Monicaemilia
    Monicaemilia Member Posts: 455 Member
    Thanks everyone. The surgeon told me that he would do surgery. As I have multiple nodules, he suggested going on a chemo break to ensure that no additional nodules would pop up. He has no issue if the ones that are already there get bigger. Soooo, I'm doing one more cycle of chemo, then a c-scan, and hopefully a break to determine the next steps.

    Thanks again for your input and kind words. I will keep you posted. Monica